djmcheme, if you think you're above getting scammed because you do your homework, find reliable sources, and understand business you are ripe for the pickin'. these sites have been going since 1998. Before this "A" character was stuffing envelopes, there were a half dozen other "A's" before him/her. Not to mention K's, J's, L's, P's, C's, etc, etc....There were sites, before sites, before sites. From fasturnaround, to quick meds, to pillsdirect..those gave way to your meds, then there was cancunrx, then certuss, etc, etc... Hundreds and Hundreds of them. They were all VERY reliable. But, just like all the others, one day they vanished. Of course, they always vanished with the money! The money of customers just like you. Then, another one would pop up (usually owned by "J", but this time he was going by the name "T"). I remember when they started using female names, b/c their credibility had taken a hit, so they knew the female names would give those that got scammed a little more faith. Back to the point, all of these sites go bust, and they always go bust WITH your money. They dont return it, not ever. The same will happen here, with A, and he'll walk with 10's of thousands of stolen dollars. Then, the next week, she'll be known as Hector, and you along with all your friends will be ordering from her, talking about how honest and reliable she is, etc...there will be another DJmcheme on the forum lecturing someone about "doing your homework, and that I never get scammed b/c I am so street smart, and know about good business." Then, guess what, DJMCHEME Jr. will get scammed by H, just like Sr. got scammed by A. Now, Now. Nobody like someone lecturing them, I know this. Sorry, Sorry! And I know all of you *Cough.Cough* know this already. But, it is important to take a step back, to take a deep breath and remember that we know it from time to time. To remind ourselves of the fact that we will lose in the end. Especially when we get so used to a particular site coming's just a matter of time before it doesn't! In addition, it's important to remind ourselves about the law. And the fact that people DO GET CAUGHT. and get caught often ordering from these sites. I, personally, have known several that have been caught, arrested, charged and sentenced. TAKE THE NECCESSARY PRECAUTIONS to give yourself a fighting chance against LEO. And, having the seller ship to a "fake name" isn't a good precaution.