The service wasn't garbage till as of recently, well mid July I guess? Idk what their deal is all I can say is that untill the last order I placed in mid July, they did have good turn around times with good products. Then this last order I got a shipment conformation on July 21st or 22nd and I still haven't received anything from them! I'm not telling anyone to send them any $$ till they get back on track & their reviews reflect that their legit again. That is if they are planning on getting back on track to normal turn around times. Im just not gonna let them take my $$$ without trying to get the products I paid for! They supposedly reshipped half of my order a few weeks ago but I have yet to see anything from them. If people really are starting to receive their reshipments good for them but I haven't gotten anything yet who knows maybe it will come this week as promised but my hopes aren't too high at this point and would not recommend them to anyone till they get their shit back together.