Favorite Words

Cannot believe I haven't seen this one yet....just going with Ps for right now.



Pharisaical....saved the best for last!
Ooh, I know the first two, but I am going to have to look up the last one. I love learning new words even if I don't remember most of them. 

ideomotor effect  -- i like these two words because ever since i was a very tiny person, and for as far back as i can remember, i LOVED to take an ink pen or a a pencil and just "scribble" circles.. and i kept doing this and doing it and doing it.. NOT trying to draw a PICTURE really, i mean sometimes i would "consciously" draw a horse, or a field or a cricket or something,  but there was another reason i would "scribble" on paper because i would "see" and "feel" things that were kinda pleasant.. but i was just a baby really and didnt know anything of it.. i was adopted, but my adoptive parents thought something was wrong with me always scribbling and not drawing something.. NO, i knew exactly why i was NOT trying purposely and consciously draw .. i was "developing" something in my mind with these scribbles.. its like i was weaving emotions and thoughts or something and the more i scribbled, the "better" i got at "it".. but still i was too young to understand that i was doing something that most children would't do.. i mean, i was arranging "emotions" or something a rewiring my brain with the swirl and soft buzz of an ink pen..! and sometimes i would just be transfixed on the scribbles as i scribbled them, and all the amazing otherworldy shapes and shifts and the morphs that brought pure chaos to a cosmic order of a kind.. and DID I BEGIN TO DAYDREAM!!   the thoughts and the shapes and the faces that would come and go come and go, and i would tell myself all these incredible stories as i scribbled away.. literally THOUSANDS of them turning into TENS of thousands.. and over the years, i kept going and going.. ofcourse, i also lived a normal everyday life, played piano, went skating, had a good girlfriend, had lots of friends, but i always had my notebook and a pen or two..not EVERYWHERE i went but ya know... soo i lived life-  and i scribbled and scratched and scribbled more at the fabric of reality... i went through my 20's , 30's and at about 37ish, i began to notice things in the world.. i began to notice "coincidences" more often and something was making me wonder about the universe, our world, life's origin and all that good stuff.. i mean, just like everyone, i wondered about the stars and stuff, but this was different, i was noticing "syncronicities"! however, i didnt know that term then, nor did i know much about quantum physics or anything like that at all.. i was just noticing something "off" and i got to thinking maybe all my scribbling was messing with my mind or something, because i HAD been referred to a psychiatrist a couple times for all that scribbling but he thought is was just an addiction to doodling .. and was actually good for me..soo... hmm but i DO think i altered my mind scribbling all those years as opposed to not.. probably for the better,, sure kinda feels like it.. i mean ive SUPER charged my imagination or something..lol  but anyway.. at about 37 years old and im gonna speed things up here, as i im sure people will click away before i get to the good part... so.. as i got older, i got smarter.. and i had been hearing about automatic writing hear and there, so a lightbulb lit up in my head one day.. automatic writing hmmm .. so .. later on - actually it was a couple days later as i had kinda forgotten, as it wasnt really all that important just a little more than an idea.. so one evening i GOOGLED automatic writing and read up on it.. ahhhh it was just supernatural stuff... i was like oh well, and as i  was about to close my laptop, i had ANOTHER idea.. and that was "automatic DRAWINGS" because my scribbles sometimes took on a peculiar form and shape.. like in a "deliberate" way.. although i didnt remember that.. but things were surfacing little by little about my little scribbling situation here.. and when i googled automatic drawing, i found a site right around maybe on the second page or so it definietly was near the top.. but i found a link that caught my eye.. and i clicked on it.. and was brought to a website owned by a trance art artist\hypnotherapist\many other things.. and he was kinda like me with the drawings,  and to make a very long story short meeting him, emailing him, learning from him, and being completely fascinated by him, i discovered- what he ACTUALLY coined himself- was what is now called the "ideomotor effect" its brief explanation by him and its hard to explain with words, he would just say "when a movement instantly follows the idea of itself we have ideomotor action"  hmm i didnt get it at first but what that means essentially is doodling.. but a another form of it.. a DEEPER form of it.. a more of a SCIENTIFIC form of it.. as matter of fact a VERY BIG GIANT LEAP AWAY FROM DOODLING.. but the same exact concept of "letting go" absent, zilch, nothing, no volition or will to, THATS the key.. and when he explained this to me, something just clicked in my mind.. i understood!! and yes, i LOVED to just "absent mindedly" scribble, but he also explained to me that its very difficult to "let go" COMPLETELY enough to draw a genuine ideomotor drawing, where one is in a complete state of trance, because there is  a difference between just a scribble and an ideomotor drawing genuinly captured by the  "VOID" that is opened to the unknown.."  (im here now)  that place that where answers lie.. that place where there is truth, the place that is always there, the place that very very few can access,  this place that is beyond words, and needs to be FELT and not said.. there are many many stories i have written trying to explain this but before i get to that, i really need to explain something first for those of you who are still with me, i really need you to have an open mind here, because what you are reading isnt just a "once in a lifetime" thing, its a one in a million WORLDS kinda thing.. so please have an open mind, no need to do any heavy thinking or anything, relax and 'let go" ill do the talking, cause if you wanna stick around just a little longer for a few more words, i promise you ill take you to place you never knew could exist anywhere in your mind or world.. this is a beautiful, very true tale i am about to reveal to you.. and i can prove it.. so dont worry im very legit and i have every last marble and brain cell right where they need to be and im as clear as a bell. although im more emotional than intellectual and i continuously feel butterflies all through me, not just in my belly.. so... by now you prolly know the concept im gettin at.. so , to get back on track and finish my words, i began to study techniques and practices to "let go" of any and all volition of my own and "let" my scribbles draw themselves.. and i consulted with Aster (my therapist i found online) and he guided me for years.. he actually had the same kind of interest, but he wasnt exactly feeling what i was, i believed he attempted to use the ideomotor effect to "communicate" with the other side with deceased loved ones.. and he "drew" some very awesome looking ideomotor drawings, but he also explained to me that they are not always genuine.. and so i kept at it.. learning to completely let go of my mind, to utterely, release all concscious will and intent while scribbling, so that "butterfly - like tingling frequency" could take my mind, my hand and access this world.. that is what i wanted.. i didnt know WHY i wanted this and i didnt know what that "butterfly - like" feeling was when i scribbled.. but i soon learned the more complete i was in the trance or unconscious state, the more intense that feeling became and it was hard to not notice it, but i was getting close to achieving the state of absence needed to fulfill whatever it was that needed fulfilled.. if only for the sake of my curiosity.. and about at the year 2002, i began to succeed in achieving the genuine ideomotor effect and i could produce a genuine "automatic drawing" and he said that it was and so did some scientists in london.. (he lived in the netherlands, and  lived in west by god virginia) and we did all this through email, phone and such.. but he helped me over that last obstacle... NOW   .. one LAST THING.. i not only got good at "letting go" with my drawings, i got good at it EVERYWHERE.. and i have been kinda like "guided" by something ever since.. even writing this is part of the guidance.. although i am not in that trance state now, i DO know how to "be guided" this is a very difficult concept im trying to express, but im not sitting here writing this of my own volition or will, this is just a very very small particle to a much larger project that i am in the middle of.. and  lemme tell ya.. its not MY project.. im just the (i still dont know) lol.. ive only recently came to actually tell other people about this as there IS still speculation and arguments about the ideomotor effect.. people on my face book thought i was losin it until i actually proved and demonstrated a miracle i can sometimes (or the frequency from elsewhere i should say) pull off.. but they are not miracles and its not like i make things move with my mind or anything, i just have this ability to "make things happen" on cue , right on time, like everything is preordained and im right there to meet it, you know what im mean ?  the more i let that frequency have access to this world, the more i learn, the more i can do, the more knowledge i acquire, the more things i can WRITE and explain , the more stories, the more butterflies i can help others feel when they need them, and this frequency that i have channeled is BEAUTIFUL.. there is no other world that fits.. its beautiful everywhere.. INFINITELY beautiful.. the tingling all through me when i write or scribble is electrifying and it gets stronger every time i achieve something in the right direction.. its like the frequency guides me by how pleasant it feels , so this entity from elsewhere knows euphoria.. and i feel that is its destiny to a place or destination associated with euphoria.. and if no purpose, thats a perfect one!! my life CHANGED completely when i finally achieved the ability to "let go"  from it all in my mind and allow that powerful force in..   okay, to close, but not for long, i just wanna say something.. I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT IT IS.. i never hear voices or words or anything like that, i can t win the lottery, i cant see the future, i dont have special powers and i cant read minds.. im just as normal as any of you.. there is no difference, im of average intelligence and in somewhat good shape to be 48 (i look about 35 lol) aint braggin lol.. but i WILL say that i DO consider it a wonderful and very precious gift that i have being able to allow a force from another world, another dimension or plain or universes, or across a chasm  so vast that even the word eternity has no meaning..the frequency has developed in me an awareness of something ... my self-awareness has changed,, im not "aware" like i used to be.. i know things now, ive seen things, alien abduction is child's play, i can write things, i can feel things, my imagination isnt even an imagination anymore its complex cosmic system becoming aware of itself.. and its very beautiful..  just wait and see..    :0)

