DEA trying to make kratom alkaloids schedule 1

Has anyone else read where this action has been postponed? I read an article earlier today that said it had been postponed t3mporarily. No mention of how long, but it will buy us some time. I'll try to find the article again and post a link. Anybody else have any new information?
I read it and am hopeful because i could not stock up so hoping there will be someone with stock left on 1st or the head shop hour away

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Check the approved vendors here. I know at least one is still shipping. Placed an order today. 

They won't say when the ban will go into effect to keep all the vendors and us off balance.  My own vendor sold out of the GM kratom that I use primarily. I'd like to also get some Bali Indo and Red Borneo, but who's going to buy kratom either wholesale or retail when there some punishment for possessing Schedule I drugs hanging over your head?  DEA are such total assholes.

It really wont hurt all that bad if they ban ,i been reading in switching bacj up  any way the dea just will make it happen sooner .wont be nothing but a minor inconvenience.

allthat1972 said:
It really wont hurt all that bad if they ban ,i been reading in switching bacj up  any way the dea just will make it happen sooner .wont be nothing but a minor inconvenience.
I also signed and signed those letters and called and against my better judgement cause i like to stay under the radar of dea and any government officials ,wrote my story with kratom.

The ban will not go into effect on 9/30 as originally planned BUT they have given no date as to when or if it will be classified as a schedule 1. They will give us 24-48 hour notice. Hence, kratom could be scheduled as early as next week or not at all. We simply do not know. Agree with @jasmine3113 that this has thrown everyone off kilter.  Most vendors are not opening until/if there is more definitive information and frankly, I do not blame them. FYI- I do know of a one vendor who is currently shipping, Kratom-K.  I cannot speak for the quality or price as I've never used them. There is a discount code SAVE35. If anyone wants to order I suggest doing so ASAP (like this weekend) as we simply do not know when they will be forced to shut down as well. Again, please do not take this as a recommendation and order at your own risk. 

I wont go on my usual rant as to how ridiculous this ban is as I think everyone feels the same. Suffice it to say, it is a huge step backwards for pain patients/anxiety and depression patients and people attempting to get off pharmaceuticals.   

Thank you to those who signed the petition. Even though we have done everything humanly possible to put a face on kratom users, it iseems to be widely ignored by the the powers that be.

Maybe I am just tired and jaded tonight but have simply lost faith in We the People. 

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Fellow Kratomites,

We have a short reprieve. The ban has been delayed pending a (and I quote) "a modified comment period" during which time those who utilize kratom will have the opportunity to give personal testimonies but more importantly we are trying to get medical opinions which challenge the claim that kratom is an "opie" and has no medicinal use. 

Franky, my gut feeling is that the DEEE EEEE A is simply appeasing us and this will have no real bearing on the final decision. Maybe I am just a Debbie Downer. I just don't trust that organization at all.  1- Big Pharma has our government in their back pocket and 2- they will do anything to save face at this point. 

Still, if any of you feel so led to comment, I encourage you to follow the AKA FB page for additional instructions. 

I read it and am hopeful because i could not stock up so hoping there will be someone with stock left on 1st or the head shop hour away

View attachment 1463
Read my post above. I think Kratom-K is selling until we have the final word. From my understanding, products are no longer on their website. You will need to send a PM via their FB page. Again, I cannot speak to their quality or price and in no way am recommending them. This is just an FYI. Good luck. 

We have a short reprieve. The ban has been delayed pending a (and I quote) "a modified comment period" during which time those who utilize kratom will have the opportunity to give personal testimonies but more importantly we are trying to get medical opinions which challenge the claim that kratom is an "opie" and has no medicinal use.
@Roger @PTFC @2earls @AngryBird @allthat1972

The hypocrisy of an emergency ban of this leaf that's been chewed by Asians since antiquity while at the same time, right this very moment, states are legalizing another leaf, marijuana, for recreational use is a hypocrisy borne of hysteria, of being grossly uninformed and of greed by the Chemical Entertainment Industrial Complex, i.e. alcohol distillers, beer brewers and now cannabis growers and consumers.

