Thanks for the kind words. =)
Today has been brilliant! When I went to bed last night, the last thing I read was that Nigel Farage was predicting that Remain would 'edge it', so I went to sleep a little doubtful. Then I woke up this morning with the sun shining and had a little feeling that Leave had won. So I eat my muesli, get my coffee then anxiously turn on BBC News on the internet. Then I see it: 'Cameron resigns as Britain votes to leave the EU'. Wooo hooo! That carried on all day, it's brilliant!
There's a lot of upset lefty liberals on social media, but, for once...they lost! Like you, I genuinely hope and believe that this will be a domino effect. The Netherlands doesn't seem keen on ever closer integration with Brussels; maybe they will be given the choice (which they should whenever they want - democracy, something the EU loathes).
I dream of a Europe of nations, not a European superstate.
One thing I don't understand, is why so many of the left-leaning Remain voters are vocalising such disgust and such (apparent) fear and anxiety at the thought of an independent, sovereign United Kingdom. Why does sovereignity scare them that much?