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I'm not really impressed with the quality of the som@. But to be fair I just got some from another source and my tolerance has been driven up for a few days. I'm trying a combo of them and the meproba~mate to see if that makes any difference. 
The Mepro. is as potent as any I've had from elsewhere. Don't use it that often except to induce an afternoon nap.

From my experience last night it seemed to work pretty well. Even though I combined them with som@ I noticed a different, pleasant effect. With a half life longer than the carisop I also had a drowsy feeling after waking up. Unlike som@ I also felt drowsy when I woke up today. It wasn't a bad feeling, I just felt sleepy. This being my first experience with them I was careful not to take too many. I'll definitely get some more because it's the only source I've found. 

In the future I'll be getting the cariso. from another vendor that has good quality at a lower price. 

Thanks for the input. Asap I'll try to use them alone and compare the effects to that of som@.

Robin Hood said:
Halcion has a half life of like 2-3 hours so you are basically withdrawing from them as you sleep!!!!

This is why I think that people were driving around in the car with no memory of it.... Hey who parked the car over there?
Haha Robin Hood, I never thought about it like that. Can you imagine the lovely feeling of waking up a few hours after passing out thinking you are gonna have the most awesome sleep ever and are just furious hahaWell I've got a few of my good dudes advising against so I'm officially scratching Halcion off the list. It was definitely just the novelty & rarity of it all too and I knew it would be legit. I'm kinda thinking of the sample pack of Dormicum now too haha, that looks like 5-6 hr half life? Am I correct on that RHster?

Especially in blisters and this IOP has -never- done me wrong. They are professional & absolutely everything you'd expect from a well run IOP with exquisite staffing. They always answer emails and I actually like their practice of limited customers. I think it's a safeguard from corruption on both ends. 3/3 thus far and if I do place an order hopefully it all works out as usual. Everytime I see that damn insurance option, hah, and it drives me nuts guys. I know I'm gonna regret it one of these days.

All 3 times though they mailed it out by their deadline that day or the day after if I missed it (it's 7:00am SAST I do believe, which is about midnight here on the east coast of the USA). Even when I've missed the deadline they send me an email right away along the lines of "Sorry you've missed the deadline for today but we'll be sure to process your order first thing tomorrow morning". Tom and Dick actually seem like genuinely hard working good people, the same kind of vibe I get from Jim.

HT  /default_unsure.png damn it, that's a bummer to say the least about the Soma man. Atleast the Meprobromate is sounding really good? I was thinking of that one too but I was never terribly fond of Soma itself, I mean it really messes you up, a bit too much for my liking (the Watson brands that I've tried once before).

Do you think you could function during the day on the Mepro my sir Screwball & my always good man H~Tide?

Sounds quite sedating from what I'm hearin'. Does anyone know what the original Miltown dosage was? 400 or 450mg seems like alot but I honestly have no idea.

Keep in mind I've never ordered anything but benzos and probably won't but like I said before that Codeine/Mepro/Diaz combo looks SO appealing. The price is a bit rich for my blood though but it could be like in all in one med. Decisions, decisions. Gotta say the favorite that I've ordered so far is the Bromazepam. I've gotten the Betapams twice, think it's time to give the Pax a jolly good go mates.

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For those not accustomed to taking it I would expect some drowsiness with both Mepro and som@. I normally need at least 4 soma to get a good feeling, but after taking the mepro 2 days ago 4 som@ did nothing yesterday. A combo of the two (I won't say how many) last night gave me little noticeable effects. They are the type of thing that seems to stay in you even though you can't feel it, so taking it one day and then a day off is best for me. Luckily I get some zolps today, so I'll use them for a day or two and let the others clear out a little. 

I also had some hangover drowsiness again today after using the mepro. With som@ alone I don't have that problem unless I've taken more than a strip the day before. If I take zannies before the som@, it seems to block the effects. so much so that after taking 1 1/2 blues footballs I took 2 strips of cariso the next day and felt nothing /default_sad.png

Robin Hood said:
Actually, I have a sample of Dormicum on order....... These are so rare I just have to test them out. Its not like I am going to pop a few and drive to a bar.

The half lifs is between 1-4 hours! It is suppose to be taken with an opiate before surgery and you wont know what happened!

