Find Out Who Prescribes In Your Area

I was aware of this site quite awhile. It is extremely helpful especially in the referrals as in

what Dr was seen before and the top 5 Dr this Doc referred patients to. Also these figures are from

2012 when hydr0 was a CL III. Looking up some local Dr I know about and not finding you must be

aware that this site is operated by Medicare or Medicaid as to RX's filled by those patients who

guessing would be 65+. It isn't indicative as to the total scripts written, only filed with Medicare.

A good tool but wish it were more inclusive. I think there are some sites more inclusive but may be

a pay member site. I googled it once but don't remember.

Also it cut's off at 50 scripts. A doc can have 48 and not be listed but that's still one a week.

What's very good is what drug Co paid fees to what Dr's. You know that Dr is pushing brands. Lol

Seattle area??
There is a place where you put in your zip code

Also want to add that Medicaid is not for seniors, I have been on and off Medicaid since my early 30's for Crohn's disease.  It's what you get when your condition disables you from being able to work and I suspect many people here have been on it at some point. 

There is a place where you put in your zip code

Also want to add that Medicaid is not for seniors, I have been on and off Medicaid since my early 30's for Crohn's disease.  It's what you get when your condition disables you from being able to work and I suspect many people here have been on it at some point.
Good point Suzie. I just assumed since it's a site posting Medicaid claims that it would be only Sr's and not inclusive

of all scripts written. But I was dismissing a huge group of Medicaid eligible people whose information would be included

and therefor these figures should be more accurate. My goof because the local doc I use not listed (friend of family) is actually

at a 24 hour clinic doing shifts. It's not ER but He's a real good guy and when he can't help or it's going to be long term

he will point me in the right direction. Why I mentioned that the site shows the DR that came before and whom he referred to.

My pain doc in Ar. Area is very generous with me. I think it depends on the State you live in.

I was aware of this site quite awhile. It is extremely helpful especially in the referrals as in

what Dr was seen before and the top 5 Dr this Doc referred patients to. Also these figures are from

2012 when hydr0 was a CL III. Looking up some local Dr I know about and not finding you must be

aware that this site is operated by Medicare or Medicaid as to RX's filled by those patients who

guessing would be 65+. It isn't indicative as to the total scripts written, only filed with Medicare.

A good tool but wish it were more inclusive. I think there are some sites more inclusive but may be

a pay member site. I googled it once but don't remember.

Also it cut's off at 50 scripts. A doc can have 48 and not be listed but that's still one a week.

What's very good is what drug Co paid fees to what Dr's. You know that Dr is pushing brands. Lol
​Can you pm me so I understand this a lil better bro, any of yinz really.. I found alll of my Dr's on there and... IT'S TIME TO FIND A NEW Primary care doc after almost 20yrs.. cuz he doesn't go to bat for me like he does the 24%, and 1.3MIL??? Geeze.. he treats me like sh!+ since he stopped prescribing my pain meds.. My Pain doc is on there w/ less, at the time he was REALLY popular too.. but he's smart.. and known all over the country. I know I need 2 surgeries on my spine, and have some kinda auto immune that I can not get a straight answer on(I'm calling in 10 mins) I just need a pain doc who won't u/a me, or refuse me help. I just want back on the med I was.. this ain't livin. I had a decent life, best I could on the other med.. my stories under "Meth@d0ne" I am DONE w/ 'done, or... IDK I just wanna be able to do what I did before I got my meds jacked around, and lowered every month. I'm goin nuts.. I'm not 100% sure what to look for.. I don't want name brand, or a BUNCH of anything.. just less than what I was on before my PCP stopped writing for me.. now he don't care about jack. And after seeing his results.. I see why I'm just another # to him now he don't have to write that little # on his scripts anymore..SAD stuff. Thanks @MarcAnthony, I KNOW my doc gets paid by companies.. it makes me sick he turned his back on me full well knowing ALL my problems were caused because OF HIS ADVICE! Dr's, I do not trust anymore.

This report is a little hard to take to heart. The last year it referenced was 2012, I think? 

Plus keep in mind the schedules have changed--not to mention it keeps crazier every day to get PKs. Not sure this can be used as a bible! 

