Does anyone here have an addiction and doesn't smoke cigarettes?

Kurt Codean

Aug 15, 2015
Hi, i was just wondering how many people out their consider themselves addicted to a particular substance, or just use different substances for recreational reasons, but does not smoke cigarettes? Smoking was my first addiction, and from there it progressed to other things, but usually if I am using anything for a recreational reason, cigarettes seem to be a great companion. Especially with stimulants. If I take any kind of uppers my craving for cigarettes gets pretty large. Does anyone here use recreational stuff without smoking? 

you are definatly right about that. last jan 1st i swore a cigarrette will never touch my lips again.

so since then i have been on the nicotine gum, or sometimes buy cigars you can inhale.

but i have kept my resolution. it is funny how it goes soooo well with uppers, downers and all arounders.

nicotine is not such a bad substance, even sort of a good one, its just the delivery method that is harmful. 

I wish I could say Yes to your question.  I started smoking when I was 16-17 and have a terrible love/hate relationship with my Reds.  They go so well with stims which happen to be my favorite rec demon.  I also have a tendency to smoke more than normal when I am on a pk bender.   I dunno.......I think they go well with everything, dammit.    I love them with coffee and I love them after a meal. It is the one thing I probably regret most in my life as they do so much damage.   So unfortunately for me I cannot answer yes to your question.  I wish I could.....I would be a lot healthier than I am.   Grrrrr

I was addicted to meth in high school and started smoking when I was kicking that habit. Thankfully I'm off both now. For the amount of return compared to the amount of damage they do cigarettes are a pretty poor choice, but they are the hardest thing to quit.

I too got to smoking cigarettes when kicking, they were always horrible to me until that was all I could get.   I was medical detox off of heroin and huge amounts of benzos (benzo detox overshadowed the H by a long way) and got to smoking.   One day, several years later, I just decided I didn't want to smoke anymore and quit.  I know a lot of people find it very addicting but it was very easy for me to stop, I do take welbutrin for depression which is used to curb nicotine addiction so maybe that helped.  I still love benzos a lot, just have to watch myself carefully.  Now that I'm off the smokes they just taste horrible (unless paired with coffee), I sometimes think a smoke would be nice but the first inhale is like GROSS!  Which I'm thankful for, my brother on the other hand climbs the damn walls if he doesn't have his smokes.  People are all just different.  Welbutrin/Chantix works great for kicking as far as I can tell, I noticed almost no craving or withdrawals, just more tired than usual for a few days.

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Yes.  My first addiction was to cigarettes.  Years ago, I stopped smoking and the desire to smoke has left me.  Since then I have struggled in recovery from other mind-altering substances.  Whether I white-knuckle it or follow a spiritual fitness 12-step path I still struggle.   I never smoke, however.

I can't explain it 

thanks for the reply everyone. Oh I was thinking about it and I totally forgot there was one particular substance which I always though didn't go well with Cigarettes, and that was MJ. For some reason smoking a cigarette right after smoking some MJ always tasted like crap to me. Plus the MJ makes your mouth so dry and then smoking the cigarette afterwards makes it feel even more dry. So that is the only exception in my book is MJ. I never liked the feel of a cigarette right after taking some hits of any kind of MJ. 

I too got to smoking cigarettes when kicking, they were always horrible to me until that was all I could get.   I was medical detox off of heroin and huge amounts of benzos (benzo detox overshadowed the H by a long way) and got to smoking.   One day, several years later, I just decided I didn't want to smoke anymore and quit.  I know a lot of people find it very addicting but it was very easy for me to stop, I do take welbutrin for depression which is used to curb nicotine addiction so maybe that helped.  I still love benzos a lot, just have to watch myself carefully.  Now that I'm off the smokes they just taste horrible (unless paired with coffee), I sometimes think a smoke would be nice but the first inhale is like GROSS!  Which I'm thankful for, my brother on the other hand climbs the damn walls if he doesn't have his smokes.  People are all just different.  Welbutrin/Chantix works great for kicking as far as I can tell, I noticed almost no craving or withdrawals, just more tired than usual for a few days.
You found it easy  to stop smoking, then you did H?

I found it was more easy to stop H them smoking tobacco. It might be because I have a long term weed habit, almost as long as I have been smoking tobacco. So I have to quit 2 things which makes it harder for me.

 If I could afford to smoke pure weed. I might be able to stop using tobacco. Tried a ecig, which help to cut down tobacco. But still using it in j's    

I did have a friend who managed to quit cigarettes by putting aside the money he would have spend and buying more weed with it. That was enough of an incentive for him.

You found it easy  to stop smoking, then you did H?

I found it was more easy to stop H them smoking tobacco. It might be because I have a long term weed habit, almost as long as I have been smoking tobacco. So I have to quit 2 things which makes it harder for me.

 If I could afford to smoke pure weed. I might be able to stop using tobacco. Tried a ecig, which help to cut down tobacco. But still using it in j's    
Yes it was much easier to quit cigarettes than anything else, though benzos were the worst.  I did not even use bupenorphin to get off of H, the benzo WD was soooo bad it overshadowed the sickness and frigid bone chilling sweats.  I used to grow commercially and smoked buds long before I got to cigarettes.  Cigs always just tasted bad and I never enjoyed the swimming head buzz.  After rehab I had picked up smoking and had a large grow op, I smoked spliffs all the time.   Used to think it was just a Eurotrash thing but I came to love them.  Sometimes you just want to smoke though; cigarettes, weed, a cigar... just something to smoke!  Ecigs don't fulfill that smoking addictiion, which is not the same as nicotine addiction.  I occasionally have a cig with coffee every blue moon (like 6 times a year) and that's it.  Cigarettes just taste horrible to me now, other than with coffee.  I can't get good buds where I am unless I shoot down to CO for a budcation so I just don't really get the enjoyment of smoking anymore.  Sometimes I still buy a local overpriced sack of crap just to huff some buds though.  

