DEA trying to make kratom alkaloids schedule 1

Alabama is another one I believe.  Maybe some states will hold their ground like Colarado does. All of these laws raise serious implications and miscarriage of justice issues in my opinion. Too much big brother has never been the way to go.
Holy frijole, you're absolutely right.  But wait!  There's MORE!  As of this writing, Kratom is already banned in:



Florida** (Banned in ONE county, Sarasota; legal in rest of state.  Don't ever change, Florida; you crazy farkers.)

Indiana (This natural plant is banned because it's "synthetic," so says the wise and learned Indiana legislators.  WTF.)





Hi everyone,

Unfortunately the DEA is very serious on this issue and will very likely impose the ban. We desperately need everyone's help with the petition, we need 100,000 signatures total: please sign, or at least read, the petition to stop the DEA from making Kratom a schedule 1 narcotic. Here is the link to the petition:

Anyone wishing to donate to the defense can do so in any denomination via PayPal or via btc anything helps, even $1 and the number of donors speaks almost as loud as the money itself.  btc Addy 1254hTJpWxhAMWtUqVpL6UuWaQp31grERt

I am very worried about this issue as Kratom is saving lives NOT endangering them. I just DONT get the way our country works sometimes.

Holy frijole, you're absolutely right.  But wait!  There's MORE!  As of this writing, Kratom is already banned in:



Florida** (Banned in ONE county, Sarasota; legal in rest of state.  Don't ever change, Florida; you crazy farkers.)

Indiana (This natural plant is banned because it's "synthetic," so says the wise and learned Indiana legislators.  WTF.)




That's some funny stuffy there!!!  You are right!

Hi everyone,

Unfortunately the DEA is very serious on this issue and will very likely impose the ban. We desperately need everyone's help with the petition, we need 100,000 signatures total: please sign, or at least read, the petition to stop the DEA from making Kratom a schedule 1 narcotic. Here is the link to the petition:

Anyone wishing to donate to the defense can do so in any denomination via PayPal or via btc anything helps, even $1 and the number of donors speaks almost as loud as the money itself.  btc Addy 1254hTJpWxhAMWtUqVpL6UuWaQp31grERt

I am very worried about this issue as Kratom is saving lives NOT endangering them. I just DONT get the way our country works sometimes.
I will do my part to help, you are absolutely right and this is going too far once again.

I too believe the DEA will keep their promise of September 30th being D-Day for emergency classification of Kratom as a public health threat equivalent to heroin.  Equivalent to HEROIN!  Absolutely gobsmacking, is it not?  There are only two government agencies whom I believe when they say they're coming and thus I adjust accordingly to avoid their attention:  The IRS and the goddamn DEA.

Have checked three days in a row now and my personal favorite Kratom vendor has nothing on their website, their Facebook page or their DBG vendor page here acknowledging the impending crisis.  An unexpected approach to be sure, as several other Kratom dealers are screaming from the rooftops about getting 100,000 sigs on a petition to the Whitehouse, getting help from the American Kratom Association and various other methods of protest.  YouTube videos are growing by the hour from regular users and sellers about how this absurd DEA action is going to cause genuine harm and suffering to countless Americans.

Our mapley-delicious neighbors up north have shared their deepest condolences with American Kratom users as a whole.  I even saw an invite from one lovely Canuck who'd offered all of America a place to stay if we needed to move north either for Kratom or against Trump.  Heh.  I farking love Canada and her peeps.
No way is it equal to heroin at all,the dea are idiots.comparing h to k shoot my test subject has had heroin and has not robbed stole lied or cheated not once in two years to get kratom.but oh yea king dea just like trams man trams are not bad really same thing test subject did well with tramadol

As a vendor I can tell you this is a very real threat, and they will follow through unless many act, and fast. Right now a group of K vendors have organized plans from various angles to fight. We have mutliple big name social media giants like Vice from youtube (and HBO) as well as tons of tesitimonials from vets, all the way down to a march on the white house. I'll have all the links posted in my site but for now our main opponent is the admin of the DEA Chuck R. We have two petitions, one started earlier, that has a better chance of discrediting our friend Chuck when he told a room full of cancer patients that medical marijuana was "a joke"; this is the one more likely to get him shitcanned, as its slated to go to obamas desk quicker(if one believes such democratic ideals); That link is here: (coming soon)

Here is a great place to start with the kratom petition and similar actions:

Also massive tweets to @DEAHQ, and an onslaught of #Iamkratom twitter hashtags. Online news sites want to hear any positive kratom stories here:

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Hello members, this is your friendly moderator asking everyone who reads this post to sign the above petition. Even if you are not a Kratom user, the fact that your a member of this forum probably means that you do not want tighter government regulations on any helpful medications.

We have a lot of members so let's make our voices heard!!

Hi jackwade!

We are Living Botanics, a Canadian company selling 100% pure Kratom powder. We suggest you try Red and Green Premium or Super Enhanced. Please check out our website, we have an incredibly low clearance sale coming up later today.

