Do they send ups?
I *am* Interested hearing about how you're left feeling after 600 mg of Lyric domea and Diazepam + Nitrazepam (PM me if u think my rqst Q is in-appropriate for this forum) - How how do u feel after when this combination kicks in ? Do u drop them drop all at once, or@Itzalah LMFAO!!!! after 600 mg of Lyrica and Diazepam also Nitrazepam I definitely have no need what so ever for Lycra
********** I'v been doing this 10 years!@Kings2012 to say all of the things you ordered are of low quality to absolute rubbish you ordered a lot of things to find out if they where rubbish or not. Everyone is entitled to there opinion but for your first post you have certainly got a lot of things from a site that has sent you below par meds. Did you order all of these things in one go from a site you have never used before or have you used the site before.
As I have said each to their own never had a problem my self and if you do find the big list of meds you ordered to beof unsatisfactory condition e-mail TTM and tell them I am sure they would like to know you can also post on their in house forum too. Also it will be a bust with customs if you provide as much infoi as you do on your posts.
Just my two cents worth and the Mylan 1,0mg I ordered where fine and as you said for the prices they are charging can you really expect a dlivery from your local pahrmacy. Maybe it is just down to your first post but can you keep delivery details to minimum as just because you obviously don't like this site and what they sell most of us do and would like to keep it that way. I am not being petulant towards you in any way and please do not take this post as a start of an argument as it is not in any way it just seems you made a very large order without any research on the site at all.
All of the posts in this thread do say that the PK's are a little dodgy but the Benny's are good. Meprobamate is not that good any way I find I think it is very over-rated. soma is just a pro-drug of the aforemntioned drug so not gonna be much better. I find your post a little ill informed and for a first post I think a bit of the green eyed monster maybe going on, maybe from another site thats a little envious and begrudging of the popularity that TTM is gaining dunno maybe wrong but I can take being wrong we can't all be right all of the time but think the post speaks for it's self!!!!!!
Vigilance is the name of the game!!!!!!!