What medicinal use was proven for alcohol so the constitutional amendment for Prohibition could be reversed?   None, that's what.  A quote from temperance leader John D. Rockefeller in 1932, finally admitting the real effects of making it a CRIME to buy, sell or consume alcohol:

"When Prohibition was introduced, I hoped that it would be widely supported by public opinion and the day would soon come when the evil effects of alcohol would be recognized. I have slowly and reluctantly come to believe that this has not been the result. Instead, drinking has generally increased; the speakeasy has replaced the saloon; a vast army of lawbreakers has appeared; many of our best citizens have openly ignored Prohibition; respect for the law has been greatly lessened; and crime has increased to a level never seen before."[2]
Depending on who's making the claim, comparing Kratom to heroin is either peddling known shameless lies and propaganda the likes of Reefer Madness or is fear and ignorance in assuming that what anti-Kratom advocates claim is true.

I am deeply, sincerely sorry for the loss of one NIH scientist's son who died from a drug overdose.  This grieving father said there were packets of Kratom everywhere in his son's room.  Were those packets empty or still full?  No one wants to make any grieving parent hurt even more, but questions have to be asked such as what were his son's toxicology results?  I'd bet my last sip of water in a desert that anything and everything from heroin to Oxys to benzos to alcohol were measurably at levels incompatible with life.  He could have overdosed on just one of those or a combo of all.

Did he have any Kratom in his system that terrible day?  Was his Kratom tainted in any way?  Kratom being a leaf, it's very time-consuming to consume.  Some boil as a tea, some swallow the powder followed by large amounts of liquid, some consume via capsule.  The time it takes to prepare, ingest and metabolize Kratom is so lengthy, it'd damn near be a full-time job to take enough to overdose on it.

Comparing Kratom to heroin, LSD or meth is irrational, has no basis in reality and is apples to oranges.  However, Kratom is used as a social lubricant, a mild pain/anxiety reliever and for some as a way to taper off habituated opiates.  Thus comparing Kratom to alcohol and weed is rational, is wise and is apples-to-apples by every measure.  Researching, regulating for quality/safety and taxing the shiat out of Kratom should be the lesson we've learned from Prohibition and our failed 40-year "war on drugs."

By the way, how many proven overdoses and deaths from marijuana have we recorded in the past 100 years?

Now, how many direct and collateral deaths from alcohol have we recorded in the past 100 years?  Tens of thousands?  Hundreds of thousands of deaths?  How many families haven't been physically killed but nonetheless still destroyed by alcoholism?  In the millions, surely.  And still, no sane person believes we should ban alcohol again.

Kratom will be proven to be in the category of marijuana and will do far, FAR less damage to humanity than alcohol which, when abused, crushes the most powerful force on earth which is human spirit and will.  Alcohol, when abused or even just overconsumed,  can not only kill the consumer, it can and does kill thousands of innocent bystanders as Mothers Against Drunk Driving can attest.

The DEA MUST ratchet down the hysteria about Kratom, else their hysterical blindness will lead to profoundly unwise, unstudied legislation with totally predictable and even cruel consequences.

@Roger @PTFC @2earls @AngryBird @allthat1972

The hypocrisy of an emergency ban of this leaf that's been chewed by Asians since antiquity while at the same time, right this very moment, states are legalizing another leaf, marijuana, for recreational use is a hypocrisy borne of hysteria, of being grossly uninformed and of greed by the Chemical Entertainment Industrial Complex, i.e. alcohol distillers, beer brewers and now cannabis growers and consumers.

What medicinal use was proven for alcohol so the constitutional amendment for Prohibition could be reversed?   None, that's what.  A quote from temperance leader John D. Rockefeller in 1932, finally admitting the real effects of making it a CRIME to buy, sell or consume alcohol:

Depending on who's making the claim, comparing Kratom to heroin is either peddling known shameless lies and propaganda the likes of Reefer Madness or is fear and ignorance in assuming that what anti-Kratom advocates claim is true.

I am deeply, sincerely sorry for the loss of one NIH scientist's son who died from a drug overdose.  This grieving father said there were packets of Kratom everywhere in his son's room.  Were those packets empty or still full?  No one wants to make any grieving parent hurt even more, but questions have to be asked such as what were his son's toxicology results?  I'd bet my last sip of water in a desert that anything and everything from heroin to Oxys to benzos to alcohol were measurably at levels incompatible with life.  He could have overdosed on just one of those or a combo of all.

