I was aware of this site quite awhile. It is extremely helpful especially in the referrals as in
what Dr was seen before and the top 5 Dr this Doc referred patients to. Also these figures are from
2012 when hydr0 was a CL III. Looking up some local Dr I know about and not finding you must be
aware that this site is operated by Medicare or Medicaid as to RX's filled by those patients who
guessing would be 65+. It isn't indicative as to the total scripts written, only filed with Medicare.
A good tool but wish it were more inclusive. I think there are some sites more inclusive but may be
a pay member site. I googled it once but don't remember.
Also it cut's off at 50 scripts. A doc can have 48 and not be listed but that's still one a week.
What's very good is what drug Co paid fees to what Dr's. You know that Dr is pushing brands. Lol
what Dr was seen before and the top 5 Dr this Doc referred patients to. Also these figures are from
2012 when hydr0 was a CL III. Looking up some local Dr I know about and not finding you must be
aware that this site is operated by Medicare or Medicaid as to RX's filled by those patients who
guessing would be 65+. It isn't indicative as to the total scripts written, only filed with Medicare.
A good tool but wish it were more inclusive. I think there are some sites more inclusive but may be
a pay member site. I googled it once but don't remember.
Also it cut's off at 50 scripts. A doc can have 48 and not be listed but that's still one a week.
What's very good is what drug Co paid fees to what Dr's. You know that Dr is pushing brands. Lol