I provided this info and reference earlier in another thread, and it is pretty well known in the industry, but I'll repost it here:
Actually, the manufacturer stopped producing them in 2010. You can go to their website and check. Don't wanna say too much about myself, but I work in the pharma industry. Some info:The brand name Doval is/was from the South African company, here is their website:
If you look in their annual report for 2010 you can see the comments on their discontinuation of the product.
While I am really ignorant in a lot of areas, there is a reason that I have access to and know how to run a GC/MS, LC, NMR, and other pieces of very expensive analytical found in the lab of a pharmaceutical company.
Doval was made by Pharmaceutical Enterprises in South Africa for many years, and they ceased manufacture of that product in October 2010. I think it doesn't give too much info up about me that I can say I was involved in one of their early ISO 9001 audits in their labs and one of their production facilities. I believe if you go to their web site (linked above) and search for Doval it will show "not found". On other forums this has been discussed and documented quite a bit.
I found one of the references on PTY LTD's discontinuation of the Doval manufacture back in 10/2010: The source of the data is from page 2915, and from page 3612, Volume B, of the Martindale 37th edition, for the year 2011/2012, page 3612, and, Volume A, page 1098, under, the subtitle, Anxiolytic Sedatives Hypnotics and Antipsychotics from the 131st year of publication of Pharmaceutical Press, 2011, the publishing division of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. ISBN 978-0-85369-933-0 and ISSN 0263-5364 by Pharmaceutical Press, 1 Lambeth High Street, London, SEI 7JN UK.
I doubt most people have that in their bookshelves which is why I gave the ISBN and ISSN, you can look it up at your local library.
They actually commented back in 2010 when they made the decision that the profits had plummeted due to massive counterfeiting in the industry, and that their future decisions on which drugs to develop and sell would be shaped by wide spread counterfeiting of so many items in many parts of the world.