During their rebuilding, they have setup backup sites that can be up and running in no time, I won't say the amount of backups, but I will tell you it is at least (3) three. If they are hit again, this will xfer much faster. Also to anyone with lingering apprehensions as to whether your cc is safe I can tell you this. It is as safe now as it was before. Take that for whatever comfort you get out of that. This was nothing more than an invalid DNS server that got hit, the same thing has happened to a site that is VERY CLOSE TO YOU RIGHT NOW If you understand my meaning. The ssl is fine although no one can tell you that you are 100% secure, Regardless if this happened or not, you have never been 100% secure. As I've said before, the new certificate resolves to the OG site so you may take a large amount of comfort in that. What I can also tell you is, this is the real deal replacement. This is TT!!
Hope any of this helps.