Oh my god! Huge nostalgia going on here! I played the SNES; whenever we went on holiday that used to be the 'portable' thing we'd bring. There was one time it was my 10th birthday, we were in a caravan, and I was playing it in the morning before anyone else got up.
Street Fighter 2 (Turbo). I remember that so well...! That was my favourite... I played Super Mario World a lot as well. And I wonder if this game rings a bell for anyone: Bubsy! I used to love that so much! Then there was Doom. I played that, luckily my parents were a little lenient with me playing games like that.
Saying all this, I did have a Playstation at the time, but when we went on holiday we'd bring the SNES. Ah, memories. =)
And yeah, the excitement of Christmas morning as a kid. This is typical me being gloomy, but I remember the excitement fading when I was about 12/13, and desperately wanting that Christmas feeling to stay. =/