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Thanks Bloom..but no mail at all today....the mail lady just left.

I have a question though...why would it take longer to arrive because they have more customers if they've already mailed it on the 22nd?

 Do you know what I mean??

 I'm confused....

Em,  /default_wub.png ...Uh, Dog gone that's a pretty picture! Oh, about the mail being so slow. It seems likely that their customs has noticed the increase in volume and may be checking bags one package at a time. Only they can tell and I'm not going to ask. 

Also I thought you had received all your mail, but your post seems to indicate at least one never made it. I recall you stressing over one recently, but thought it came in finally. Maybe all the stress on me has my thoughts mixed up, idk. Either way I wish you the best! <Hug 4 U> H~T

Thanks Robin Hood and opiated999---my paranoia will leave me now:) /default_wink.png  /default_ph34r.png  /default_ph34r.png  /default_ph34r.png 

It's seriously too much to me to think that after so many successful deliveries that customs would suddenly get 2 in a row...hard to imagine..they have so much to go through that the odds are always in our favour /default_tongue.png !

Good luck to everyone...

 Thank you for letting me whine /default_wub.png 


I would not worry too much until it get's past 3 weeks. If you remember I was one of the one's "caught" in the 4/10 delay. Finally showed up on 4/29 so 19 days but everyone did receive on almost the exat same day that I know of while newer orders had been made and already delivered!!! It has to do with the various postal sytems and possibly customs that every so often a bag of letters gets misplaced, "lost temporarily", gets a cursory look by customs, etc. So don't worry and I bet it will show up in a shorter period of time in the future than you have already waited for in the past. Each day brings it closer so smile and do something to take your mind off of it and have some fun!!!!!!!



We can put a big red DO NOT ORDER on here but why?

It will get there judging from past posts.

There are no guarantees. Mail is an unpredictable situation. Thats why it is key to read the posts from the vendor you are considering.

However keep the feedback coming in.

Theres nothing wrong with them, in fact having one as a friend can be helpful. I once had a 6'' 10'', 240 lb SBM this cracker ass would go clubbing with. In the deepest darkest areas of the 'hood. Just felt comfy enough to go anywhere with him. EXCEPT a bedroom. Friends are friends, but for me friends with benefits are ladies. And snuggling is very beneficial to me.

@ Bloom - I just trust what your profile says. IDK the age but promise if you're too young I'm not interested. If you're too old, and have money, we can talk about it. You can chant whatever you want, I'm non-judgmental as far as fanship goes. RTR!!

@ Bloom - As far as packaging it should have been something you found on their website. But since it's not about the physical nature of the mail, which shouldn't be discussed openly, no signature is required. Log in to their website and re-read their shipping details for more information. Or join their forum, I think they allow packaging discussions. If not most everything is detailed on their site.

Glad you finally got in too. Best of luck, H~T
High Tide!  You're a trip!!  I posted a photo (Em Inspired) taken a few years ago at M.B.A school.  I'm not too young or too old - but you Bama boys are definitely too naughty for me!  Though I will admit I viewed your profile, and have never met a Libra (even an on the cusp Libra) who I didn't like.  Aww!  But, I'm a dog person - I have two chocolate labs that chase the lizards off my front porch, so I just don't see it working out between us.  :-(   And thank you for the suggestion to read the shipping details on TT website - I did read it but I didn't see any information about whether signature was required at delivery.  And since I'm having so much fun making new friends on this forum I thought it was okay to ask.  I definitely try to be discreet - but I'm still a newbie.  I didn't even realize you could view a person's profile until you told me you looked at my profile.  LOL!!  Maybe I am getting old!!   