Naw it's kinda worthless for me, I've seen most of the "writers" and they WERE NOT writers at ALL... they made me feel like shit, get injections I didn't want nor did they help just to keep writing, then, boom... you're gone, 1 +... Even my PCP is one of the highest in the state w/ S2.. but now, he won't write shit.. it's a totally different day and age, all the pay places in my area are gone, and the legit ones.. have all the doc's scared like lil kids.. I feel the gov't wants us weaker.. and under their control.. what better way than to cut off someone who has no life anyhow, cuz no docs will write even close to what would give me my life back.. and DAMN is my PCP on crooked mofo I had noooooo idea the kickbacks.. ect. It's VERY eye opening as he WAS writing for me in '12.. BUT TOTALLY LIED TO ME?? He told me he didn't prescribe certain meds.. yet there they are 800+/year of each one he said he never wrote before.. I need a new PCP

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Looking for someone who prescribes in Tallahassee and Sarasota area



thank you!

Looking for someone who prescribes in Tallahassee and Sarasota area



thank you!
​The link is on the first page in the first post.  Click on it and there is a place to enter your zip code

Looking for someone who prescribes in Tallahassee and Sarasota area



thank you!
​The link is on the first page in the first post.  Click on it and there is a place to enter your zip code
​Yes, Suzie the records are from 2012 and just because you filed with medicare or Medicaid doesn't make you old!  Haha. Schedules have changed since 2012 also. AC asked me to PM but haven't figured that out. Everywhere is

different but I can say what is happening in my home town and Texas. I needed a "compassionate" Dr.  few years back and the advice I got was call up 4-5 and go with whomever it takes

the longest time to get an appointment.  That worked perfectly as I had a very "good Dr" for a couple of years until one day a letter comes that says he and all others are getting out of pain

management. These guys were all just GP's. I live in a town or city depend how you look at it of over 100,000. There are 2 main hospitals and clinics of DR that support them. I was given

3 months to make appointment with one of the referral on list..So now all Dr will say up front that they can handle acute pain problems (hurt knees, elbows ect that would require no more

than 1 or maybe 2 scripts)  All chronic pain patients requiring monthly prescriptions must go to one of the designated pain Dr in each of these facilities.  It has happened here and am reading

of it moving throughout many medical communities and being voted on by many medical corporations.  The future of managed health care. I believe most GP's, internists, and even surgeons

don't want to have to manage a pain patient from like now on... with the dea the way it is.  Just my humble opinion on what seems to be going on around here and most people know I'm in

Texas. Hope everyone has a blessed day.  Boots 

PS  Off topic, but had my first appointment yesterday about ADD/ADHD. Promise I will post some information learned in the do I Have ADD thread for Roger, Suzie, and even what I read on Cat. and type she struggled through. Take care my good DBG friends

I have tricare for life as my hubby is retired military. Medicare can be tricky on what they cover. Tricare is the best.

Looking for someone who prescribes in Tallahassee and Sarasota area



thank you!
​The link is on the first page in the first post.  Click on it and there is a place to enter your zip code
​Yes, Suzie the records are from 2012 and just because you filed with medicare or Medicaid doesn't make you old!  Haha. Schedules have changed since 2012 also. AC asked me to PM but haven't figured that out. Everywhere is

different but I can say what is happening in my home town and Texas. I needed a "compassionate" Dr.  few years back and the advice I got was call up 4-5 and go with whomever it takes

the longest time to get an appointment.  That worked perfectly as I had a very "good Dr" for a couple of years until one day a letter comes that says he and all others are getting out of pain

management. These guys were all just GP's. I live in a town or city depend how you look at it of over 100,000. There are 2 main hospitals and clinics of DR that support them. I was given

3 months to make appointment with one of the referral on list..So now all Dr will say up front that they can handle acute pain problems (hurt knees, elbows ect that would require no more

than 1 or maybe 2 scripts)  All chronic pain patients requiring monthly prescriptions must go to one of the designated pain Dr in each of these facilities.  It has happened here and am reading

of it moving throughout many medical communities and being voted on by many medical corporations.  The future of managed health care. I believe most GP's, internists, and even surgeons

don't want to have to manage a pain patient from like now on... with the dea the way it is.  Just my humble opinion on what seems to be going on around here and most people know I'm in