Bromezepam is also one of my favorites.
That is so awesome, that is it man...I'm getting a sample of them when I place the order in a bit. Wowza, I can tell that we think very similarly RH. You hit the nail right on the head as to exactly why I wanted to get them too bro. Blistered (always a bonus haha) Roche 15mg Anesthetic benzo?! Sure I'll try those out haha. I think I like bromazepam and lorazepam the best mostly because for me they give me the most anxiety relief without sedation or getting to that "I didn't take no two manhy behnzos what you talking about you silly arse banama!>?" stage where I think quite a few of us have accidentally found ourselves in before.

Oh man. I can not believe that I'm admitting to this as it's ridiculous as hell. I actually have something I jokingly call "Cody's Ark" (not a religious man just because of the concept haha) where in a very secretive and meticulously engineered spot within my 'homestead', underneath an indiscreet floorboard somewhere there is a container and inside of that container is a small sealed ziplock bag.

This is seriously embarrassing since I've started to really enjoy everybody here and this behavior is eccentric to say the least but I get a kick out of it for some odd reason /default_unsure.png . Inside of this mysterious zip lock bag is my "2 of every animal for the sake of preservation" ....only if benzos were the animals that is (and honestly I think they partially sort of are animals ha, they def can spawn them). So every time I've ordered from IOPs since forever I will take 2 of each pill and put it in there "not to be touched".

This has been there for several years now, there is even a set of 2,5 lorazepam from Todo still in there!! (I'm sure their now just rotted pill binder haha). To be truthful though, other than those, 2 xanax bars from an ancient relic of IOP past (that I now am seeing is back and accepts Visa again (they stopped the last time I checked on there and I think that was like 08 or 09 if not earlier but the guy 'G' was legit back then atleast) but still has crazy prices) that being "", and now 2 of everything from my Palmira order that finally came in has been freshly put inside there for all of eternity (if eternity equals March 2013 haha). I should call it "Cody's Neutron Star" because I'm so incredibly dense that nothing usually last 3 months in there haha.

Go ahead guys you have free reign to mock me for this absurdity as I would (and do) to myself playfully. Haha I actually kinda like doing it, it's like it gives me peace of mind that if something goes wrong with an order or my meds go a miss in the night then I have a backup. I like to think one is a female and one is a male. All right that is pure sarcasm, I promise that I'm not that crazy haha. 

I'm actually waiting for either 'T' or 'D' (is it safe for us and them to use their first names if those are even real first names? eh I'll go old fashioned  single letter style) to email me about if they can get Noctamid Lormetazepam right now (never tried it, always wanted to...used to be a UK source for it years back but it be long goneish) because awhile ago one of them said they could get it and put it in special orders but then I guess it got scooped up or something. Haha I used to address the emails to either one or the other and -always- the opposite would respond, so it's just "Hey T / D". I'm waiting for someone new to answer once.

Am I the only one who does stockpile benzos like this? I've done it in other spots too when packages first arrive, a few times I've even taking like 20 different pills and hid them in all in different spots and kept finding them randomly over the next few months. That was actually pretty fun. Reminds me of an Easter Egg Hunt. We should all meet up and have a benzo / norco in egg hunt haha. I pity the fool who gets the Soma egg.

I feel like such a weirdo now...hold me girl that plays Daenyreus on Game of Thrones, hold me

Robin Hood said:
Halc~ion is excellent for sleep just be sure to lock the door and hide the key before calling it a night!!!

See that stuff +for real+ scares the living bowel innards out of me man. I have taken Ambien before (never made me sleepy, prob too much benzo action on  the neighborhood next to GABA-A over the last decade) just trippy in a not so pleasant IME way for like an hour but all of those stories. All of those CRAZY stories... people making like entire meatloafs, eating a week's worth of groceries while asleep without choking to death, or much much more menancing those very few and rare cases of killing people by driving around under the influence of Ambien and dreams. I could see that with Halcion but something tells me that Mogadon might just knock your arse down far enough that you ain't going anywhere, ha maybe it's the Anesthesiologist preference for it...yep definitely. 

That has honestly been enough to keep me away from ever using any Z-drug again. Only tried Ambien and Sonata a few times. They never were of help to me to get sleep anyhow personally but if I were dating a girl right now who took it, I'd sleep with one eye open, hide any car keys, and secretly when she went down for the count I'd place like a locker room lock on the fridge at night.

