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FG - Thanks - glad to be back. I have ordered since I have been back with no problems! A was always nice to me and likewise.

Today, however, I did not receive a reply to an email that I sent Saturday. I told her that I knew she would be "away" on a Saturday but I was emailing her so she would get it Monday morning (today). I have not heard anything - anything at all and she has ALWAYS replied back to my emails in just a few hours...... we will see....

Doubtful , I wish your guess was right my friend .. no i still haven't recieved maybe Monday ? Actually i was hoping to get something today but wishful thinking I guess .... I hope so and will gladly eat crow at this point ! Anything to get what I honestly did pay for over a week ago and was promised Saturday delivery when I fist contacted "A" about it on Thursday a week ago ...

I emailed A today again asking for the TN .. no response but of course it is the weekend so i totally understand not hearing back ..


Adding this on ... no one here knows me but I am not doing this to cause a ruckus or for attention .. i really hate doing this , all the calls and emails i have better things to do with my time im not asking for any special favors or extras from "A" .. i just would have liked what I payed for on the day I payed for ... I didnt demand the product and I didnt demand the date to be delivered .. .I asked about each and both were promised to me .. " yes we have that product and yes I can have it delivered on saturday for you "
i hope you get your order, but FYI you have nothing to prove here... No need to continually explain that you aren't lying.

Emailed "A this morning and got a response 4-5 hrs later, she's around, just busy I quess..

NTRL, now take this with the intention in which it was meant, (wonderment and advice) why on earth do you continue to hang out in a place where you were allegedly scammed a $1000? It's not going to miraculously appear back in your purse no matter how nice you are greeting newcomers. An explanation would be interesting.


Young , was sent a tn this am which didnt work on shippers site ..contacted "A" . she said she would check it out .. and that it should be this am .. which no package showed up .. but I'm not sure what your asking what do you mean hang out ? i just want what i paid for is that too much to ask ?

Young , was sent a tn this am which didnt work on shippers site ..contacted "A" . she said she would check it out .. and that it should be this am .. which no package showed up .. but I'm not sure what your asking what do you mean hang out ? i just want what i paid for is that too much to ask ?
this is becoming silly. A doesnt do this. Ill say it..you're lying.
I haven't been having a good experience with this place at all .. she claims the mg isnt there so I have called mg twice and it was picked up 6 days ago .. every time i email about whats going on its always seem i have to restart the story all over again .. last time after repeating myself, she wanted to know the date and TIME it was picked up , well i had already given her the date once so now i called them again to give her the time.. I've tried contacting her since for an update with no luck .. at this point it looks like out another large sum , which will be 2 now in the last few weeks .. puts a bad taste in my mouth for the whole system and how it works down there .. what can I do ? i did what she asked , I sent the money for Saturday delivery Thursday , she promised Saturday shipping then claims the money isn't there to be picked up ..I'm tired of it and at this point there isn't anything more i can do for at her mercy and preparing to take YET another big rip off loss . not saying its her and don't really care at this point cause either way its another big loss for me ..

losing faith and trust in this way of trying to do the right thing they want done and play by there rules , ntrl

I really wish that I was only making all this up but cant even think of a reason why i would do that !
To get items you didn't actually pay for?

You show up with a negative post on 5/6 (first post in this thread) after an initial order (a large order to start with any vendor is not recommended). And then it seems like whole lot of miscommunication between you and her about emails that really accomplished nothing. I've emailed here many times after small issues with receiver names being slightly incorrect or a mistake with the WU/MG # but never the drama you've seem to have had.

Also, I believe you referenced "R" in one of your posts (I'm assuming you mean her partner "R" at healthprovidersrx). She is directly associated with them and they came into business after certusrx to take over some of the day-day business and yet you order from "A:" after supposedly getting jobbed by "R". You make no sense! I've know "A" for two years and she wouldn't be asking a customer when the funds were picked up, she would know that as uyou provide the reference #

I (and most others here) stand behind her 100%, I'm like 30/30 in orders over the last 2 years and I doubt that she randomly picked you to scam. Are you being straight with us or just trying to jam someone. Not trying to start a flame here but something in this story doesn't add up.