Texas. Hope everyone has a blessed day.  Boots 

PS  Off topic, but had my first appointment yesterday about ADD/ADHD. Promise I will post some information learned in the do I Have ADD thread for Roger, Suzie, and even what I read on Cat. and type she struggled through. Take care my good DBG friends
​No need to PM me Dc, we DO have a conversation open still tho haha! I figured it all out.. As said all the "pain mngmt" "writers" I've been too in the city and burbs.. and none of them were writers.. I REALLY need a new one, it's gonna piss the hell outta my current dr.. but.. w/ this ween I NEVER asked for or wanted, I'm not even taking my normal doses cuz I'm THAT afraid to run out smh.. I just counted, I have an extra 30 or so, for the next 13 days.. and back ups, w/ back ups... I just need to move point blank, until I'm in a MMJ state w/ a card, I'm ALWAYS gonna have that stigma, and the scarlet letter.. one gastro doc wrote I was a drug seeker cuz my MOTHER asked him to write me marinol(A C4 med) he was like "naw thats only for people dying" OH YA?? Then why did shrinks have me on it for 5yrs.. then boom I saw a non resident, a REAL shrink and he cut me off that day.. when I go in next time.. I'll get my alps cut I know it.. time to find a new shrink.. my problem.. UPMC.. those SOBs own EVERYTHING and control everything.. and since reading this I busted my Dr.. told him and brought 2 printed pages out to my appt Fri.. I said "Just like you can find out about me, know ANYONE can find out about you.. I don't appreciate you lied to me" he tried to convince me it was for my own good... ya like kickin me off RIGHT after I asked to switch p/k's for 2 mo's to get back to "normal" and now am stuck on a med I never wanted to be on more than 2 mo's.. he don't give a F anymore.. he's blanketed, but a lawyer I spoke w/ said I have a big case if I wanted to sue.. After 20yrs DO I WANNA sue?? IDK.

I was aware of this site quite awhile. It is extremely helpful especially in the referrals as in

what Dr was seen before and the top 5 Dr this Doc referred patients to. Also these figures are from

2012 when hydr0 was a CL III. Looking up some local Dr I know about and not finding you must be

aware that this site is operated by Medicare or Medicaid as to RX's filled by those patients who

guessing would be 65+. It isn't indicative as to the total scripts written, only filed with Medicare.

A good tool but wish it were more inclusive. I think there are some sites more inclusive but may be

a pay member site. I googled it once but don't remember.

Also it cut's off at 50 scripts. A doc can have 48 and not be listed but that's still one a week.

What's very good is what drug Co paid fees to what Dr's. You know that Dr is pushing brands. Lol
Can you pm me so I understand this a lil better bro, any of yinz really.. I found alll of my Dr's on there and... IT'S TIME TO FIND A NEW Primary care doc after almost 20yrs.. cuz he doesn't go to bat for me like he does the 24%, and 1.3MIL??? Geeze.. he treats me like sh!+ since he stopped prescribing my pain meds.. My Pain doc is on there w/ less, at the time he was REALLY popular too.. but he's smart.. and known all over the country. I know I need 2 surgeries on my spine, and have some kinda auto immune that I can not get a straight answer on(I'm calling in 10 mins) I just need a pain doc who won't u/a me, or refuse me help. I just want back on the med I was.. this ain't livin. I had a decent life, best I could on the other med.. my stories under "Meth@d0ne" I am DONE w/ 'done, or... IDK I just wanna be able to do what I did before I got my meds jacked around, and lowered every month. I'm goin nuts.. I'm not 100% sure what to look for.. I don't want name brand, or a BUNCH of anything.. just less than what I was on before my PCP stopped writing for me.. now he don't care about jack. And after seeing his results.. I see why I'm just another # to him now he don't have to write that little # on his scripts anymore..SAD stuff. Thanks @MarcAnthony, I KNOW my doc gets paid by companies.. it makes me sick he turned his back on me full well knowing ALL my problems were caused because OF HIS ADVICE! Dr's, I do not trust anymore.
Hi Nickean, Yinz? It sounds like you are from P-a. Likewise. I have chronic pancreatitis and the complications that come with it. It happened a couple of years ago. I am so desperate just to talk or chat and learn etc. from each other its lonely having CP and I have been with my other half for over 20 years. It is a difficult condition for people to understand as I have found even Doctors have a difficult time understanding it. There is no cure and life expectancy is around ten years. You would not know by looking at me as I pretend and groom well so that people are not uncomfortable. If you would like a chat buddy please pm me. Thanks and I wish you the very best. BTW I am a long time member of DBG.



