
They use to be a good vendor then they scammed a whole lot of people. Just like pharma city usa. Funny same website, coincidence? I think not! They would have to be free for me to use them ever. As Slammer stated your post count doesn't carry any credibility either. You can keep using captain it your right to choose. Good luck.

I've been working with these guys for many years. Literally everything has arrived eventually. I don't work for them--don't buy from them if they've scammed you. My most recent order was placed in the middle of september and I got the packages in early October.

Not sure why I've had luck when others have been scammed. I've also never asked for a re-ship or complained. I think a few years ago they shorted me slightly, but I just forgot about it, and they keep coming through. I'd be the first to complain if they ripped me off.
I have been waiting for these guys @ clubalp to make good on the orders I placed one was from July that I never received a thing then out of the blue on the first week of october I got a package from them that had the July order's # on it and it said reship but was only 1/2 of what I paid for so I contacted them and they said that the reshipment was sent out in whole and that I should expect the other 1/2 of my reshpped order from July any day now this was the first week of october, I have yet to see the other half of that order till this day. Then a friend of mine wanted to place an order through my account with them in September I warned him what had happened to me but he seen all of the orders that came with no problem in the past, so Mr. know it all sends the funds 2 weeks later 1/2 of the order shows up and of course nothing after that so I sent them a crazy amount of messages seeing that they must not like to reply to customers that they honestly owe products too so finally I got an email to confirm the reshipment of the 2nd half of the september order. They shipped it out at the end of october I just received it and instead of the 180 tabs I'm owed they only sent 70 with a sticker on the inside of the package that said "REMAINING 110 TABLETS RANGING IN THE NEXT SHIPMENT" What the hell is that supposed to mean? I dont have any more shipments with them unless they plan sending the other 110 tabs in seperate shipments or they plan on finally sending me the other 1/2 of my order from July that I still have not received and they won't even respond to my email or messages I send through their site to them about that 1/2 of missing order. I was a loyal customer to them I never asked for a reshipment unless a package didn't show. I always gave them the benifit of the doubt but come the remaining tablets will be ranging in the next shipment? If thats not a ploy to scam you into spending more money on orders they only half ship then I dont know what is? I tried contacting them 3 times asking what that sticker meant and still no answer, go figure rite! I sent them many messages saying that I would like to continue to do buisness with them and I would transfer the funds for a pending order as soon as I received all of the products I paid for and of course no reply... all together they owe me 290 tabs I would say thats alot of money that they got from me without sending me what I paid for and the funny thing is I never received one LL or customs notice with all of these missing packages that they supposedly sent me. They never shipped nor reshipped the second half of the july order and what ever they are trying to pull with the September order they only sent 70 tabs out of the 180 they owed just for that orders reshipment. I used clubalp for a bunch of orders that went very smothly untill their site got "hacked" ever since then they dont reply to your messages and I have only received 1/2 orders never in full like they used to. It's a shame too cause when they had their shit together they had good products at a good price with a reasonable turn around time now their starting to look like scam central, I posted on here that I would let everyone know if they made good on what I paid for well its been 2 months and I only received 70 tabs out of the 360 they owed me you do the math... Clubalp what happend you went from one of the best to one of the rest in 1 month come on your better than that and its not pateints and waiting for the packages cause I have been waiting months and still nothing why no reply on the other half of the july reshipment oh thats rite you never sent it out to begin with, don't worry I will be posting this on all boards untill I receive what I paid for!!!!!!!

Anybody considering placing an order with ClubAlp, should definitely read the above post and then proceed, if so willing, with extreme caution and be ready to say goodbye to your cash and forever say "Where are the meds I ordered?"


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I hate to say this Captain Ahab, but the fact that your post count is only ONE, and you're attempting to support a "Blacklisted" IOP, I don't think you're gonna find many members jumping on board and suddenly placing orders.

Whether your're being truly honest or not, doesn't even matter. The fact and reality of the situation is that they are blacklisted and your post count is next to Zero.

Your words of support, genuine or not, don't stand a chance as scams are all to common in this industry, as I'm sure you're quite well aware of.

Please don't take my comments personal. It's just the way it is around here with Blacklisted IOP's.

