Does anyone here have an addiction and doesn't smoke cigarettes?

I think anything that manipulates the dopamine/pleasure-reward system in the brain triggers and exacerbates addictive behavior.  When I am using 0piates daily, I smoke more cigarettes, eat more junk food, shop more, etc.   It becomes so obvious when I detox from the pills just how much my overall behaviors change.  Even life choices: I tend to  stay in bad relationships when I'm on a long run of addiction.  Its like the willpower is just totally obliterated.  All that to say: when I am taking pills I smoke almost a pack a day; when I am clean I smoke 1/2 pack at most and I even quit and used eCigs for awhile (then went right back to cigs when I got a large stash of narcotics)

Interesting responses.  I would have guessed it would have been a whole lot more yes's.  Good for those who do not, or mostly not, or quit.  I wish I could say the same.  I've been smoking for over 35 years.  I do, out of respect for others or to protect an image of professionalism in the work environment, use the e-cigs often,  It's not bad, I smoke less, that's for sure.  But I've never been able to do the full switch-a-roo.  My parents both smoked, a lot.  Hell, I have a picture with my mom smoking and a giant belly of me sticking out.  Times have changed, lol.  Both have quit now (mostly).  My dad chews the gum just like he would smoke cigarettes (3 packs/day equiv), but when I come into town, I sneak him cigarettes and help him hide it from his latest wife.  That felt a little strange at first.  Kind of brings a smile to my face a lot of the time (maybe at the irony, I guess).  Cigarettes are my first addiction and I have a feeling that they will be the last.  However, as I get older and older, the stronger I feel about quitting.  I will always be trying, sometimes more than others.

Best of luck to us smokers,


When I was younger I smoked socially. But, I think they're a waste. I think my last cigarette was like eleven years ago.

I quit smoking 5 years ago when I quit heroin. I relapsed on heroin 2x but being that it's all fentanyl now I didnt enjoy it and they were 1 night isolated incidents. 

Ever since I quit cigs though I never looked back. I hate them with every ounce of my soul. When I was on heroin or OC 80's before the heroin addiction I could typically smoke between 1-3 packs in 24hrs. Chain smoking. Couldn't get enough while on opiates. I would wake up feeling like ass wheezing and it wasnt fun. 

Smoked from 16-31 

I’ve struggled with smoking/vaping/dipping/gum/patches for about as long as I’ve been an addict. 10 years or so. Sometimes I can take months off and be fine, but I always feel the need to come back to it. And I agree, nicotine goes well with just about every drug.!

I hate/dislike cigarettes and I don't like even being around someone smoking them on m0lly, stimulants etc. Idc being around it on any other substance.

I'm an opi4t3 addict but haven't drank alcohol in over 5 years either. I choose opi4tes as it was the only thing that not just helped my shoulder pain after an accident but also cured my lifelong depression. Since I've been taking it I've actually enjoyed things and have been able to discover myself through that.

There was even a period where I didn't take any for 6 months due to not having money about 4 years back and besides the physical withdrawals being one of the worst things in my life, I still felt less depressed, after the withdrawals than before. Probably due to having hobbies I enjoy and not feeling worthless, as crazy as that sounds.

I worked long hrs because I didn't have hobbies before but I also wasn't the best employee I could be due to depression.

Since taking opi4t3s daily for 5 years, I have  gotten my dream job(full stack software developer) make more money and no matter the monthly cost it's worth it VS living a depressed life, working a job I I hated for 70+ hrs a week, because if I  wasn't at my miserable job I pretty much felt like not living< that was me prior to opi4t3s.

I don't understand why my brain never gave me euphoria from accomplishments or things other people get it from (s3x, promotions, vacations, festivals (ofc Molly, other substances gave me short time euphoria etc.) but I never felt better during/after anything.

That all changed with Opi4t3s, so I know I'm taking them for the rest of my life :) and am happy to do so. So glad they exist and this forum. Literally the best thing that happened to me was getting addicted to them as weird as that sounds. It started with a legal prescription too. 

Tldr: opi4t3s are the best. 




Tldr: opi4t3s are the best. 