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I'm beginning to think that maybe NTRL is a competitor. I'm new to this and maybe these things dont happen, but I agree... something is fishy. I value this site, and don't appreciate anyone compromising the integrity of the info we share. You've been ferreted out, now go away.

NTRL - There isn't one of us here who hasn't been scammed at one time or another. Take your lumps and move up with some self dignity like the rest of us. Nothing is going to happen. Telling your yarn to all the new members is not going to raise an army to form a coup d'état against the Mexican section. There is no tooth fairy that will reimburse you. For you things didn't work out the way you wanted. Stay and be an active DBG and forget what happened and start over or move along. That's all I can say to you

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I have placed many orders with A and all has gone well. She and I exchanged a few emails at the start and a little through out. However, there is something going on right now that started at the first of the week. I am not and will not put any of it unless things "stay a little weird" as they are right now. I will let you know tomorrow.....


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djmcheme, if you think you're above getting scammed because you do your homework, find reliable sources, and understand business you are ripe for the pickin'. these sites have been going since 1998. Before this "A" character was stuffing envelopes, there were a half dozen other "A's" before him/her. Not to mention K's, J's, L's, P's, C's, etc, etc....There were sites, before sites, before sites. From fasturnaround, to quick meds, to pillsdirect..those gave way to your meds, then there was cancunrx, then certuss, etc, etc... Hundreds and Hundreds of them. They were all VERY reliable. But, just like all the others, one day they vanished. Of course, they always vanished with the money! The money of customers just like you. Then, another one would pop up (usually owned by "J", but this time he was going by the name "T"). I remember when they started using female names, b/c their credibility had taken a hit, so they knew the female names would give those that got scammed a little more faith. Back to the point, all of these sites go bust, and they always go bust WITH your money. They dont return it, not ever. The same will happen here, with A, and he'll walk with 10's of thousands of stolen dollars. Then, the next week, she'll be known as Hector, and you along with all your friends will be ordering from her, talking about how honest and reliable she is, etc...there will be another DJmcheme on the forum lecturing someone about "doing your homework, and that I never get scammed b/c I am so street smart, and know about good business." Then, guess what, DJMCHEME Jr. will get scammed by H, just like Sr. got scammed by A. Now, Now. Nobody like someone lecturing them, I know this. Sorry, Sorry! And I know all of you *Cough.Cough* know this already. But, it is important to take a step back, to take a deep breath and remember that we know it from time to time. To remind ourselves of the fact that we will lose in the end. Especially when we get so used to a particular site coming thru...it's just a matter of time before it doesn't! In addition, it's important to remind ourselves about the law. And the fact that people DO GET CAUGHT. and get caught often ordering from these sites. I, personally, have known several that have been caught, arrested, charged and sentenced. TAKE THE NECCESSARY PRECAUTIONS to give yourself a fighting chance against LEO. And, having the seller ship to a "fake name" isn't a good precaution.


How is it that you personally know several who were caught, charged, sentenced, etc? I'd love to read about it....I've searched the net and never found....do you have info you can share?

Also, what do you think the necessary precautions are?



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ah yes. good questions FrankieGirl. I would like to know how to better protect myself. I myself haven't found any articles about people getting caught. I bet some have... I just can't find anything on it. do you have any articles or other links that we can read about? If you would rather pm me with the details on how to better protect myself, i completely understand, Haisurf

