I agree that lately, not just this IOP, but since May of this year, packages are late or end up missing (NSA?), I do not even suspect customs much anymore as the main culprit and curtailing or packages ... now every system and a person inside the system is the initial culprit until things gets out of hand. Perhaps the mailman is stealing these, realizing while his job is on the line (and any delivery job for that matter), the odds of getting caught are rare. I don't mean to scare people, but you need to watch out that mailmen steal. And as a result, the IOP had nothing to do with the conspiracy, But the buck stops with the company, and one can argue a situation wouldn't happen like this if, (i) packages weren't always divided and (ii) the font and predictability can easily incite the thief into just taking the bait. If opened once, then the mailmen will always know. Mailmen are altered, but not as often as one would think, and if you do not have good rapport with him / her, a buyer can have massive problems regardless the precautions of both the supply and demand. btw: After several dozen orders and even more packages, I have yet to even miss a single piece of a big order. I will be placing another order until I get my AMC problems altogether.