
Hey all I can say is that I just want the packages I paid for that's all. If I do receive all of the packages they owe me I will post the facts of how the whole reshippment process went. Basically just telling the truth thats all, I cant say if I am ever going to order from them again after this huge hassle? I honestly just dont know if they start receiving good reviews on here for a decent period of time and they get moved from the black list section I might place another order from them. Keep in mind I never had any problems with this iop till this one huge problem a whole order not showing is a pretty bad situation I'm not gonna lie about that! There is no excuse for why I don't have my goods by now! Not saying they are special and deserve a second chance just saying I want the goods I paid for and honestly it's not looking to good! Everyday I hope that the reshippment they owe me will start to show up and every day i receive nothing? If that's the message that they want to send to their customers that's on them if I were them I would of done everything I could of to clear this problem up instead of having a loyal customer post almost daily about an order that was paid for two months ago and haven't received any of the order yet!
The statement in bold, explain to me how that isn't a second chance? Is the statement in red a contradiction? And the one in blue, they don't care about your order, they don't read your forum posts, so how could they care if a loyal customer was wasting their time posting every day about them?

I'm not following this thread anymore, you got screwed, scammed, taken, hustled and there is nothing you can do about it. You're better off reporting them to consumer affairs or the FTC. There are people who have been waiting since May for their order!

Are you like Bobby the Brain or Pinky and the Brain?

The funny thing is people are reading this thread with all of this negative feedback and their still going to try to place a small order LMFAO! All I can say is I hope you receive whatever you order cause if you don't and it needs to be reshipped it's a joke I have been waiting for July for an order I placed and still have not received any part of the order wich is unlike this vendor even though I was told that the order was reshipped I have not received any packages from the order. So just an FYI if I were you I would use a more reliable vendor that is receiving good reviews because until I receive this reshipment for a whole order that has been MIA since June I'm going to have to say sending clubalp $$ is as good as burning it. If I actually get what they said they shipped me and I paid for months ago I will change my advice but for now avoid clubalp untill everyone receives what they paid for and they start to get good reviews again. Till then you would just be wasting your money with these guys, sad but true!
Ok, so after everyone gets their orders, people are going to shop the blacklist, order from these guys, and give good reviews? Oh my god, my head hurts. Let it go! Stop checking the fucking mailbox. Stop posting every day. Stop thinking that there is something you can do about it. And stop thinking they will be resurrected. Not under my watch, I'm not going to watch our fellow members bend over and walk through this door backwards. And I'm pretty sure there is no coming off the blacklist.

That's all.

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Got my Reship. Guess some people remember when this iop was consistent and prompt. Plus they have some coveted product. Having just received my Reship from an order placed in may. As I stated RIP clubalp. They made good on their debt but lost my future business. Now to find a new iop that has gador brand....

Well when you fiind another vendor that carries Gador brand or any other reputable brand of alp bars let me know and I've been looking as well so I will keep you posted also. As far as what SS posted all I can say is that I see his point and I'm not trying to get in a flame war over this non sense. I wasn't speaking of new customers placing new orders I was speaking of people that were already customers that are also waiting on their packages as well. I wrote in the post not to order from them and he's rite I may have contradicted myself. But this is one of the few places to post and let everyone know what is going on. If anything does show I will post if they made good on their debt or not.

Well at leaste you received something from them, I've been waiting since July for a whole entire order and still haven't received anything from Even their communication has gone down hill, aside from a few responses to my messages once every few weeks when they feel like replying to my inquiries telling me that the order has been reshipped in the beginning of Sept. yeah rite I'm sure.... What date was LL for the package and was it for a reshipment or a new order? I wouldn't sweat the LL, I would email a copy of it to clubalp and request a reshipment of your package and wait for it to come or most likely not. I may sound like I have a biased opinion of clubalp but then again if they took $370 of your money for an order in July and still have not delivered any of the packages from order you might not have such a great opinion of clubalp either. JMO I know I have posted this time and time again but I was a loyal customer that ordered decent sized orders on a regular basis, always gave them positive feed back on this site and others and then I placed my usual order & sent payment and then I received a shipping conformation for the order July 20th that the order has been shipped or would be some time that week. It has now been over 2 months I contacted them well after the 25 business day reshipment period. The first reply I got from them was that my order was placed rite before their site got hacked and it would be reshipped, they confirmed my address and told me that the 1st part of my order would be reshipped the first week of September. I asked for a conformation and date that the order was reshipped and they did not reply untill 2 weeks later and I informed them that I still hadent received any part of this order and they reassured me that they did reship the 1st part of my order the first week of sept. and that they would be reshipping the 2nd part of this missing order. Here I am 2 months later with no products from this order received, basically ripped off for my $$$, unless by some chance a company that was delivering consistently in 7-12 days from shipment is now taking months to deliver? My advice is to stay away from clubalp if nothing else until we receive the orders we are all waiting on. They are on the black list for a reason not because their customers had nothing better to do then post negative feedback to the point the admin black listed them!

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Hey acgador I thought that you posted on here already saying you received your reshipment and that it came with extra products? So did you receive your reship or is this a new order your posting about?

I emailed them again to see if they had any idea what is going on with my order and I still have not received a reply from them? I wonder if their just going to get a new site like they did when PharmacityUSA closed down but if I'm not mistaken they did make good on all of the orders that were placed after they closed up that site idk I just know for the amount of money they got from me I'm going to keep sending them messages even if they don't reply defiantly don't have any high expectations but you never know one day I might get a surprise in my mail box or maybe an LL not that I want one but at leaste that would mean they did ship the order. but Im going to start to use different vendors this place is dead used to be great not sure what happened but it sucks that their no longer reliable at all. A lil optimism never hurt anyone in regards to me hoping something shows from them eventually.