Thanks in advance for your information

djmcheme, if you think you're above getting scammed because you do your homework, find reliable sources, and understand business you are ripe for the pickin'. these sites have been going since 1998. Before this "A" character was stuffing envelopes, there were a half dozen other "A's" before him/her. Not to mention K's, J's, L's, P's, C's, etc, etc....There were sites, before sites, before sites. From fasturnaround, to quick meds, to pillsdirect..those gave way to your meds, then there was cancunrx, then certuss, etc, etc... Hundreds and Hundreds of them. They were all VERY reliable. But, just like all the others, one day they vanished. Of course, they always vanished with the money! The money of customers just like you. Then, another one would pop up (usually owned by "J", but this time he was going by the name "T"). I remember when they started using female names, b/c their credibility had taken a hit, so they knew the female names would give those that got scammed a little more faith. Back to the point, all of these sites go bust, and they always go bust WITH your money. They dont return it, not ever. The same will happen here, with A, and he'll walk with 10's of thousands of stolen dollars. Then, the next week, she'll be known as Hector, and you along with all your friends will be ordering from her, talking about how honest and reliable she is, etc...there will be another DJmcheme on the forum lecturing someone about "doing your homework, and that I never get scammed b/c I am so street smart, and know about good business." Then, guess what, DJMCHEME Jr. will get scammed by H, just like Sr. got scammed by A. Now, Now. Nobody like someone lecturing them, I know this. Sorry, Sorry! And I know all of you *Cough.Cough* know this already. But, it is important to take a step back, to take a deep breath and remember that we know it from time to time. To remind ourselves of the fact that we will lose in the end. Especially when we get so used to a particular site coming thru...it's just a matter of time before it doesn't! In addition, it's important to remind ourselves about the law. And the fact that people DO GET CAUGHT. and get caught often ordering from these sites. I, personally, have known several that have been caught, arrested, charged and sentenced. TAKE THE NECCESSARY PRECAUTIONS to give yourself a fighting chance against LEO. And, having the seller ship to a "fake name" isn't a good precaution.

Your wisdom is invaluable (cough.cough) and I appreciate your theory. However, the "A" we are discussing has not disappeared and continues to communicate/ship to other members as promised. It is important for members to step forward and protect those vendors who are running legit businesses, and I believe that is the reason behind the backlash against NTRL (If, in fact that is why you are ranting). Get some excercise or maybe a massage, and R E L A X.


Don't sweat this person, GAD!

There will always be those who feel superior, and more intelligent than the rest of us, and feel the need to tell others how lame they are!

As you can see they haven't come back to share how they personally know all these busted, charged and imprisoned buyers! Now, that said, I am aware that Alicia could tire of this business and want out....its happened before. Do I think she would leave with tens of thousands of members dollars??...NO, I absolutely do not! I think if she wanted out she would advise her clients that she was done, and try to help them find a new vendor...

As far as NTRL, I'm happy A didn't cave to the pressure and worry of bad reviews and send a package that she wasn't paid for! She was going to, and I told her that her client base on dbg.com trusted her and believed in her, and I didn't want her to bend to blackmail!! NTRL couldn't provide a working money transfer number....IF they did send a moneygram, mg canceled it before A could pick it up!! All I know is when M from universal scammed me, if a mod or senior boardmember had offered to prove my story AND promised to get my package shipped when proven, I'd have been ALL over that assistance!! NTRL didn't want help - that spoke VOLUMES to me!!

Ignore them and hopefully they'll go away (as my mama used to say) - A knows this board believes in her and trusts her and is VERY pleased with her service!


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Thanks FG,

I will ignore him, you're right. That is always the best policy when dealing with irrational people.

I think I lost my patience with NTRL when she refused your help but continued to complain. I am so glad to hear that A did not cave, soooooo glad!

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I'm sure she's lurking around somewhere.

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ha ha ha. good grief. Well you gotta give a gal some amazing persistance intrying, thats worth maybe a Val.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. D @ druuls: @LatsDoodis I mistook it for the seach bar, was wondering what the process is
  2. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @druuls those are two words, yes. Will they be attached to the rest of a sentence?
  3. D @ druuls: sorry about that
  4. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  5. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  6. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  7. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  8. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  9. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  10. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  11. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  13. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  14. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  15. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  18. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  20. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good