Did he have any Kratom in his system that terrible day?  Was his Kratom tainted in any way?  Kratom being a leaf, it's very time-consuming to consume.  Some boil as a tea, some swallow the powder followed by large amounts of liquid, some consume via capsule.  The time it takes to prepare, ingest and metabolize Kratom is so lengthy, it'd damn near be a full-time job to take enough to overdose on it.

Comparing Kratom to heroin, LSD or meth is irrational, has no basis in reality and is apples to oranges.  However, Kratom is used as a social lubricant, a mild pain/anxiety reliever and for some as a way to taper off habituated opiates.  Thus comparing Kratom to alcohol and weed is rational, is wise and is apples-to-apples by every measure.  Researching, regulating for quality/safety and taxing the shiat out of Kratom should be the lesson we've learned from Prohibition and our failed 40-year "war on drugs."

By the way, how many proven overdoses and deaths from marijuana have we recorded in the past 100 years?

Now, how many direct and collateral deaths from alcohol have we recorded in the past 100 years?  Tens of thousands?  Hundreds of thousands of deaths?  How many families haven't been physically killed but nonetheless still destroyed by alcoholism?  In the millions, surely.  And still, no sane person believes we should ban alcohol again.

Kratom will be proven to be in the category of marijuana and will do far, FAR less damage to humanity than alcohol which, when abused, crushes the most powerful force on earth which is human spirit and will.  Alcohol, when abused or even just overconsumed,  can not only kill the consumer, it can and does kill thousands of innocent bystanders as Mothers Against Drunk Driving can attest.

The DEA MUST ratchet down the hysteria about Kratom, else their hysterical blindness will lead to profoundly unwise, unstudied legislation with totally predictable and even cruel consequences.
You are speaking my language! It is so refreshing to have someone on forum so passionate about kratom and in particular, this ridiculous ban. The toxicology report performed on the physician's son showed both kratom and Tramadol (notorious for causing seizures) in his system. I've never heard anyone allege the boy's death was secondary to a seizure but I can guarantee you it wasn't due to his father's allegation of a depressed respiratory system because of kratom intoxication! Have you ever taken too much kratom? I have... and like others, it does nothing but make you sick! As in "throw it all up" sick! You only try one time to "get high" off kratom! Lol

Let's ban kratom but it is ok to have killer substances (alcohol and tobacco) in every single street corner convenience store in America? Why is that ok? It is ok because of MONEY!

Isn't the FDA/DEA placing restrictions on vapes/e-cigs? OMG? How (pardon me) fucking hypocritical!!!  Per, tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States with more than 480,000 deaths annually attributed to smoking.   Staggering statistics! Millions of Americans turned to vaping/e-cigs in a desperate attempt to break their addiction. My 59 year old sister who has a MBA, employed as a Hospital Administrator, began vaping 4 years ago after countless attempts to quit smoking. This is a smart woman who knew she needed to quit smoking, wanted to quit smoking, made countless attempts but literally could not quit until she found vaping.  It is insanity. 

Is kratom the answer to the opiate epidemic currently sweeping our nation? Probably not 

Can kratom help some addicts stay clean, effectively saving their life? YES! 

I am so disillusioned by all of this. I knew there were corrupt politicians, those who were simply power hungry with no real calling to serve their constituents. Yet, I naively assumed our government as a whole cared about it's people.  I no longer feel that way. This is a machine that is out of control and I doubt, without mega millions and powerful corporate backing, kratom stands a chance. It sickens me. 

After a decade long bout with benzos and the hellish PAWS I went through after quitting, kratom was a literal lifesaver. I found it in October of 2012 ans have never looked back.  I have encouraged forum members, particularly in the Addiction portion of the forum to try kratom. A few have found great success. I wonder how many people will return to the chains of addiction once they no longer have a healthy crutch? Once again, I am sickened. 

I will do my part in supporting the efforts of the AKA. I have called my congressmen and senators. I have made refusal monetary donations to AKA. I have sent in testimonials to officials in states that were considering a ban. I will submit my success story the the DEA. In the end, I am afraid the matter has been settled. The Machine is either so out of touch with reality or in bed with Big Pharma (most likely both) that our voices simply do not matter.  I pray I am wrong. 

Thank you for your post. It is refreshing to find someone else here so passionate about this herb. 

