Its Great to see that A is ontop of things as always. She has the best price on name brand corisopridol. She has 100% positive reveiws except for the guy who claims he started a money gram investigation. Good luck with that. As FrankieGirl said, know where to look for what you are looking for. Almost any medicine you need is available. Researching various sources and keeping up on the ones that interest you is crucial to receiving quality product. Some places such as certussrx have been around awhile,,,, and others even though they were a good source last week,,, doesn't mean that they will be there next week.
I have learned before I order read the most recent post about that source on whatever forums you can find them on. certussrx is definitly a source that you will get name brand, very fresh, in the bottle product.
Not everything is in a container,,, but if you want specifc meds that are supplied that way,,
then you can request to receive them that way. Visa accepted can vouche for that, along with many others. Keep up the GREAT customer service certussrx,,,,we need you. I love DBG /default_wub.png v