Only 4days to Europe but the p@x 10'are very week
Did you prefer the beta's or the pax's before they went out of stock?i tryed the new doval's and there work great for me would definitely buy again
I'm not a chemist by any means, I'm just curious if you are trying to compare efedd to sue dough efedd. They are similar but the efedd is supposed to be stronger, so I can't answer as to why it doesn't seem to work as well. If you have been getting plain efedd from another source perhaps you can tell by taste if it's actually in there and maybe just a lower dose than advertised. I don't personally recall anyone ever reporting ordering those, or at least providing feedback if they did.I love this vendor- I really do. It just boggles my mind that some meds are GREAT (@dco @laazr0p@m) and others are terrible (efedreen). What gives? opinions?
No- I'm comparing it to the pure efeddreen HCL. It's typically marketed more as a diet drug- stimulant. It used to be sold over the counter and at gas stations here in the US but that has changed in recent years. Im not a chemist either (haha) but I believe it has similar properties to that of sue dough efedd. I'm sure not many people purchase it from TTM as it's typically an easier med to get. (legal otc in canada). TTM just had a good price on it which is why I ordered it. Ah, oh well.I'm not a chemist by any means, I'm just curious if you are trying to compare efedd to sue dough efedd. They are similar but the efedd is supposed to be stronger, so I can't answer as to why it doesn't seem to work as well. If you have been getting plain efedd from another source perhaps you can tell by taste if it's actually in there and maybe just a lower dose than advertised. I don't personally recall anyone ever reporting ordering those, or at least providing feedback if they did.
You are correct, QP has it. I bought some but they haven't arrived. Seems my order is taking a scenic tour around the united states first. It was a mile away a couple days ago and now its chilling in the midwest. Ho hum.I think they have Roche if I am not mistaken or maybe thats QP
I recieved my 3/17 a week after my 3-31 sorry about the mix upacgador, I misunderstood your post. Are you still waiting on your 3/17 order? I'm still missing one from 2/25 but have received orders since then. Anyone else waiting on a 2/25 or thereabouts order?
Also, I'd like to correct my last post. I posted the correct arrival dates but miscalculated the total days. On 4/3 I posted:
"Just received my recent order:
Mailed: 3/24
Received: 4/3
7 days! Not bad at all. Still missing an order from 2/25. 11 out of 12 ain't bad. Holding out hope on my 2/25..stranger things have happened."
Now, of course the "7 days" was wrong- don't know what I was thinking! It was 10 days and not 7. I was using the February to March calender and screwed that up. However, the mailed and received dates are correct. Mods, feel free to delete or correct that post if you feel necessary and sorry for the confusion.
I have switched from 3x5mg roaches from my pharmacy to doval and there was absolutely no difference and therapeutic effect. They are definitely not Indian and are definitely not bathtub made medications.