I agree with posters above as I personally don't believe it is possible to OD to the point of death on Kratom.  It is pretty much self regulating as you will puke before anything serious will happen. 

I took too much Kratom on one occasion and other than puking for one hour straight and getting short time flu like effects, I was fine the next day.  

If the stuff wasn't so damn nasty I think there would be some danger of consuming too much.  

Well, I tried an experiment, twice. An experiment result isn't valid unless it can be duplicated. Now, bear in mind, I have naloxone and my friend, an RN was with me during this. Basically, I sat down with my kr@tom and a gallon of juice, and started swallowing, first my dose then an additional 25% at regular intervals.. I cap it to make it easier to take and to make dosage more consistent. Both times I proved @mrsjones correct with regard to puking before anything close to od.  Starting with my current dose then adding until the barf party started. My conclusion, for me, is that I couldn't od on this...and it also allowed me to determine my max dose.

I do not encourage anyone else to try this and don't assume my results will be the same for you. Tolerance, etc makes everyone different. Besides, barfing this stuff is nasty.

After announcing that the herbal supplement kratom would be made as illegal as heroin, the Drug Enforcement Administration is now reconsidering its decision.


Now, however, after protests in front of the White House, a petition that garnered more than 130,000 signatures, and criticism from members of Congress, the DEA is reconsidering.

Given the outcry from thousands of kratom users - many of whom claim that the substance has saved them from addiction - a public comment period could potentially shift the federal government's view on the plant. Researchers have also spoken out against the ban, saying that this will hamper lab work that might lead to new treatments for opioid addiction and chronic pain.

Full article linked above is brief, but mentions two lawmakers directly involved in attempting to stop the DEA's hysteria and greed-driven decision to classify Kratom as a worser public threat than heroin and Hitler combined.

Good news, the action to schedule kratom has been postponed until after December first to allow public comment, and I think we should keep letting them know what we think. I'm glad to see we have some support from some congressmen and senators, but we need more. 

Please take a look at where you can provide feedback to the FDA. Don't assume we're out of the woods yet. One place that has a lot of good information on who to write and call and what to say is Dan's FB page (see the NoRXneccessary thread in the vendors section here.)

I have chronic back pain. I've been a regular hydro user. It's why I am on boards like this. Since I found Kratom I have lost my craving for hydro. And it works just as well.

My daughter, 25, has gone through many rough times, an abusive relationship with a guy, and was totally addicted to PKs. Which resulted in her hanging out with bad people to get the PKs. I got her some selected Kratoms from Dan/NoRx and she very quickly broke her addiction. I remember her telling her mother and I, this past summer, in tears, how amazing it was to not wake up in the morning craving hydro or stronger. Her best friend died of a heroin OD about a year ago. Sweet girl, you'd have never suspected it. But she went the route of hydro to oxy to heroin, and with the restrictions on hydro these days, the street price of heroin became much cheaper. Another of my daughter's friends has been hooked on oxy and just recently started experimenting with heroin. Again - sweet girl, but this has really changed her.

I talked to my daughter on the phone yesterday. She said she can't remember the last time she took a PK and that it's a miracle, that she doesn't crave them now. She doesn't take Kratom every day, just once in a while. Her order from @NoRxNecessary last time came with enough extras she still has plenty.

I am convinced the reason the DEA rushed to effectively ban Kratom is research by the pharma companies to develop new PK drugs based on the active ingredients in Kratom. And, of course, no one is going to pay $30 per pill for those if they can get the same relief and effects and withdrawal help for much much less from the natural plant. 

I'm just learning about Kratom, after reading about the NIH's erratic behavior (the fact that the decision to make it Schedule I was based on a total lack of evidence or empirical research really seemed irresponsible to me, esp when bath salts are basically unregulated, untested, unknown, and the NIH doesn't seem to care), hearing about the son makes sense. Thank goodness the decision is being put off....hopefully some checks and balances our government is supposed to be based on, are working here. Will be following the outcome. 

The NIH hasn't launched any kratom-based initiatives like they've done in the past with opiates, cannabinoids, amphetamines. That would be the first step- announce a special interest and call for grant applications based on research to investigate kratom. That should have happened first. Then the scientific community would have access to grant $$, evidence could be gathered, experiments ran, papers written and published in academic journals, and *then* the decision could be made about the scheduling category of Kratom. ?

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!