Am I doing something wrong here? No matter how big of a piece of patch(dooroges1k matrix 75mcg/h) i put on the inside of my mouth, I get no effects(tried it several times). The pieces of patch I've used contains the equivalent to ~50mg m0rph, which would be a decent initial dose for me.
After getting no effects, I removed the patch, put it under my tongue, let it sit there for a while in saliva while not swallowing because of the low oral bioavailability, again with no effects.
Did this(sublingual) with a few more chunks that day(at the enddose equal to ~500-600mg M0rph over a few hours) but didn't have the tiniest feel of being opi8ed at all. Not even a slight itch, sleepiness, nausea or anything else opi related.
I understand that Fent is kinda subtle and not very euphoric, but I thought that total dose would at least get me some side effects and most likely to the ER.
I know I could do an alc extraction and stuff, but actually want to do it this way.
Any tipps on how it's done properly would be greatly appreciated