
The service wasn't garbage till as of recently, well mid July I guess? Idk what their deal is all I can say is that untill the last order I placed in mid July, they did have good turn around times with good products. Then this last order I got a shipment conformation on July 21st or 22nd and I still haven't received anything from them! I'm not telling anyone to send them any $$ till they get back on track & their reviews reflect that their legit again. That is if they are planning on getting back on track to normal turn around times. Im just not gonna let them take my $$$ without trying to get the products I paid for! They supposedly reshipped half of my order a few weeks ago but I have yet to see anything from them. If people really are starting to receive their reshipments good for them but I haven't gotten anything yet who knows maybe it will come this week as promised but my hopes aren't too high at this point and would not recommend them to anyone till they get their shit back together.

Done waiting, posting, complaining and emailing them....

Was a great source for years with 10 day turn around....Now I'm waiting on 2 packages from April / May and recevied a LL about a month ago. Today another empty mailbox...I give up.

Clubalp thanks for great service in the past....Keep my money I hope it was worth losing a long time customer.

I could put it alot more bluntly but will be a gentleman about it.

Done waiting, posting, complaining and emailing them....

Was a great source for years with 10 day turn around....Now I'm waiting on 2 packages from April / May and recevied a LL about a month ago. Today another empty mailbox...I give up.

Clubalp thanks for great service in the past....Keep my money I hope it was worth losing a long time customer.

I could put it alot more bluntly but will be a gentleman about it.
Really sorry to hear that. It would seem like we're not asking for much, but the IOP world gets crazier and crazier all the time. You'll find a new vendor, so chin up, and good luck!

They owe me a whole order from 2 months ago they said they reshipped the first part of it but nothing and to top it off they never answer my emails unless I place a new order then I get payment instructions rite away. Clubalp it's not rite that your not reshipping these missing orders /packages to loyal customers that have done nothing but give you good feed back until now! You can't even return loyal customers emails we're not talking one package that's missing the whole order did not show! This reship should of been taken care of a month ago! If you order from these guys good luck send me the $ at least I'll answer your emails! You know what your doing is wrong please just make it rite I have always been a loyal customer don't deserve to loose $400... Yeah that's rite $400 so all you newbees think about that before you order and think well I'll take the chance. No one should order from Clubalp till everyone receives their reshipments in full, it's not our fault your site got hacked been patient but patience is running out by the day! Do the rite thing already and answer us and let us know what is going on with our reshipments!

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$400 bucks!!! Wow! Sorry to hear it was so much.

That's a LOT of money to be taken for. I've never made a single order for over $120. And I usually wait until the one order has arrived, before making the next one. Especially in the case with IOP's who I don't have 100% trust in.

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...No one should order from Clubalp till everyone receives their reshipments in full, it's not our fault your site got hacked been patient but patience is running out by the day! Do the rite thing already and answer us and let us know what is going on with our reshipments!
(Had to cut the quote a bit). I think once an IOP pulls shit like this they should never be trusted again, even if they do make good on every single package. I have a feeling they believe the same thing. If we give them their orders now, they won't be back anyway, so fuck em. Lets open up shop somewhere else, and don't forget the stack of photoshopped LL's. And please, lets stay on top of sending out that payment info, there still be oil in that well.

I feel very bad that you got burned. I've been there, it can be very hard to accept. But they are doing the right thing, businesswise. It doesn't jibe with our morals, but, then again, we're already on the other side of a pretty big line ourselves.

(Had to cut the quote a bit). I think once an IOP pulls shit like this they should never be trusted again, even if they do make good on every single package. I have a feeling they believe the same thing. If we give them their orders now, they won't be back anyway, so fuck em. Lets open up shop somewhere else, and don't forget the stack of photoshopped LL's. And please, lets stay on top of sending out that payment info, there still be oil in that well.