High Tide!  You're a trip!!  I posted a photo (Em Inspired) taken a few years ago at M.B.A school.  I'm not too young or too old - but you Bama boys are definitely too naughty for me!  Though I will admit I viewed your profile, and have never met a Libra (even an on the cusp Libra) who I didn't like.  Aww!  But, I'm a dog person - I have two chocolate labs that chase the lizards off my front porch, so I just don't see it working out between us.  :-(   And thank you for the suggestion to read the shipping details on TT website - I did read it but I didn't see any information about whether signature was required at delivery.  And since I'm having so much fun making new friends on this forum I thought it was okay to ask.  I definitely try to be discreet - but I'm still a newbie.  I didn't even realize you could view a person's profile until you told me you looked at my profile.  LOL!!  Maybe I am getting old!!   
Yes, those Alabama boys are something else! Can't take them anywhere, LOL. So, how does the lady feel about 7'+, slightly furry man beasts with quick wit and gentlemanly charms?! /default_biggrin.png

And I'm Jewbacca, by the way, although most simply call me "Jewy" around these parts. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Yes, those Alabama boys are something else! Can't take them anywhere, LOL. So, how does the lady feel about 7'+, slightly furry man beasts with quick wit and gentlemanly charms?! /default_biggrin.png

And I'm Jewbacca, by the way, although most simply call me "Jewy" around these parts. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.
She said she already has two dogs, you furry mutt, so back off my Southern Belle. I'm working on this, in private like it should be. Take a few of these som@, I mean vitamins, and we'll settle this in the MILF alley. Take 12-16 to be safe okay? Meet you in an hour, still good friends whatever happens, agreed? 

@ Bloom - He lives on MILF Island, that should be enough for him. Besides, you're not old enough to be a MILF, and in real life he sounds like a seal, so you can't have intimate conversations. TTYL in PM, okay? /default_wub.png 

She said she already has two dogs, you furry mutt, so back off my Southern Belle. I'm working on this, in private like it should be. Take a few of these som@, I mean vitamins, and we'll settle this in the MILF alley. Take 12-16 to be safe okay? Meet you in an hour, still good friends whatever happens, agreed? 

@ Bloom - He lives on MILF Island, that should be enough for him. Besides, you're not old enough to be a MILF, and in real life he sounds like a seal, so you can't have intimate conversations. TTYL in PM, okay? /default_wub.png
Now now HT, that sort of talk will generate a visit from my business partner and MILF Island Security Secretary, Mr. Heisenberg! No need for concern, however, a gentleman never poaches on another man's turf, so you two enjoy the pleasure of each other's company. Should the lady ever find herself thirsty or in need of quality pharmaceuticals, served in a lush, tropical, beach front environment, I've added the lovely Miss Bloom to the Jewenberg Beach Bar & Pharmacy VIP list. /default_biggrin.png

Yes, those Alabama boys are something else! Can't take them anywhere, LOL. So, how does the lady feel about 7'+, slightly furry man beasts with quick wit and gentlemanly charms?! /default_biggrin.png

And I'm Jewbacca, by the way, although most simply call me "Jewy" around these parts. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.
I'm just asking, because I'm not sure - are you a Jewish Chewbacca - because man, they don't make them like that anymore! 

Gentlemanly charms, are you sure?  Do you like Gucci or Christian Dior?! 

A pleasure to make your acquaintance, as well.  Jewy, I'm Bloom - thanks for visiting this belle!!


Your turn!  Rhyme back!!  It's fun!!   

She said she already has two dogs, you furry mutt, so back off my Southern Belle. I'm working on this, in private like it should be. Take a few of these som@, I mean vitamins, and we'll settle this in the MILF alley. Take 12-16 to be safe okay? Meet you in an hour, still good friends whatever happens, agreed? 

@ Bloom - He lives on MILF Island, that should be enough for him. Besides, you're not old enough to be a MILF, and in real life he sounds like a seal, so you can't have intimate conversations. TTYL in PM, okay? /default_wub.png
Peace, Hope, Love!  Be nice, guys!! 