Hey acgador I thought that you posted on here already saying you received your reshipment and that it came with extra products? So did you receive your reship or is this a new order your posting about?
yes I did post that.. as I received my first order... had a reship of 120.. got 150. I had multiple orders in that werent received due to the hack... second order ll. Now I am getting no response to my emails
Still nothing here not even an LL. I have tried to contact them multiple times and I have received no replies either if anyone here's back from them please post on here. The funny part is I bet if you placed a new order you would have payment instructions within 24 hours mean while I have been waiting weeks for a response and months for my order.

Well I received the first half of the reshipment from July the post mark showed it was shipped out on September 25th so that's 10 days their usual shipping time. They still owe me 2 more packages before we are even. I'm not telling anyone to go and order from them just simply updating the status of a reshipment from a order that was supposedly shipped in July... Well two more packages to go before we are even and I can say they kept their word... Idk I guess we will have to wait and see already been waiting on what seems like forever!

Like I posted above I received the first reshipment package of my order from july. The package contained 1/2 of my order that I never received I keep trying to contact the but they do not respond to my emails or messages, because I messaged them them asking if they reshipped the whole order as they said they would and if it has been shipped around the same date as the first reshipment package and no answer??? I also had a friend place an order through my account and it was shipped in the begining of September the first half of the order came in normal time around 10 days from the shipment conformation but he still has not received the other half of this order and he contacted them as it has been past 25 business days since the order was shipped and they have not responded to that message either I warned him that he might not receive his order and if he didn't that the reshipping with this vendor is a pain in the ass if you ever even end up getting the reshipment. I dont know why they would send me the the first reshipment package from my missing order and not respond to any of the messages that I have sent them asking about the other package that was supposed to be reshipped with the second half of this missing order that I have been waiting for since July they started to reship why wouldn't they respond to me seeing that it seems that they are actually reshipping yes it took them over 2 months to start reshipping but at least if they ship the second half of the order even though its taken them so long to reship, im not getting robbed for my money just had to wait a few months. I dont know why they choose not to contact their customers this is most likley why they are on the black list along with taking several months to deliver your order. I still would not order from them until they get even with me wich is 2 more packages they owe me I will keep everyone updated as to when and if I receive the second half of the reshipment from the July order and also if and when I receive the second half of the original order that was shipped in the begining of september. Keep you guys posted as to wether or not they even up with me.

They contacted me back after the last post I wrote about them not responding and they told me that the whole order was reshipped and I should expect the other 1/2 of the order any day and to email them when I did get my packages. Well It's been over two weeks since I got the 1st half of this order that was supposedly reshipped in whole and I still have not received the other half of the order and they stopped returning or responding to my messages! I had another order that I only received half of and they approved it for reshipment and I confirmed the reshipment over a week ago and I still haven't gotten any shipping conformation and under my account it dosnt say that it's been shipped out. I've been more than patient with clubalp they took my money for an order in July and it's almost the end of October and I'm still waiting on 1/2 of that order. Then I gave them a second chance with another order in the beginning of September and I'm also still waiting on 1/2 of that order as well. The only time they seem to return my emails is when I post on here other than that, I get no response from them what so ever. After all the money I spent with them over the years and even being patient about missing orders and everything else they can't take a few minutes out of their day to respond to my email and let me know what's going on with the shipment and delivery of products that were paid for months ago! My advice to anyone considering using clubalp is there is a reason they are on the black list, missing orders and horrible communication! Use another vendor one that actually answers your emails and messages. Yes clubalp used to be one of the best vendors for certain things but not anymore! I know that I would like to see them get back to how they used to operate before the summer but the way these reshipments are going and the lack of communication it doesn't seem like its going to be any time soon! As of now with 1/2 of both orders missing and or being reshipped they owe me a whole order and that's a lot of $$$! I'll keep everyone who even bothers to read this thread posted on how everything turns out, cause it seems like I'm the only one who even bothers to waiste their time posting in this black listed vendors thread!

I was contacted by them on oct 10 saying they were having less problems with customs and would reship. I asked if they had my shipping info and they confirmed. Then I wrote several times asking to confirm order was reshipped. They won't respond. I don't get it. I heard they have a new invite only site but I wasn't invited. That's how pcusa became club alp. Invite only then public. Thanks for offering me hope club alp but why not a simple yes we reshipped?

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They told me the same thing as you and they said that my one order was reshipped in full only got 1/2 of that reshipment if they did reship the whole thing like they said, nothing from customs either I have had another reship that they owe me that's been pending for reshipment since Oct. 11th or 12th tried contacting them several times myself with no reply either... All I want is what I paid for that's all and they won't even respond to my emails IDK who knows what's going on with them but I agree boardpa I better get what they owe me also!!!

This IOP scam vendor deserves to be taken out of the Black List and chucked into the fires of Hell.

And be done with, once and for all.


This IOP scam vendor deserves to be taken out of the Black List and chucked into the fires of Hell.

And be done with, once and for all.

This post is a classic example of "like-fishing".

This IOP scam vendor deserves to be taken out of the Black List and chucked into the fires of Hell.

And be done with, once and for all.

I know for a fact that there are some people who still don't know this vendor is on the Blacklist and place orders. Sad, but true.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for