If their own numbers are correct I believe they claim a seizure rate of .05%. I looked quickly to try and confirm this but didn't see it in the disclaimer or T&C, so I'm not sure exactly where I saw it. If it is the correct number I agree it isn't right to ask for a chargeback, but a good company would try to resolve such a small percentage better than saying "not my fault". If the claim of 5 or 6% is simply lost or stolen I find that hard to believe. Again I couldn't find that exact number in a quick look to try and confirm it, so I may be wrong. In ant event, imo it would be a better idea to end an email using the name Richard.Ordered: Feb. 14
Shipped: Feb. 15 and 18
Received: Feb 26 and 28
When I placed my first order with TTM last summer, they didn't have all those "no guarantee" disclaimers that you had to agree to. The no reship, no refund policy was spelled out pretty clearly in their "Terms", but I guess TTM wanted to make it absolutely crystal that the customer assumes all the risk. Can't really blame them for wanting that little extra protection. Over the years I've seen too many reliable IOP's lose their ability to accept C.C. payments because of mostly unwarranted chargebacks. I say "mostly unwarranted" because I don't believe that a seized shipment is a good enough reason to do a chargeback. But that's just my opinion. /default_smile.png
Looks like I got the Mylans. Oh well. Just a sample pack.Robin Hood said:If you are looking to purchase Alprozalam IMHO get the Xanors they are equal to the Pfizers.
Mylans suck, I have never heard of Alzam.
Did you order caps or pills? Dammit, being from the AU also, you may have just tempted me to throw a little more risk n' money at this company for their damn caps. (I'm sure they put other shit in their codeine- they really work for me like no other which makes this so frustrating and my un-willingless to just let it go!) Do you mind me asking what quantity you safely received from them (if you did indeed order caps of anykind) Cheers.1st test order received in 10 days, one cap broken, but damn fine packaging. Just placed another order, so we'll see /default_smile.png
If I lived in the U.S. and wanted to place a large order, I think I'd go for the insurance. Might just be worth it, really hard to say. My experience with seized orders and attempted reships from IOP's that have offered it hasn't been very positive. If the original order was seized, the reship almost always gets snagged as well /default_sad.png. Maybe TTM would offer a least a partial reship to a "regular". Unlikely, but ya never know unless you ask. SL has a no reship policy but J offered a partial reship after two of my orders vanished a couple of years ago.If their own numbers are correct I believe they claim a seizure rate of .05%. I looked quickly to try and confirm this but didn't see it in the disclaimer or T&C, so I'm not sure exactly where I saw it. If it is the correct number I agree it isn't right to ask for a chargeback, but a good company would try to resolve such a small percentage better than saying "not my fault". If the claim of 5 or 6% is simply lost or stolen I find that hard to believe. Again I couldn't find that exact number in a quick look to try and confirm it, so I may be wrong. In ant event, imo it would be a better idea to end an email using the name Richard.
In a totally unrelated, but absolutely true story, it reminds me about a teacher in school who was named Richard Head. What were his parents thinking!? /default_huh.png Makes me wonder when and why Richard was shortened to Dick, and if it was before or after the name was associated with a penis.
Yet again I find a way to take a thread waaaay off track. /default_rolleyes.gif
But I do agree the ability to use a CC is worth the extra 20% on a small order. If I were a regular customer and placed a larger order I would hope they would work with me to reduce that amount or offer at least a partial reshipment. I haven't read many of the posts about this site, perhaps they do and I just don't know it. I'm just hoping their Mylan zans are decent. If so the price is really good.
Just my luck, I knew I had seen people comment about the Mylans and should have known the cheaper ones would be less effective. I'm not too tolerant of benzos myself so I'll consider myself still fortunate if 5-6 helps me sleep. At the price they sold the sample pack for it would still be reasonable.If I lived in the U.S. and wanted to place a large order, I think I'd go for the insurance. Might just be worth it, really hard to say. My experience with seized orders and attempted reships from IOP's that have offered it hasn't been very positive. If the original order was seized, the reship almost always gets snagged as well /default_sad.png. Maybe TTM would offer a least a partial reship to a "regular". Unlikely, but ya never know unless you ask. SL has a no reship policy but J offered a partial reship after two of my orders vanished a couple of years ago.
I tried the Mylans and was very unimpressed. I don't take many benzos so I was surprised at their lack of effect. Just got a sample pack of the zopax and much better quality IMO.
If you are saying the Soma are only 5 out 10 I'm gonna be pist when I get my order. Was there a brand? I see you keep your location private so if you don't want to disclose whether they were in blisters I understand. If the TT is that low quality I'd go with SDS, who has recently began accepting Visa again. Although it isn't mentioned on the SDS site the brand they seem to ship if none is requested will be P@in o Som@, which isn't the best but far better than 5 out of 10. Other brands can be had if a ticket is submitted.Thank you again TT
8 days for delivery to mid Atlantic!
Amb- 9. Great quality
Soma 5 not my fav but hard to find and decent.
My new go to. Thanks again!
Pardon my ignorance, but your post left me a little confused. You mentioned a 10 day wait period, is that what they require before another order can be placed or just what you expect as shipping time? I just recently ordered from them and theres a lot more T&C than most places. For example isn't your account suspended if not used in a couple of weeks, or if not ordering after longer period of time? I know I could go there and look myself but a lot of useful info can be lost when trying to remember everything in their extensive T&C section. Unfortunately my attention span leaves a lot to be desired, especially when reading anything similar to legalese. Certainly not a docuphiliac here. /default_wink.pngHi again my friends,
I haven't been online for a while..long story....but...I have GREAT news about TOP10 !!!
Last order took....opnly 6 days to get to me!
Usually it is 11-14..which is also OUTSTANDIONG!! Thank you TOP 10 !!!!
I just placed another order on Feb 23, I believe and I am waiting for the 10 day wait period and I will be ordering 3x as much!!
Thank you to all who pointed m in their direction and thank you TOP10 !!!