Yes ! I need it for work but cant get it prescribed, i am 33 , and my primary care gives me xanax for the bs anxiety from work, but when i do get adderall from a friend, OMFG WORK IS GREAT, i need to see a PYSCH who will give me this , I swear i almost quit work 3weeks ago, but a friend hooked me up with some, and i push through and did some overtime. I am not sure what the difficultyness would be in obtaining a script through a Pysch and at my age,
I feel il waste my time going to a Pysch and they give me some b.s crap and il prob be like WHY NOT ADDERALL i dont want this b.s wellbutrin or whatever...
gawd i wish there was a IOP that had these!
Hey Def,
Depending on what you tell the psych and their policy on prescribing stimulants, I believe you can procure a prescription for @dd. I just got one 2 months ago and I'm only slightly younger than you. Below is my story and some guidance that I hope can help you. PM me if you have any questions.
When I was 19 a psych diagnosed me with ADHD and we tried a variety of different meds (more on this below) before arriving at 20mg XR @dd. My life kind of fell apart (for unrelated reasons) when was ~23 and I stopped seeing that doctor and stopped taking any of meds.
During this past summer I decided I wanted to get back on @dd. I set up an appointment with a psych who I knew prescribed @dd to a friend of mine. I presented my contemporaneous and historical symptoms (most of which happened to be true) in a way that I believed would maximize the chances of procuring a prescription, which I did. The details follow.
When I filled out the forms they give you at your first appointment, I wrote that I was on no other meds and that the reason for my visit was because my symptoms of ADHD had returned after I stopped taking @dd ~6 months prior (it had actually been years since I'd had a prescription). During the appointment, I explained my history with ADHD/@dd to the psych. I explained that I was first diagnosed with ADDD when I was 19, but that I had started experiencing the symptoms when I was much younger (around 10). I talked about childhood memories that highlighted my restlessness and inability to stay focused. I explained the course of therapy I took with the previous psych: he started me on Strattera (a BS non-stimulant), which was ineffective. We moved to instant release dexamphetamine, but I hated the crash. We tried Concerta, but I also hated that crash. Then we tried @dd XR 20mg, which had only very mild side effects. I stuck with the XR.
I then told the psych that I stopped taking @dd ~6 months ago. I explained that 1.) my old psych was unreliable and cancelled appointments often and that 2.) I thought maybe I would now be okay without the @dd. Of course, I emphasized that I
wasn't okay without the @dd. I painted a picture of a desperate struggle that was jeopardizing my career: I couldn't maintain focus, was distracted, restless, etc, despite exerting maximum effort to get things done. The symptoms were hindering my ability to perform at my new job. I explained that the symptoms also had an adverse social effect as well; I often interrupted people in conversation due to an uncontrollable impulse to speak on the subject.
He wrote me a script for 20mg xrs on the spot. He did not ask for my previous psych's name or permission to see my medical records (which would have revealed it had been many years since I was prescribed 20mg xrs).
If you set up an appointment with a psych, you don't need to fully copy my story, but I encourage you to follow
these principles:
* Say that you previously tried multiple different meds until you arrived at Adderall, which worked the best for you. The doctor will then be unlikely to start you on something worthless like Strattera. In fact, I'd guess they will start you on whatever you say worked best for you, unless you ask for a ridiculous prescription (e.g., 30xr + 3 or 4 additional IR doses).
* Express that you have experienced ADHD symptoms since childhood, regardless of whether you state you were ever medicated for ADHD. By the way, the mere fact you're 33 won't stop a psych from prescribing you @dd. Plenty of adults with ADHD were never diagnosed or treated. The psych primarily cares about whether you have had symptoms since childhood and continue to have symptoms.
* Be specific re: your symptoms. Don't just say "it helps me be productive at work." Use google or PM me for more info.
* Go to a pysch that you know is willing to prescribe stims. I doubt there are many that categorically refuse to prescribe stims, but I know they do exist.
* If you tell the psych you're prescribed X@n, you will probably greatly diminish the likelihood that he prescribes you @dd. Relatedly, if you say you have another psych (although I think you just see a PC doc?), they will question why you haven't just asked the psych about @dd.
If you follow my guide and get the right psych, the odds are good you'll be prescribed @dd, so long as the psych doesn't ask for medical records. But I don't think that's likely. @dd isn't an opiate or X@n; compared to those drugs, I don't think doctors fear manipulation and dishonesty from people seeking @dd prescriptions.
Finally, you can always tweak some of the story. For example, instead of saying you fired your old pysch, you could say your old psych retired.
Hope this is of some help. Let me know if you have at questions.