I had the exact same problem(s) on two or three orders in a row late last year with R. As you know, they don't physically handle or ship the products, only process orders, so the issue is with the order fulfillment people. R took care of me well each time, as I'm sure A will for you. The good news is that I've had no such problems since, so hopefully it's just a temporary string of unfortunate luck.Ugh! Missing part of an order again and some product was crushed due to packaging! I love A buy I am a little frustrated!
I see your point RH, and absolutely agree. The track records of A, R and a select few others certainly speak for themselves. That being said, and in fairness, I mentioned in a previous post that the same thing happened to me with 2 consecutive, multi-product orders with R late last year. Of course, it was simply a shipping department error, and R corrected it immediately and at his expense, but I can confirm through personal experience that such a situation isn't without precedent. Just FYI. I'm sure A will take care of the issue in short order.Yeah right thats a big word J.
In all seriousness I dont think that the law of averages are on your side. Lets look at the facts. A has been a top notch vendor for several years. Now you pop up and say you have been shorted TWICE. Now I am a man of averages. A has a stellar rating period. Sit down count your delivery and get back to me;-)