I feel very bad that you got burned. I've been there, it can be very hard to accept. But they are doing the right thing, businesswise. It doesn't jibe with our morals, but, then again, we're already on the other side of a pretty big line ourselves.
While I'm sure you're going to take some flack for the "they're doing the right thing, business wise" comment, you actually make an excellent point that most would miss. This is quite the reactionary market we participate in, and once the goodwill is blown, it just isn't coming back. Sure, maybe some diehards will push in their defense, but they'll wind up getting the crap kicked out of them in a flame war, but I digress. The point is, there isn't a lot of gray area to operate in where IOP track record and reputation are concerned. Suspending traditional business ethics for a minute, you're absolutely right. Once a vendor has lost his reputation, even temporarily, it's far easier in this industry to close up shop and re-open on a new site / server two hours later and start from scratch. Just look around the various threads of people getting conned by new vendors. Despite sites like this with experienced members giving hard earned advice to protect people, they'll always be hoards of people running to the next new guy with big promises, teaser pricing, etc. It's certainly nothing new, and is nothing more than the old fashioned P.T. Barnum effect. At the end of the day, they sit and look at a pile of money from unprocessed orders and say the hell with it. Keep the jack and register a new domain name.

And before anyone takes me to task, I'm absolutely NOT saying that stealing from customers is a good thing, nor the "right" thing to do from a moral perspective. Quite the opposite in fact. That said, it should never surprise us when these things happen, and we should never lose site of the fact that when you play in someone else's neighborhood, the rules of your own neighborhood no longer apply. As SS points out, our morals don't apply to to the lives of most of these vendors, given the industry space they operate within. Frankly, we should consider ourselves damn lucky when we run across vendors who actually do possess somewhat of a traditional moral standard. Take SS's advice. Don't compound one loss into multiple losses. Once a vendor stiffs you, post your feedback, write them off and move on. And for God's sake new members, read the threads and learn from our mistakes!

The whole thing is that if this outfit(Clubalp) is being run by the same people as pharmacity from back a few + years ago-(not gonna put any of their names out there) but I do have them from back in the day when you used to get alps in blister packs and Pharmacity & Todopharmacia were the most reliable sources. I never got stuck by pharmacity and if this is the same people as everyone claims it is running Clubalp I don't see why they would stick a loyal customer that was placing good size orders for 6+ years & bringing in good $$ for them, plus I know I mentioned it already but aside from this order that never showed they always got me my orders and only needed one reship well since they changed to Clubalp. Ive been in this game along time and I hear ya SS about just opening a new site and keep it moving but pharmacity wasn't like that at least not toward me I had to have at least 4-6 reshipments from them and I got everyone of them! Call me a push over but Clubalp doesn't strike me as a chop shop, they seemed to be taking care of their customers I referee a few friends and they were all satisfied idk if they think that the original order is caught up at customs and is still going to show or if they really did start to reship the order & I just haven't gotten it yet but for a whole order of that doze to vanish I just thought they would of made it a priority to get me my order after all this time that's all. They got hacked or so they say and it was a week after my order was supposedly shipped so who knows if it even went out in the first place but they have had enough time to rectify the situation and either their not or they just have a major problem with communicating with their customers at least give me a heads up as to what the deal is? The whole point of the post is by no means would I consider myself a rookie to this game we all enjoy playing and I make no mistake about realizing what we are doing and what side of the line we are on. It's just not like this iop to stick someone for a whole order! I'm not saying order from them I'm just saying it's unusual that I can't even get a response from them about why or what is going to happen in regard to this missing order, but then again who knows they could of cut and ran after the hack? I hope in a few days I'm posting on here that I received my reshipment but it's doubtful it really sucks when we loose one of the good vendors ya know as far as the rite thing, I guess that's open to how you want to look at it / Which side of the grass your on... At the most I lost some $$ they lost their reputation for being all about raking care of the customer! If they pop up at a new place you'll know that receivers name has been the same for 6+ years I doubt their ever gonna change it, if you were a customer back in the day you know what I'm talking about lol

The funny thing is that I have been trying to email them and send them messages through their site and I just received an email from them stating that they are back up and running and that they don't have a record of every order that was in the back log so if you need a reship to contact them with the order # and the details of the order. The funny thing is I have done this several times just as I know other members have and have received no reply and now they send me or probably us this email WTF? And to who ever posted that you should never send that kind of $$$ unless your 100% about the vendor well I was a 100% with them over several orders over several years so that's the only reason it was that much but I'm going to email them now again and see if they finally decide to reply and if so what the reasoning is for blowing me off for the past 2-3 weeks? They probably went on here and read their thread that is already in the black list and saw that everyone is really getting completely fed up with their shit, plus senior members are chiming in & we all know they don't want that so they sent this email out saying that everything is normal if that's the case where is my missing order????