*On that note: Any single ladies currently dependent on Zolpidem for sleep that are interested in (close enough) a fit 26 year old male who enjoys long talks on the Drug Buyers Guide Forum and looking up at the stars to adjust his vision while making sure some certain (not to be named but I'm sure most of you get it) 'cheeky' bastards in Romania sent 100 tablets and not like 97 or 98, cause c'mon dudes that's as cold as your weather...I mean serving horse meat to our western friends & cultural doppelgangers is pretty messed up, funny in a dark comedy that only Eastern Europe could possess way but still messed up... but being all rude in emails and shorting pills is just the work of a lizard faced hell beast AND most heinous of it all my good friends is the nerve, NO the sheer audacity of including bizarre Eastern European newspaper grocery ads in your old way of packaging. Is it just the only thing around? Is it tracked to a landfill for secret intel? Is it taunting us with what appears to be meat that seriously could either be a dolphin or a badger, it's that strange. 

Rob you GOTTA let me know what you think of the Dormicum! Congrats on the arrival as always  /default_cool.png . Very soon I too will be ordering a sample of it. Like you said before mostly for novelty, I imagine I can keep the willpower to keep 2 of those puppies in the Ark for some time.

Report back to us /default_smile.png.

Thanks for the info as always HT. A friend of mine was in your neck of the woods (*charming southern drawl* "why I do, I do believe. yessirr he was.") today in Tuscaloosa which I guess there was some kind of pro day for the seniors of the Tide? Forgive me man, I can watch the NFL (not like I used to but I can) but never ever could get into college football. Plus the school you go to after studying abroad and coming back to the good USA just in time for a media frenzy for a football pedo bear sicko EDIT: I had to stop it here, too tough to make good people read more about that...any way gents

Robin Hood said:
Ha thats some funny stuff. I collect benzos like some people collect different cigars or wine. I remember todo, norco worldwide, etc. Seriously though pyra I guess I am not the only one who likes to relax as well as sleep.Go figure.

I'm, once again, exactly the same way. I think it'd be awesome to have a leather-bound book with appropriately sized page after page of 10 pack sealed blister strips or foil packs of every benzo you can imagine. I don't drink (never have much, not my thing at 'tall), I don't smoke cigars but do smoke cigarettes which yes I know is disgusting but that's on me. WOW Norco Worldwide. Remember how easy it was to get Xanax bars or Hydrocodone all domestically shipped over night just like it is Tramadol and Fioricet today? I know lots of us recall.

Yep me as well, I am a benzo man through and through. Haha yeah I'd have to say you JUST might be in the majority of those who like sleep and relaxation. Then again the restlessness and tension seeking crowd keeps growing in popularity I hear  /default_wink.png .

So are the Dormicum / Midazolam pills particularly big as far as your standard benzo man? They look kinda chunky and 15mg sounds big but I think of a 10mg Roche Valium and also the fact that a milligram is absolutely tiny. What I find strange is that Roche makes the 5mg and the 15mg the exact same size / weight. Probably a price efficiency technique, who knows or cares. One thing strange about them is that they are not very bioavailable in the stomach (oral) manner. Only 30%. Different stories which the other routes but I'll leave that your business my good man.

Enjoy your night RH & HT, thanks as always. Also GL to anyone out there watching this thread (I know, just months ago I too was a lurker eager to see who got stuff on whatever thread involved with where-ever I had ordered) and may you receive your package safely, surely you will.

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Am I the only one who does stockpile benzos like this?
No, at least 3 collectors of US & International Pharaceuticals here. There are pain meds, sleep meds etc. from across the globe here. I don't get to show them off much. Five-O were here looking for whatever. Didn't grab from the collection -- thanks to those strictly British official looking pharmacy labels on the AMC boxes.

When you've grown old during the Great 20th Century Drug Wars, you learn the value of good medicine.

Some specicems are well over 1/2 dozen years old. BTW, they still work just fine.


Robin Hood said:
I collect benzos like some people collect different cigars or wine. I remember todo, norco worldwide, etc.

Yes & yes -- wish I was as sick then as I am now. When people would b~cth about paying $100 for 90 -- And raise the roof if they ordered on Wed & it didn't come until Friday. Man, those things sure have appreciated in value!

When you could just go Saran & dispense with even the minimal formalities & still get a bottle with an Rx label, albiet a crappy, inkjet one.

Think I'm ready to add some of the Top 10 specimens to the collection.


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Hey guys, new poster here but have been med shopping for many years... I want to think my first orders were with Raj at OS4U back when DB was the only place for info. Anyways, I have been using Palmira lately but Top10 had some of the Deans I wanted which Palm was out of. Registered and order samp paks for the xanor full bars and Deans.