He knows I couldn't save that many som@ for anyone else. I'd be the one rubbery legged with a tall furry creature helping me to bed. Then finding a sleepy MILF to lay with me. That's just the kind of fight we have. The loser passes out, goes to bed and may have a little fun. The winner is the one who handles his pharmaceuticals correctly, and has fun all night long. /default_smile.png

To be honest I'd probably brush Jewies hair just like I would a GF. And he won't ask what is poking him in the back, he'll know it's just a reaction that I can't control, and he needs not worry about it. Doesn't matter if it's brushing hair, giving a back rub, or a lady in my lap. Something to talk about just always pops up! /default_wink.png

Hope you all have a great night, H~T

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 You are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!


You are also sooo sweet to offer your help.  Sincerely sweet.  Thank you for your kindness.

  I've been spoilt in the past recieving in 9 days, once in 6 days!

We don't get mail on weekends in hopefully next week.

In all of my , oh, let's say, 15 orders from topten, only one has been siezed.  So, you are all right, it is just taking longer....while I sit in benzo w/d! AHHH!!!!

I'll keep you all updated...

Love you all my friends,



 You are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!


You are also sooo sweet to offer your help.  Sincerely sweet.  Thank you for your kindness.

  I've been spoilt in the past recieving in 9 days, once in 6 days!

We don't get mail on weekends in hopefully next week.

In all of my , oh, let's say, 15 orders from topten, only one has been siezed.  So, you are all right, it is just taking longer....while I sit in benzo w/d! AHHH!!!!

I'll keep you all updated...

Love you all my friends,

It breaks my heart you are hurting Em. Goodness knows if there were some way I could email you some of my alps I'd do it. I know you would do the same for me.

On the bright side, for me anyway, at least now I can see two drop dead gorgeous young ladies when I come here. Have you looked and seen Blooms join date? She probably never posted for fear a snuggle hound like me would be hounding her. The sad part is it's true! Not that I wouldn't want to talk to a lady that isn't so pretty, I do it already with one just 15 miles away. But you two seem to be so nice and pretty, IDK why a man isn't doing this stuff for y'all already. I'm guessing there are plenty trying (y'all have to have lots of suitors in the waiting) but I can't blame you for staying independent. Stay strong and fend for yourself instead of relying on another one to help you. 

All the best, H~T (FWIW I'm sending you a hug and hoping you feel better soon. I even added color hoping to brighten your day. /default_smile.png )

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@Bloom:  It seems none of the above did not even hear your question as they are still fixed on your avatar. The answer is NO you do not have to sign for t10.

@Bloom:  It seems none of the above did not even hear your question as they are still fixed on your avatar. The answer is NO you do not have to sign for t10.
Hey, I never claimed to be a T10 customer. I'm just the welcoming committee, LOL!

Most welcome EM, Thankfully i missed that 4/10 bag by 1 day 4/9 came in 9 days..Be safe everyone,@ may we all get whats otw! /default_smile.png I hope You get your order soon. Opiated-

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@Bloom:  It seems none of the above did not even hear your question as they are still fixed on your avatar. The answer is NO you do not have to sign for t10.
That isn't true. I answered it, just buried in my ramblings so IDK if anyone noticed, and someone else also told her. You are trying to monitor so many posts I can see how you missed it, just wanted to let you know it was answered.

And I'm not fixed on her avatar either. I made hers and Ems my desktop background.  /default_wub.png  Now I just sit and pretend I'm on a date with both at once. I'd like for some lady here to verify I really am a nice guy who wouldn't touch a lady unless they wanted me too. I'm confident that once I get permission I'll get requests from then on. 

Back on topic, please keep the feedback coming concerning order date, date received and quality. Try to keep med names disguised as much as possible.  /default_ph34r.png  This is the only bee zee source I have, I'd hate to see them go down and have to pay others more for what I'm happy with now. 

Have a good one all, H~T

Ordered: 04.28

Shipped: 04.29

Received: 05.04 NE US

Holy crap, I officially love Top10Meds!!

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  3. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!