This intrigues me because I've been a somewhat daily (for stretches) user of trams/codeine for ~3 years.  I'm so afraid of habituation I never go more than a few days/weeks before I cold turkey myself and have a few days of awful digestion.

How much are you taking how regularly, and how do you stop from habituating or upping your dose?  Do you ever try to recalibrate your tolerance?

I've tried to never go above 50-100mg trams a day (100 was my highest and worst), or 30-60mg cody or codey similars per diem.

@Chefman I do try to recalibrate. My average daily dose is 80mg 0xy. So quite a bit more than what you are describing. It rotates between 40-80mg 0xy as I take it for a about 7 days than I usually take tapentadol for a week (mainly for cost reasons) I take 400-500mg of tapentadol a day in 100mg increments. I try to take hydr0 after a week of tapentadol but it's rare to get a hold of it and I usually start at 60mg/day-100mg/day depending on how long I'm taking it, although rarely over 7 days. Than back to 0xy. Now and then I do a day without if I know I'm off work and have zero plans and Noone will see me. Those days I take 4 kl0n0pin 0.5mg each in 4 increments of 1 per hr in the morning since they last all day (something I started more recently) before I was doing it with x4n4x, I prefer kl0n0pin, than I smoke a bunch of weed that day and eat tons of snacks / bad food / whatever I feel like while watching TV all day. I work out 4 days a week and eat pretty healthy so im pretty fit looking and Noone would tell I have a cheat day that bad. The next day I use the restroom 15x times but since I'm back on opi4t3 I'm happy. Some reason the junk food and the anti anxiety meds while being lazy on the couch feels like a good day even tho I'm without my favorite substance. Can't do it a 2nd day. 

I've heard of a friend saying to rotate a day or two with gabapentin (I think is the spelling, I might be wrong) & s0ma. Not at the same time, or maybe I need to ask him, but I'm going to try them separate first. Which would give me a 2nd day to tolerance break without withdrawals which would be awesome. So I ordered some and will let you know when I test it as I haven't gotten them in yet. 

If I do c0deine, which is rare cause my tolerance is so high, I usually do about 240mg. 

Friendliest greetings, 


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Interesting to read your post!  Same here. I can't imagine EVER wanting a cig and I detest alcohol.  Every time I attempt to drink it, after the equivalent of 2 sips of wine or 2 sips of a mixed drink, I am depressed and really, really, really just want it to get the eff OUT of my system.  It feels dreadful, dark, and depressing - and makes me feel "trapped."  about once per month I attempt a tiny bit of tea aycheee seaa (legal on the left side US) via a chewable item, 1/4th of ONE, and it also is almost as bad.....just hate the way it makes me heart pound and my eyelids feel heavy.....

Oh-pease are the only thing that feels compatible with the "real me" givng me pain relief, and that feeling of "just enough" safety and presence to not live with a shadow in the back of my mind all of the time with how scary life is.  And that's even WITH ssri's too.

Looking back, I'm really, really glad I didn't know about oh pea ets at a younger age, or I would probably have short ciruited some of the depth of my soul and sensitivity as I grew into adulthood....but TBH, I would PREFER to stay "this way" the rest of my life if it were possible (getting costly at times, of course, but as you mentioned, it feels "worth it"). 

I NEVER (almost) re-set unless I'm forced to due to delays or too much default is the equal of 30 mg per day, partially "legitimate" and the 30 percent is "acquired elsewhere."  If I had my choice, i would definitely prefer high drough entirely and completely. I find it much more effective, fast, and powerful/energizing that the okkk seahhh stuff mg for mg.  I tried looking up what the differences are in the type of metabolites of both items once the liver metabolizes them to find the one or two differences...but things being as they are in the availability world, usually 10mg per day of my consumption ends up being the oxxxx type, sometimes just 5mg.    I didn't like gabby at all; too sleepy and spacy.....but that sewmah is good, though...LOL 


@Roxyanne  Interesting...Kratom makes me OK with avoiding all junk food too (but not soda, LOL). With green maeng, I'm OK eating raw veggies, drinking tons of water, and a couple of sodas all day. 