I miss the days of going online ordering whatever you needed pretty much and it would get sent via Fed-ex for like bearley $120 for 90 or 120 US brand bars now you have to jump through so many hoops if you want to do the domestic thing but after this I'm considering it!

Holy crap. I finally got my second Reship of my may order Maybe it's because of them addressing my packages to EUU rather thAn USA?

Either way clubalp it's been fun good luck I'm done with you

Holy crap. I finally got my second Reship of my may order Maybe it's because of them addressing my packages to EUU rather thAn USA?

Either way clubalp it's been fun good luck I'm done with you
Yes, I can see where the United States via Europe would cause a bit of a delay! LOL Congrats on your care package though, and parting ways on a winning note as you state sounds like a fantastic plan in my opinion.

Hey congratulations on finally receiving your reshipment, you said it was from May was that the original order or was that when they reshipped it to you? Do me a favor and send me a message with the date that the package was post marked with. As for me I have yet to receive any part of my reshipment but they did finally reply to my messages and they claim that they sent out part of my reship in the beginning of the month but as I said, I haven't gotten anything as of yet they also said that they would be sending the rest of my reshipment. Wich is nice of them and all if they really are reshipping the rest of the order but I still have not gotten what you have claimed to have shipped out to me already?There is nothing I can do at this point, I just have to wait it out even though it's already been months? Seems like everyone else is receiving their reshipments but me hopefully something shows soon! How does a whole order go missing anyway of all the time I have been ordering I have never had a whole order not show especially from this vendor. IDK anymore, at this point I'm so sick of waiting for something that was payed for so long ago!

The funny thing is people are reading this thread with all of this negative feedback and their still going to try to place a small order LMFAO! All I can say is I hope you receive whatever you order cause if you don't and it needs to be reshipped it's a joke I have been waiting for July for an order I placed and still have not received any part of the order wich is unlike this vendor even though I was told that the order was reshipped I have not received any packages from the order. So just an FYI if I were you I would use a more reliable vendor that is receiving good reviews because until I receive this reshipment for a whole order that has been MIA since June I'm going to have to say sending clubalp $$ is as good as burning it. If I actually get what they said they shipped me and I paid for months ago I will change my advice but for now avoid clubalp untill everyone receives what they paid for and they start to get good reviews again. Till then you would just be wasting your money with these guys, sad but true!

The funny thing is people are reading this thread with all of this negative feedback and their still going to try to place a small order LMFAO! All I can say is I hope you receive whatever you order cause if you don't and it needs to be reshipped it's a joke I have been waiting for July for an order I placed and still have not received any part of the order wich is unlike this vendor even though I was told that the order was reshipped I have not received any packages from the order. So just an FYI if I were you I would use a more reliable vendor that is receiving good reviews because until I receive this reshipment for a whole order that has been MIA since June I'm going to have to say sending clubalp $$ is as good as burning it. If I actually get what they said they shipped me and I paid for months ago I will change my advice but for now avoid clubalp untill everyone receives what they paid for and they start to get good reviews again. Till then you would just be wasting your money with these guys, sad but true!
Can you explain this to me? Why is this IOP so special that they deserve a second chance? What brought on this loyalty? I really need to know what makes them so much better than the legit options? Are you really going to place another order after you get your package? I'm not antagonizing you, I just want to know if the best in the business went blacklist.

Hey all I can say is that I just want the packages I paid for that's all. If I do receive all of the packages they owe me I will post the facts of how the whole reshippment process went. Basically just telling the truth thats all, I cant say if I am ever going to order from them again after this huge hassle? I honestly just dont know if they start receiving good reviews on here for a decent period of time and they get moved from the black list section I might place another order from them. Keep in mind I never had any problems with this iop till this one huge problem a whole order not showing is a pretty bad situation I'm not gonna lie about that! There is no excuse for why I don't have my goods by now! Not saying they are special and deserve a second chance just saying I want the goods I paid for and honestly it's not looking to good! Everyday I hope that the reshippment they owe me will start to show up and every day i receive nothing? If that's the message that they want to send to their customers that's on them if I were them I would of done everything I could of to clear this problem up instead of having a loyal customer post almost daily about an order that was paid for two months ago and haven't received any of the order yet!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. D @ druuls: become vendor
  2. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  4. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  5. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  7. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  8. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  9. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  11. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  12. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  13. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  15. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  16. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  17. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  19. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for