Hello All,

That was really interesting. I looked up my area and found 2! I drive about an hour to see my Doc and practically have to beg him to write a script. He knew me before this occurred with 2 masters degrees and a great life to being near death 2 years ago and is still ongoing. If anyone has any advice or information I should know about regarding the link provided please do let me know or pm me. Thanks everyone.



Who told you that life expectancy is only 10 yrs?  My best friend husband had this and now only has a quarter of his pancreas left, He was in a coma for four months because of this as well.  He is told as long as he does everything he is supposed to do he can live the same life span...He is told not to read what google has to say about it and just listen to what his docs and nurses tell him what to his health is not great so is pain but not once was he ever told this, and when i just asked him.  He says that as long as you do what your supposed to do, there is no reason not to live your normal life spam...

Is there possibly another health problem you have that your doctor team would tell you this?

Adding his age, he is 55yrs old...

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Who told you that life expectancy is only 10 yrs?  My best friend husband had this and now only has a quarter of his pancreas left, He was in a coma for four months because of this as well.  He is told as long as he does everything he is supposed to do he can live the same life span...He is told not to read what google has to say about it and just listen to what his docs and nurses tell him what to his health is not great so is pain but not once was he ever told this, and when i just asked him.  He says that as long as you do what your supposed to do, there is no reason not to live your normal life spam...

Is there possibly another health problem you have that your doctor team would tell you this?

Adding his age, he is 55yrs old...
Hello Sadminion,

Thanks for the message. Doctors lie all of the time. I am not saying this is the case for your friend. However I have 2 masters degrees both in political science and business. I understand credible research versus just Google something and take someone's word for it. I have completed nearly two years of research on this very subject both in the US and UK. Case studies show that is the average span and there is no real cure. An average meaning some will indeed live longer while others will not.  Heck I talked with a gentleman that has lived with it for 53 years while others died instantly on this first attack.I am sure your friend was perplexed that he was in a coma over this. "That alone says volumes about this condition." Most people are not even aware of this condition. It is debilitating over time and I can certainly attest to that. Did you know that Doctors make a commission on how many ERCP's they do? I never knew this until I researched it and found the facts. One of the top hospitals in the country told me after the initial pancreatic attack that life will be normalized in a month or two however here it is two years later and getting worse. I have tried everything to get this under control even holistically and it just worsens. Its a nightmare. To really get a grasp on this you can find boards that are filled with people that have this condition and they will tell you the very same thing. Too much trust in Doctors is a dangerous mistake. One needs to be their own self advocate and do the research. I truly and sincerely hope that your friends husband does live a normal life that would be great and desirable. However in my case even eating dry toast makes me sick and much pain. Gosh I hope your right. Though the actual facts are not in my favor I am strong and will do my very best to live! Also I do not drink alcohol or do street drugs only pain medicine to dull it. Best to you and your friend. /default_smile.png


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What did he do/say that made you think that he was worried you were LE?  And do you know if doctors have a maximum or a ceiling on the amount of sch. 2 they can prescribe?  I was thinking I would make my appt. with not the top prescriber but maybe the second or third.
My ex health care pro had it in bold letters on my pain contract-page 1 120mili/day if not taking b3nzos, 90 if you were. Not sure if this ceiling was set by the clinic, le or both. I THINK it was a fairly new policy (say, in the last two years). Applied for schd two's only. ?

Hi was wondering if anyone knows any  good  Pk script writer  PM NEPA

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  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!