Also they put that FSC crap in all ready made cigarettes.  Its in the paper so they can still tout 100% natural tobacco.  They started just when I came to enjoy cigarettes and that helped to ruin it for me.  Poly Vinyl Acrylic is what they use to ensure your smoke goes out if you aren't smoking it.  They make surfboards and fiberglass varnish out of it, nasty stuff.  Knowing that was in all my cigarettes that weren't hand rolled helped me want to quit (and got me on the spliffs instead). 

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I guess with my username, the answer would be yes. And the answer, funnily enough, is yes! It was the first thing I tried, and I was on about 10-15 cigs a day for about 7 years. Then last year I met the girl of my dreams and tried to switch to e-cigarettes, and I did. My username should be 'vaper' now...

Yes it was much easier to quit cigarettes than anything else, though benzos were the worst.  I did not even use bupenorphin to get off of H, the benzo WD was soooo bad it overshadowed the sickness and frigid bone chilling sweats.  I used to grow commercially and smoked buds long before I got to cigarettes.  Cigs always just tasted bad and I never enjoyed the swimming head buzz.  After rehab I had picked up smoking and had a large grow op, I smoked spliffs all the time.   Used to think it was just a Eurotrash thing but I came to love them.  Sometimes you just want to smoke though; cigarettes, weed, a cigar... just something to smoke!  Ecigs don't fulfill that smoking addictiion, which is not the same as nicotine addiction.  I occasionally have a cig with coffee every blue moon (like 6 times a year) and that's it.  Cigarettes just taste horrible to me now, other than with coffee.  I can't get good buds where I am unless I shoot down to CO for a budcation so I just don't really get the enjoyment of smoking anymore.  Sometimes I still buy a local overpriced sack of crap just to huff some buds though.  

Also they put that FSC crap in all ready made cigarettes.  Its in the paper so they can still tout 100% natural tobacco.  They started just when I came to enjoy cigarettes and that helped to ruin it for me.  Poly Vinyl Acrylic is what they use to ensure your smoke goes out if you aren't smoking it.  They make surfboards and fiberglass varnish out of it, nasty stuff.  Knowing that was in all my cigarettes that weren't hand rolled helped me want to quit (and got me on the spliffs instead). 
I know i'm going of topic. But I only recently found out they add chlorine to rolling papers, as well as bleach.  You get a pack of papers that come with the tobacco I buy, sometimes a different type, but same make. And noticed they had a brown tint. Read pack and it said no bleach added.

It made me think what other shit do they add that we aren't aware of?  I probably smoked an Encyclopaedia worth of paper            

Heavy tram and benz0 addiction.

Never even tried  a cigarette as I hate everything about them.

Also very, very rarely drink alcohol.

I'm a smoker which is nothing I'm proud of, but @aintnouse put it well. I enjoy the damn things! It was the first of a string of on and off addictions. I went along with whatever the trend of the moment was, like going through a "phase". Now, I don't do much recreationally. Got most of that out of my system, except for a rare wild night. I take pain pills for pain and a better quality of life and while I am surely dependant on them, I don't see it quite the same as the other things I did.

I smoked cigarettes for years and years. I've been using electronic cigarettes for the past 5 years though, only because it's much, much cheaper. For what I used to spend in one month on smoking, I can get by for an entire year with the electronics. I did that math 5 years ago though, it's probably closer to 2 years with the electronic now.

Hey there, unfortunately growing up my dad smoked at least two packs a day and smoked IN THE HOUSE! Of course, this was back in the early 80's, but I remember coming home from school and literally inhaling smoke as soon as I walked into the house. Started smoking at around 16,off and on, mainly in social situations only. After I got into my 20's, and was working full time, I took up more smoking because all my close coworkers did too. To make a long story short, I got into pain meds after  a knee injury, and was also prescribed dexedrine in my late 20's and 30's which intensified my craving to smoke when I got a buzz from the opiates, or stimulant, and when I  went out with friends to drink. By my mid 30's, I  wasn't taking much of anything since I  was now a mother, married, and a stay at home mom. But after my daughter entered elementary school I went back to work full time and bam I  slowly started smoking again and had my doc start prescribing me ADD meds (always suffered from ADD) for work purposes which doubled my smoking use.  Fast forward to four years ago, my dad suffered some bad shit.... Congestive heart failure, copd, and three heart attacks within a year's time. At the hospital with him in August 2012,  I stood in the hospital room with my dad and his Surgeon right after my dad got surgery and had stents (3) of them Surgically implanted. The surgeon was looking at me as I was a wreck, and explained what my dad had done, and that he had to stop smoking immediately. Weird thing happened ; my pocketbook slipped off my shoulder and guess what fell out of my bag; a new pack of cigarettes. The surgeon leaned down picked them up,  tossed them right into the waste basket.  He had the nurse write on a slip of paper the name of  an electronic cigarette she had used to stop smoking. I cried. I didn't think a Dr. Would care what I  did. The nurse wrote Blu cig, Walgreens.  Picked them up right after I left my dad at the hospital. That was August 12, 2012. Haven't smoked even one cigarette since that day. I occasionally smoke the electronic blu cig vanilla flavor, no nicotine. Never got another craving and I still use ADHD meds and benzos on occasion.  Worth a shot to try electronic cigs.   :)  

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Yes I am not the only one who abuses drugs and doesn't smoke.... shit I thought I was the only one lol

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!