@Trudy L just saw this! Thank you for reading and replying. I think that's interesting to hear similar stories. It sounds like we operate very similar when it comes to our intake of substances. I also 100% agree with that feeling you get when you start drinking, it's the same for me. 

Oppies are the only thing that make me feel 100. & it's not that I felt 100 before trying Oppies, I didn't, I suffered until I found them. I'm so thankful for that surgery that made me even try Oppies. 

Thanks for sharing your side! 

Much love, 


You may be all happy to know that few of you actually have an addiction. A dependence perhaps, but not an addiction.
Interesting article.   The DSM 5 is so different than the DSM 4 was for sure...but nonetheless, I have a feeling those terms will continue to be used interchangeably in media.  Hell, we can't even get the beauty bloggers to differentiate properly between "moisturized" hair versus "conditioned" hair, LOL....

To Jiub1 - thank you for reading!  Like you, i find it SO freaking annoying that "our" fave D.O.C just happens to be soooooo dramatically more $$$ and hard to find compared to "others" or even "street drugs."  It ASTOUNDS me at how dirt-cheap alcohol is, and comparitively, even merry ja juana tee aychee see is, per MG now that it is legal as well where I am at.  Wish I could STAND that stuff at all, ever....but dang, it's so incredibly disabling to me, LOL.  Can't function.  Can't function even if not having to "do" anything at all.  Can't even function having fun. Sigh.... The problems of getting older, LOL. 

I've taken to telling folks to roll the dice on the fettys or dirties. They're here and not going anywhere, while the DEA makes the pharma stuff more scarce, so might as well get used to it. And if the seller is honest, they're dirt cheap compared to the real, so savings in it as well. With 1s0logs entering the space, seems also longlasting and more euphoric now too.

I just urge them with anything not verifiably obtained from pharmacy (as in, you got them yourself or saw the seller actually enter a pharmacy and get them), start with a quarter pill. And if in pain clinic, do not do anything but what you were prescribed at least 7 days before your clinic visit.

Sound advice I think, but of course most don't listen and then find themselves high (or sick) af or discharged from pain clinic for dirty urine. Them WDs...serious shit.

What's the difference between conditioned and moisturized?

I hate/dislike cigarettes and I don't like even being around someone smoking them on m0lly, stimulants etc. Idc being around it on any other substance.

I'm an opi4t3 addict but haven't drank alcohol in over 5 years either. I choose opi4tes as it was the only thing that not just helped my shoulder pain after an accident but also cured my lifelong depression. Since I've been taking it I've actually enjoyed things and have been able to discover myself through that.

There was even a period where I didn't take any for 6 months due to not having money about 4 years back and besides the physical withdrawals being one of the worst things in my life, I still felt less depressed, after the withdrawals than before. Probably due to having hobbies I enjoy and not feeling worthless, as crazy as that sounds.

I worked long hrs because I didn't have hobbies before but I also wasn't the best employee I could be due to depression.

Since taking opi4t3s daily for 5 years, I have  gotten my dream job(full stack software developer) make more money and no matter the monthly cost it's worth it VS living a depressed life, working a job I I hated for 70+ hrs a week, because if I  wasn't at my miserable job I pretty much felt like not living< that was me prior to opi4t3s.

I don't understand why my brain never gave me euphoria from accomplishments or things other people get it from (s3x, promotions, vacations, festivals (ofc Molly, other substances gave me short time euphoria etc.) but I never felt better during/after anything.

That all changed with Opi4t3s, so I know I'm taking them for the rest of my life :) and am happy to do so. So glad they exist and this forum. Literally the best thing that happened to me was getting addicted to them as weird as that sounds. It started with a legal prescription too. 

Tldr: opi4t3s are the best. 


Im an Opi4te addict too and I hate cigarettes , never smoked in my Life , i'm 40 years old now. I condivide what you are saying about taking opiates for the rest of your Life... Me too I cant live without 🥳

im under Methadon therapy at SerT clinic as I don't have much Money to buy opiates all times... But im working on It . Cheers from Italy

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!