All items must sell. Last orders will be on the 26th of September. Please tell your friends and help us out! We wish you all the best and thank you for the support.


Hi jackwade!

We are Living Botanics, a Canadian company selling 100% pure Kratom powder. We suggest you try Red and Green Premium or Super Enhanced. Please check out our website, we have an incredibly low clearance sale coming up later today.

All items must sell. Last orders will be on the 26th of September. Please tell your friends and help us out! We wish you all the best and thank you for the support.

Nolan  Since you're Canadian, why are you closing shop exclusively due to the US ban?  On brief search yesterday, it seems Kratom is legal coast to coast all across the beautiful country of Canada.  It might be regulated; this I cannot say for sure, but I could NOT find even an iota of a hint that it's banned, nor could I find evidence that such a decision is even being discussed in Canada.  If Kratom is in any way banned, regulated or even frowned upon in Canada, please let us know.

If your Canadian business is doing well and you do NOT wish to quit, there are ways to survive the gobsmacking stupidity and insatiable greed of the United States' decision to classify Kratom as an emergency public threat worser than heroin and terrorism combined.

Thailand, a region where Kratom was born and the leaf had been chewed for literally thousands of years, had banned Kratom for the past 70 years.  It is only now, in 2016, that they are seriously working on removing that ban.

If your closing is just a temporary sell-down to regroup, recharge and renew better than ever, then carry on, my beloved Canadian neighbor.

Either way, I sincerely wish you the very best and am so terribly sorry our own government still hasn't learned its lesson about their deadly, unbroken record of fail in their "War on Drugs."  Since you're Canadian, why are you closing shop exclusively due to the US ban?  On brief search yesterday, it seems Kratom is legal coast to coast all across the beautiful country of Canada.  It might be regulated; this I cannot say for sure, but I could NOT find even an iota of a hint that it's banned, nor could I find evidence that such a decision is even being discussed in Canada.  If Kratom is in any way banned, regulated or even frowned upon in Canada, please let us know.

If your Canadian business is doing well and you do NOT wish to quit, there are ways to survive the gobsmacking stupidity and insatiable greed of the United States' decision to classify Kratom as an emergency public threat worser than heroin and terrorism combined.

Thailand, a region where Kratom was born and the leaf had been chewed for literally thousands of years, had banned Kratom for the past 70 years.  It is only now, in 2016, that they are seriously working on removing that ban.

If your closing is just a temporary sell-down to regroup, recharge and renew better than ever, then carry on, my beloved Canadian neighbor.

Either way, I sincerely wish you the very best and am so terribly sorry our own government still hasn't learned its lesson about their deadly, unbroken record of fail in their "War on Drugs."
I to would love to know whats your location livingbotanics .because canada has no plans on banning kratom in any way now or in the foreseeable future as far as ive read.  Since you're Canadian, why are you closing shop exclusively due to the US ban?  On brief search yesterday, it seems Kratom is legal coast to coast all across the beautiful country of Canada.  It might be regulated; this I cannot say for sure, but I could NOT find even an iota of a hint that it's banned, nor could I find evidence that such a decision is even being discussed in Canada.  If Kratom is in any way banned, regulated or even frowned upon in Canada, please let us know.

If your Canadian business is doing well and you do NOT wish to quit, there are ways to survive the gobsmacking stupidity and insatiable greed of the United States' decision to classify Kratom as an emergency public threat worser than heroin and terrorism combined.

Thailand, a region where Kratom was born and the leaf had been chewed for literally thousands of years, had banned Kratom for the past 70 years.  It is only now, in 2016, that they are seriously working on removing that ban.

If your closing is just a temporary sell-down to regroup, recharge and renew better than ever, then carry on, my beloved Canadian neighbor.

Either way, I sincerely wish you the very best and am so terribly sorry our own government still hasn't learned its lesson about their deadly, unbroken record of fail in their "War on Drugs."
@allthat1972 @DippityDoo Hi guys, apologies for the confusion! We are not closing down our business at all, no worries! :)  I should have been more explicit in my previous post. We are doing a clearance sale for those products being stored in US warehouses. Due to the ban, we are forced to sell all our stock in the US but of course we still have plenty of Kratom powder in Canada. The big challenge for us now is to figure out a way to supply our much appreciated US located customers. If anybody knows a legal work around, please shoot us a message at We are located in British Columbia.

I, for one, am signing petitions and writing letters (yes, real paper letters) to protest against the push to outlaw yet another helpful substance. Thanks @DippityDoo for the link. I've added the person who pushed for the ban to my list of people to background check and discredit, and am writing to that genius also. So quickly they forgot how effective prohibition was...not. I have no problem with putting my name and face, if necessary, out there to fight this.

Our government is out of control, taking our rights away and creating obstacles to helping ourselves. People are dying; not because of drugs, but because of hopelessness. I wonder how many OD's are intentional. I, personally, know of four. It may not be in time to make a difference for me, but maybe it will serve or save someone else.

