I still got my package right on time. Never got a TN because my package arrived before A made it to the office on Monday.Another flawless order. ordered wed, got tn late that night, shipper had problems, they're site said "changed to Fri. by end of day, what a surprise to get at 5 on Thriusday. Still the best.
I did Marco - placed on Fri - it was the same receiver we both used during our last chat (refer to inbox). Lmk if you need any additional infoHas anyone placed an order with "A" on Friday? I'm just wondering if her MG receiver info has changed as I want to send payment today for a new order and I usually can't get a hold of her on the weekends.
thanks sunnyI did Marco - placed on Fri - it was the same receiver we both used during our last chat (refer to inbox). Lmk if you need any additional info /default_smile.png
Hey, has anyone ever received a delivery without getting a TN. She said i would get TN last night and I got nothing. Usually get TN between 10-12pm. I'm surprised, wonder if she didn't have time to send it[i hope} or if it didn't get shippedSame here, right around 10:30. Was concerned initially as the TN she sent late last night only said shipping label was generated. Checked this morning and the stauts was In-Transit/ On-Time. Another flawless transaction with "A".
Thanks, I contacted her this morning and she gave me TN. It said , out for deliverly by end of day. It's 6:00 now, I'm not feeling too good about this. A little worried and a little paranoid. just went to shippers site and asked to email if any delays or changes. This is nerve racking today, will have to check out My Choice.Yes a friend of mine did not receive a TN last night as well, said package still showed up this morning right on time though, by 9:45am. He says to sign up for UPS My Choice. You'll always get your TN many hours sooner than you would otherwise.