Ordered: Mar 3

Shipped: Mar 4

Received: Mar 13


@ Pyra- You just edited when you were getting near answering my next question. What were you going to say to finish this sentence?

"Plus the school you go to after studying abroad and coming back to the good USA just in time for a media frenzy for a football pedo bear sicko..."

I just hope you don't have Bear Bryant mixed up with another famous coach. I won't ask you to elaborate further, just please tell me you know Coach Bryant, or anyone associated with U of A, wasn't implicated in any type of behavior that happened way up north of here.

On a lighter note,  I too am a collector of sorts. I used to be much more of one when my drug of choice was Mary Jane. For over 20 years I had some, an insurance amount you might say, that I kept so I could drive. From the time I got my first car until my mid 30s I always had some before I drove anywhere. By having some I mean on me, but always in me too. It was used as an anti-anxiety prop of sorts, in case I broke down or couldn't make it back in time and faced the possibility of being straight while driving. But if I took the last of it with me to get more, and none could be found, I still kept it even if I had to drive straight. As long as I still had some I didn't feel as anxious about refilling, so I really never ran out.

Then my use got so heavy I was buying bulk sizes for just me and my wife. On a long trip one day I lit one and burned it all but felt no different, I was "burned out". Even though I had several ready to light I didn't, waiting instead until I felt it would help again. Somehow that feeling never returned. I was taking trams then, the first med I took on a regular basis, and I guess my dependence turned to it instead. But I practically quit what had been a long and heavy use just like that. Now I have bits and pieces that represent when I got some. At times the nieces or nephews will ask if I have some and I'll come back with one and say "You remember last years Iron Bowl?", and tell who I saw and got it from then.

Back on topic now. /default_smile.png

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I'm a "collector" as well. Mainly for PKs though as I take them very, very rarely these days. And they are fairly hard to come by around here, so I take what I can get and hang onto it until needed.

Of course I keep a nice stock of BZs on hand though as I take a low dose daily. Diaz and lorazepam mostly. But I also have a couple Up-J purple footballs and a few K-pins laying around for when I feel like some variety /default_biggrin.png. I think its good to switch up your anxiety meds every now and then so that you don't become too tolerant to one kind.

Switching them up is def a good idea. Unfortunately theres few of them I can tolerate. Loraz and Alpraz are the only two of the "BZ", or "Pam", sisters I can stand to be with. If I get with Diaz or Clonaz they tend to want to stick around, or just drag me to bed in the first place. I wouldn't mind so much if they didn't want to hang around all the next day too. /default_sad.png Such a close family but much different personalities IME.

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EDIT: Hey HT check your PMs. Also I get the same way with Diaz if I take too much or take it long enough. I'm all about switching the benzos up too.

By the way that was an awesome analogy about the benzodiazepine family tree! Ultimately they do the almost exactly the same thing but they their half-lives (and perhaps secret love lives, *que mystery music*) and idiosyncrasies definitely make them all different.

Xanax is like the crazy and cool uncle, Ativan is the one Aunt who you always liked, Valium is the gentle but at times overbearing and lingering mother, Librium is like the father just because who else would marry Valium?, Halcion is the crazy ass 5 year old son of Xanax who has no attention span, etc. haha.

I did end up ordering from these guys today. I decided against the 'Codeine, Mepro, Diaz combo' or the 'Dormicum / Versed' or anything super adventurous after-all haha. Just ordered conventionally with 2 rather mundane benzos I haven't tried from 'em yet..

I'd still love to get samples or even full orders of those, probably on the next order whenever that might be. Eventually I hope.

Also have to mention to anyone else interested Lormetazepam IS currently available but by special request only. It will take atleast a full week to arrive too they said so you know. It is the Wyeth brand "Loramet" and they can get either 30x 1mg Caps for $99 or 30x 2mg Caps for $159.

And I'll update everyone in the ole' proper format as always of course /default_smile.png .

Ordered: 03/14/2013

Received : ???

Also I just noticed I always like to end my posts in here with this, it's my Walter Cronkite end of the news saying where he would say "And THAT is the way it is".

And GOODLUCK to those who are waiting...even the lonesome lurkers roaming amongst us in the shadows

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Has anyone used the codeine phosphate from here?

  I can get codeine in Canada, but the acetomenophin and caffiene these pills also have make me naseous (sorry for my spelling)..

 anyone who has tried them....some advice as to their potency would be great!

