Robin Hood said:
Halc~ion is excellent for sleep just be sure to lock the door and hide the key before calling it a night!!!
See that stuff +
for real+ scares the living bowel innards out of me man. I have taken Ambien before (never made me sleepy, prob too much benzo action on the neighborhood next to GABA-A over the last decade) just trippy in a not so pleasant IME way for like an hour but all of those stories.
All of those CRAZY stories... people making like entire meatloafs, eating a week's worth of groceries while asleep without choking to death, or much much more menancing those very few and rare cases of killing people by driving around under the influence of Ambien and dreams. I could see that with Halcion but something tells me that Mogadon might just knock your arse down far enough that you ain't going anywhere, ha maybe it's the Anesthesiologist preference for it...yep definitely.
That has honestly been enough to keep me away from ever using any Z-drug again. Only tried Ambien and Sonata a few times. They never were of help to me to get sleep anyhow personally but if I were dating a girl right now who took it, I'd sleep with one eye open, hide any car keys, and secretly when she went down for the count I'd place like a locker room lock on the fridge at night.
*On that note:
Any single ladies currently dependent on Zolpidem for sleep that are interested in (close enough) a fit 26 year old male who enjoys long talks on the Drug Buyers Guide Forum and looking up at the stars to adjust his vision while making sure some certain (not to be named but I'm sure most of you get it) 'cheeky' bastards in Romania sent 100 tablets and not like 97 or 98, cause c'mon dudes that's as cold as your weather...I mean serving horse meat to our western friends & cultural doppelgangers is
pretty messed up, funny in a dark comedy that only Eastern Europe could possess way but still messed up...
but being all rude in emails and shorting pills is just the work of a lizard faced hell beast
AND most heinous of it all my good friends is the nerve,
NO the sheer
audacity of including bizarre Eastern European newspaper grocery ads in your old way of packaging. Is it just the only thing around? Is it tracked to a landfill for secret intel? Is it taunting us with what appears to be meat that seriously could either be a dolphin or a badger, it's
that strange.
Rob you GOTTA let me know what you think of the Dormicum! Congrats on the arrival as always /default_cool.png . Very soon I too will be ordering a sample of it. Like you said before mostly for novelty, I imagine I can keep the willpower to keep 2 of those puppies in the Ark for some time.
Report back to us /default_smile.png.
Thanks for the info as always HT. A friend of mine was in your neck of the woods (*charming southern drawl* "why I do, I do believe. yessirr he was.") today in Tuscaloosa which I guess there was some kind of pro day for the seniors of the Tide? Forgive me man, I can watch the NFL (not like I used to but I can) but never ever could get into college football. Plus the school you go to after studying abroad and coming back to the good USA just in time for a media frenzy for a football pedo bear sicko EDIT: I had to stop it here, too tough to make good people read more about that...any way gents
Robin Hood said:
Ha thats some funny stuff. I collect benzos like some people collect different cigars or wine. I remember todo, norco worldwide, etc. Seriously though pyra I guess I am not the only one who likes to relax as well as sleep.Go figure.
I'm, once again,
exactly the same way. I think it'd be awesome to have a leather-bound book with appropriately sized page after page of 10 pack sealed blister strips or foil packs of every benzo you can imagine. I don't drink (never have much, not my thing at 'tall), I don't smoke cigars but do smoke cigarettes which yes I know is disgusting but that's on me. WOW Norco Worldwide. Remember how easy it was to get Xanax bars or Hydrocodone all domestically shipped over night just like it is Tramadol and Fioricet today? I know lots of us recall.
Yep me as well, I am a benzo man
through and through. Haha yeah I'd have to say you JUST might be in the majority of those who like sleep and relaxation. Then again the restlessness and tension seeking crowd keeps growing in popularity I hear /default_wink.png .
So are the Dormicum / Midazolam pills particularly big as far as your standard benzo man? They look kinda chunky and 15mg sounds big but I think of a 10mg Roche Valium and also the fact that a milligram is absolutely tiny. What I find strange is that Roche makes the 5mg and the 15mg the exact same size / weight. Probably a price efficiency technique, who knows or cares. One thing strange about them is that they are not very bioavailable in the stomach (oral) manner. Only 30%. Different stories which the other routes but I'll leave that your business my good man.
Enjoy your night RH & HT, thanks as always. Also GL to anyone out there watching this thread (I know, just months ago I too was a lurker eager to see who got stuff on whatever thread involved with where-ever I had ordered) and may you receive your package safely, surely you will.