Great News!
I am very glad it worked for you and gave you some relief, and that you know you can use that when the WD gets to be too much.
Your experience has been what I read, that it's not working until around 1200 and then it hits really hard.
I read the effectiveness goes down after about a week of use, but a larger dose still helps.
Don't use it too long, it is also addictive.
I have read that it is almost impossible to OD on GABA.
I'm at 30mg ox only today and it's 4pm!! 3 weeks ago I would have had 70mg by now. I still have another 30mg to use for the jimmy legs and headaches but as I taper if a step seems to much I will for sure use my GABA now before I have an extra bit of bean.
If I didn't have to work this week, I might stay at 30mg today and take GABA soon and for the next few days to step down to 30mg/day since it sounds like it works well.
Keep hanging in there and I am glad you found something that helps and let's you relax a bit as you go thru this.
Thanks again for posting a recent and practically live description of how it worked.