Yeah Interlude check this one out from today I have blocked him as I do not want any part of him or his loose screws.
This Dnasty guy has a few screws loose steer clear from him including vendors reading this.
here is what he just sent me: Of course there was no photo.jpg!
Dnasty said:
This is a photo of the receipt MGram emailed me. Ok now here's the deal, they want to do an investigation, so I figured before I start giving out your email & telling them to investigate Ramon, what do you want to do. Everyone I talked to was very nosy, the funds were picked up by Ramon. They are going to check video, the cashier that cashed it out & they said its a federal investigation. So please before this whole thing gets stupid just send my order so we don't have to go through all this.
photo.JPG - Print.
If you can't see it, send me your email.
Fuck you for thinking I'd rip anyone off. I sent my goddamn money and I got ripped off. What's the fucking point of me raising hell about it on here if it didn't happen?? That does NO good. Fuck this. Jesus, I thought the point of this forum was to let people know when shit went down. What the fuck man? What did I ever do to you?