I don't take it personal at all. If they've scammed you, then it makes me nervous about working with them in the future. And I know my post count is only one. I used to be part of a similiar website where I was a "veteran poster," but that website no longer exists, and I just recently found this one.

I remember the days of todo....and Joe from Starlite...and even our old friend from India. All I said is I ordered in september and received in October with no issues. I never knew when these guys might rip me off so I've made sure to stock up in case I never get anything ever again.

I do appreciate people giving the heads-up.

I don't take it personal at all. If they've scammed you, then it makes me nervous about working with them in the future. And I know my post count is only one. I used to be part of a similiar website where I was a "veteran poster," but that website no longer exists, and I just recently found this one.

I remember the days of todo....and Joe from Starlite...and even our old friend from India. All I said is I ordered in september and received in October with no issues. I never knew when these guys might rip me off so I've made sure to stock up in case I never get anything ever again.

I do appreciate people giving the heads-up.
What indian friend are you referring to?

What indian friend are you referring to?
It's been a few years, but I'm thinking of one who took forever to deliver, but things always eventually arrived (sometimes lots of things broken in half, etc., but I didn't mind: 2 halves = 1 whole). His product selection was more varied than many, and he could always get more rare items that most in our community did not want.

I think he might have gone by "Raj" or something, but it's been a few years.

And of course, again, I completely understand if some people here think I'm a schill for a group. I certainly have been ripped off over the years, and it's especially brutal to place a large order and get nothing. It's also always tragic when our LL-writing "friends" ruin things for an otherwise fast/reliable operation. One day you've got a great "penpal" overseas, the next you're getting a cartoon of a snake, and you know it'll never be the same again.

Maybe Shaz? Does that name ring a bell @captainahab?


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It's been a few years, but I'm thinking of one who took forever to deliver, but things always eventually arrived (sometimes lots of things broken in half, etc., but I didn't mind: 2 halves = 1 whole). His product selection was more varied than many, and he could always get more rare items that most in our community did not want.

I think he might have gone by "Raj" or something, but it's been a few years.

And of course, again, I completely understand if some people here think I'm a schill for a group. I certainly have been ripped off over the years, and it's especially brutal to place a large order and get nothing. It's also always tragic when our LL-writing "friends" ruin things for an otherwise fast/reliable operation. One day you've got a great "penpal" overseas, the next you're getting a cartoon of a snake, and you know it'll never be the same again.
Yup, for short it was IM4U run by Raj. He was the only one to ever take my money and run. We have a Raj affiliated outfit on the boards, not hard to notice. I got 20 bananakins from them out of the blue when they first opened. I was like great but, don't send shit like that to my house without me knowing. Then they started harassing me for my business. Well, nobody on db believed me because of my post count. So I just stayed off the thread.

Anyway, Club Alp is the most active blacklist thread here. There was this one idiot who was saying if they delivered his order from May then he might do business with them again, even recommend them eventually. We try to watch out for that kind of shit here. It's a very protective board with a great group of people.

You came in with a lot of knowledge so please share it. Slammer welcomes all the new members in the intro section. I don't think he likes doing it in the blacklist. Less formal. So say hi, tell us what you think of it here, and enjoy your stay.

You came in with a lot of knowledge so please share it. Slammer welcomes all the new members in the intro section. I don't think he likes doing it in the blacklist. Less formal. So say hi, tell us what you think of it here, and enjoy your stay.
Thanks for that info. I'm brand new to this specific board (obviously,) but have been "in the game" since before 9/11. Of course, there was no "Dept. of Homeland Security" back then, so things were a lot different. Rarely, I still work with some friends from back then that will only work with those that had been doing business "pre 9/11." Not to mention a whole lot of other things have changed as well over the past decade.

Seems like a good place here, I'll head over to intro section and say hello.

As far as anything else, my philosophy has historically been to assume the best if I have a 100% track-record, even if I'm starting to hear really bad stuff. A few years ago, same thing with what is now ClubAlp (on a different board,) and I still got 7 more large orders through after that--no problem. As soon as something seems "off" or even the hint of me getting taken to the cleaners, I take my business elsewhere.

Was emailed in 11/10 saying it was reshipped and it should be here any day. Lol. Wtf

See, they're improving.

Next stop, "The DBG Featured International List"


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its great getting an email I'd prefer the package.
Well that's quite greedy of you /default_smile.png

Be thankful and feel special that at least you got an email and leave it at that.