If there is a March in Washington, I want to be there. We need a lobbyist to help us in OUR nation's capital.  This is OUR country, OUR rights, and OUR legislators. It's time for us to stand up, speak out and fight back. Any elected officials not serving us need to be replaced with someone who is willing to support their constituents. Anyone who has viable ideas for other things I/we can do, I'm all ears.

I'll be stocking up as well. Thank you and our other vendors for all you do to help us. Maybe we need to build a community IRL (where?..Colorado? California?) where we can work and live together and support one another. I don't know all the answers, but I'm willing to do whatever I can to make a difference. 

Just a suggestion: If you choose to write or communicate with our opponents, please keep it professional, state facts with references, when possible, and hold back on the expletives. Ask someone to proofread your document. Poor grammar and misspelled words are judged negatively. We want them to see us in a positive light and take us seriously.

Please please sign the petition.  Not that I think it matters with our government.  Stores in the midwest are taking it off the the shelves on the 20th of this month so I'd say its a done deal.  After all it could put the pain clinics and methadone clinics out of business (sarcasm there).   

Please please sign the petition.  Not that I think it matters with our government.  Stores in the midwest are taking it off the the shelves on the 20th of this month so I'd say its a done deal.  After all it could put the pain clinics and methadone clinics out of business (sarcasm there).   
lol don't forget about the latest hotcakes Suboxone.

I know a friend of a friend, his friend was in jail for something small and he saw a guy go out, get prescribed a bunch of suboxone, then get locked back up in jail to move the suboxone so he could make money for his family.

Hilarious. When I took Suboxone when I was trying to get off percs, the suboxone actually made me high....percs doesn't give me much euphoria comparitively. Suboxone made me stoned and buzzy like morphine. Was an eye opening experience...."partial-agonist" my ass.

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Please please sign the petition.  Not that I think it matters with our government.  Stores in the midwest are taking it off the the shelves on the 20th of this month so I'd say its a done deal.  After all it could put the pain clinics and methadone clinics out of business (sarcasm there).   
Yes please everyone sign the petition this is a very serious matter. Again the DEA and government impeding into our and and ability go get legitimate remedies for a variety of conditions including chronic pain of which Kratom can be a god send.

Hi guys I'm new here and am super bummed that this is going through but tomorrow any of reading this for whatever reason please call your state rep for the "dear colleague" if your not familiar check out AKA American Kratom Association. I do have up A very good source of direct information and even the recording  of the legal team and all if the big vendors with the DEA. (I live down the street from one of the largest vendors in the US) I just can't believe I just started my business (please don't ask my me to sell you anything) now this. Grrrr but in going to reach out to Admin and ask if its okay to post this recording, also AKA its a great source of reliable information.  And God help us all because this effects so many in ways we can't even imagine(and I could give a shit about my $ lost)

There's another good article from Forbes on the DEA's plan to ban kratom (there's a link to the older article in there somewhere):

The most positive info from it is

'The DEA’s deadline for placing kratom alkaloids on the schedule 1 controlled substance list grows closer, and the outpouring of support for the ancient plant grows louder. More than 130,000 people have signed a petition on to keep kratom legal. The kratom community in the U.S. is coming out in force to oppose what it views as government overreach that will endanger lives.

[SIZE=11pt]The effort is drawing attention in high places. Two congressmen have penned a “dear colleague letter” asking that the DEA ”delay a final decision on the placement of kratom as a schedule I [and] provide ample time for public comment on this significant decision,” which the agency has so far declined to do. Congressmen Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) and Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.) drafted the letter that will be circulated to every member of Congress. The kratom community is now reaching out to their representatives to sign onto the Pocan-Salmon letter.'[/SIZE]


I've been a regular user of kratom since 2012. The AKA (American Kratom Association) and it's members have been working our fingers to the bone the last 4 weeks in an attempt to stay this ban. My emotions swing from denial to anger to sorrow all in the span of an hour.

51 bipartisan members of Congress signed a Dear Colleague letter requesting the DEA stop the ban pending further research. Time is drawing nigh. If you or someone you love--- heck, even a neigbor or forum acquaintance (like me!) cares about our rights as an American citizen, please email your state senator today and ask them to sign the Dear Colleague letter penned by Senator Orin Hatch. All you have to do is say is:

"I am (or my friend is) a responsible consumer of the supplement kratom. Please sign Senator Orin Hatch's Dear Colleague letter which requests the DEA stay the ban pending further research." 

Personal testimony is nice but not necessary. We need emails to Senators! Again: 

"I am (or my friend) is a responsible consumer of the herbal supplement kratom. Please sign Senator Orin Hatch's Dear Colleague letter which requests the DEA stay the ban pending further research." 

That's it. That is all you have to say

You can simply Google your senator and find an email link on their website.  

Two emails... That's it  They could potentially effect the lives of millions of Americans who use kratom for harm reduction, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, PTSD etc... Something 99% of us deal with on a daily basis. 

I would do this for you. Please consider doing it for me- and millions of others. 

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Good news @AngryBird

I have signed the petition but have yet to write my representatives and hope this will give us time to get more momentum behind the kratom movement.

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!