Hey Drone, have you researched "remote Viewing?" Sounds like you might be great with this! ! Now, ive had very specific dreams come true. Ok, first , one if my fav words MEDULLAOBLONGOTA(sp),fun to say! Ha ,second: dream issue, i wont be spe ific to much, but the night before an event attended by roughly 10k people, i dreamed, i arrived late ,i sat on stage, i met this famous person, and the film on my camera none of the pictures developed!! This was approx1996, no cell phones.Very very hi security was in p!ace. Now ,everything i dreamed came true!! All 3 things, luckily, i got the name and phone #of the gal next to me i had just met... So,  got copies of the pictutes!! I also have had one extremely off beat, specifuc object left for me within two houts of my ex spouses death... He left it, no mistake..0700 hrs on a golf course, noone had played that morning, i eas riding my bike, yelling at the sky to him, as we had a deal to let one of us know that the other was about, or had, crossed over!! That was from a different dream we had discussed. Anyway, this was from hin, no doubt, and right on a dewey grass fairway at a famous golf course!!! No doubt, as this item had no business being there, and it was an item very close to him!!!!!si, sorry we danced off subject, but i do the dream thing....we all ha ve some psychic abilities, but the event i mentioned was just so arbitrary, and all three things happened the next morning!!! The mind is awesome!!!!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!