No need for the meds now. Especially after that kind email.



i see now that clubalp is doing 1000 bars.. wow. anybody know how many packages this would take to ship?? seems like a lot. has anyone had any luck lately? i used to use them a lot, but they have been kindof floating from being legit to not legit the last few years. id like to work with them because of their prices. any recent feedback? these boards seem to have changed from the good, simple, posts: "ordered 11/5, shipped 11/7, recieved 11/30" to a lot of random talk. kind of hard to weed through all the bs. that aside, anyone have luck lately? thanks

Uhm....... BS aside all you have to do is look back 5-10 posts on this thread to answer your question. If you don't have time to read even that small amount then I just don't know what to say. Go ahead. Buy 1000 bars. Good luck

Uhm....... BS aside all you have to do is look back 5-10 posts on this thread to answer your question. If you don't have time to read even that small amount then I just don't know what to say. Go ahead. Buy 1000 bars. Good luck
Ditto that.


Well I finally received my first LL from clubalp, so I guess they were making an attemp to deliver the products they owe me, now I have to try to contact them and get a response back as what their going to do about it? I've been using iop's for around 10 years and never received an LL till now go figure rite... At least I know that they were trying to make good on one of the orders they owe me lol

Well I finally received my first LL from clubalp, so I guess they were making an attemp to deliver the products they owe me, now I have to try to contact them and get a response back as what their going to do about it? I've been using iop's for around 10 years and never received an LL till now go figure rite... At least I know that they were trying to make good on one of the orders they owe me lol
If there's such thing as a "never ending saga" this would win a Grammy.

All joking aside, I feel sorry about your troubles. Let this be an example for any new comer to DBG who even considers making an order with this notoriously blacklisted IOP.


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I contacted them once through email about the LL I received and another time through their site and still haven't received a reply from them as of yet, I don't know if they haven't gotten back to me because of the holiday or what but getting an LL means that they were trying to send me a package I don't know when the package was originally shipped but it was seized on 12/6/12 so I would think that it was a package that was just shipped recently. What I don't understand about clubalp is why they do not respond to my messages I send through their site or my emails but yet they were trying to send me a package? I hope they respond to my recent messages and I can finally get the remaining products they owe me so that this saga of an order(s) can finally come to an end! When they were pcityusa they always made good on everything they owed me but it never took this long and they never tried pulling stuff that clubalp has been trying to pull and I always got a response to my questions. I don't know for sure or not but if these are the same people that ran pcityusa they are starting to slip as far as their customer service plus the packaging is similar to pcityusa but not the same some of you out there probably know what I'm talking about but after about 10 years with over a 100 orders from different vendors this is the first LL I have ever received, not that I wanted to receive an LL but at least now I know that they were actually trying to get me a package I have no clue what the quantity was but they tried to send something. Thats what frustrated me so much when they sent me that package that had only 70 tabs in it when they could have fit all of what they owed me in that shipment but no, now I have to go through the process of trying to get them to reship the package that got seized which I have a feeling is not going to be a quick easy process. Their site says that they are back up and running at 100% if that is true why can't I get a reply from them in regard to the products I paid for and never received, it says on their site that they will deliver the products you order or refund your money... Thats a joke I'm waiting on half an order from July and another half order from september talk about delays and what makes it worse is the complete and total lack of communication! It's a shame because I always liked this vendor till this all happened, prior to this they were one of the most reliable vendors out there but obviously not any more! If anyone has money to throw away and they actually place an order with clubalp or have placed an order in the past month or so please share your experience but I doubt that anyone is still receiving from them if they are its just a matter of time before you don't receive your order and get the run around. Usaully I would just let it go but I was aloyal customer sent plenty of business their way to get the run around treated like this. As always if they do make good on what they owe me I will post in the mean time I would stay away from this vendor there are plenty of other vendors that stay in contact and deliver your goods just like clubalp used to do lol...

I gave up on mine. I know it six but write it off you ll feel better. I don't want these people sending me anything anymore. It's obvious they aren't getting through on both ends. I too got my first LL ever because of this vendor. I supposedly have a reship from oct 10. Or maybe it was November. They are going away and obviously want those owed to do the same.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for