 Thanks so much,


I recall reading one post that said the hydros were not good, but the codeine was good. I've heard of people using ice water to separate hydro and apap, I'm not sure if it works with codeine or not. But I agree, not only is it really bad for the liver, my stomach can't handle too much apap.

I've finally cleaned up enough to tell the meprabamate was okay. Pretty much like a soma, which I'd hoped. The cost is more than I'm wanting to pay unless I can find out if the shaking is less likely, and the girl that could tell me would just say "It had no effect, I need more" even if she did get a nice feeling. Her objective is a full blown knock out, but I don't want to hit her. /default_wink.png A pretty good, mellow effect and seem less sedating than soma too. I wish I'd have gave her the baclofen, it had me hung over and staggering like a drunk.  

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Has anyone used the codeine phosphate from here?

I can get codeine in Canada, but the acetomenophin and caffiene these pills also have make me naseous (sorry for my spelling)..

anyone who has tried them....some advice as to their potency would be great!

Thanks so much,

I've read most of this thread and couldn't find much info on the co*deine. I would also greatly appreciate any information regarding the potency of these. I have some coming from SL, but with all of this current shipping problems, I would love to have another backup source. I'd really rather not have to resort to using anything stronger than co*deine to help with my b*upe withdrawal, for the fear of going back to my old ways
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I'm sorry, I looked back and didn't find the reference to it on this thread, it must have been a different vendor. I distinctly recall someone posting "The hydros ate garbage" just days ago. If I figure it out I will let you good people know where it was.

/default_wacko.png  Edit: I had a great idea and searched that phrase, turns out to be post 690.  

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I REALLY like their codeine. I used to order the 60mg all the time until they stopped arriving /default_sad.png I think their codeine is tops, amongst the best I've tried but I have a feeling there is some other small ingred in it that I can't put my finger on. Maybe why it works so well for me. It's supposed to be pure so def no apap. It was my favorite product from these guys, but getting the caps through customs is just too hit and miss and I can't afford to lose the money, especially when they have such a strict no re-ship policy, that they absolutely will not budge on.

My last two orders of the 60mg codeine were confiscated by customs, one for sure (received a l/l) and the other one was a no show, but no l/l yet. I have since found a more expensive source for codeine- it's quality (teva branded + blistered. 30mg pure) But I still prefer toptens caps over these pills. Lots of people shit on their codeine caps, I don't get why, they are perfectly fine especially for the price!

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Has anyone used the codeine phosphate from here?

  I can get codeine in Canada, but the acetomenophin and caffiene these pills also have make me naseous (sorry for my spelling)..

 anyone who has tried them....some advice as to their potency would be great!

 Thanks so much,

They have the equivalent of T3 which is good for me because I too would get naseous. I am a lightweight and their I think 20s empacod work well for my migraines and back..heck I can get by with half of one.

I'm sorry, I looked back and didn't find the reference to it on this thread, it must have been a different vendor. I distinctly recall someone posting "The hydros ate garbage" just days ago. If I figure it out I will let you good people know where it was.

/default_wacko.png  Edit: I had a great idea and searched that phrase, turns out to be post 690.  
I REALLY like their codeine. I used to order the 60mg all the time until they stopped arriving /default_sad.png I think their codeine is tops, amongst the best I've tried but I have a feeling there is some other small ingred in it that I can't put my finger on. Maybe why it works so well for me. It's supposed to be pure so def no apap. It was my favorite product from these guys, but getting the caps through customs is just too hit and miss and I can't afford to lose the money, especially when they have such a strict no re-ship policy, that they absolutely will not budge on.

My last two orders of the 60mg codeine were confiscated by customs, one for sure (received a l/l) and the other one was a no show, but no l/l yet. I have since found a more expensive source for codeine- it's quality (teva branded + blistered. 30mg pure) But I still prefer toptens caps over these pills. Lots of people shit on their codeine caps, I don't get why, they are perfectly fine especially for the price!
Thank you guys for your input! It is highly appreciated! :)

Hello, I am new to this site.  Was trying the OP board and got fed up and frustrated with their ridiculous rules, so canceled my account after only 1 day, and ended up finding this site and I am glad I did!  I have read every post in this thread because I was interested in TT and have only made 1 other online purchase which I got ripped off from of over $300 from a scam.  Have been looking for a reliable site to try again, and found this site and TT.  Have just made a purchase and am waiting for delivery.  Am hopeful this will work out.  The posts on this thread have helped me alot.  Just wanted to introduce myself.  Thank you.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!