Well I did nothing but recommend this site to everyone as they where cool and good at sending but I will never use them again first, as you can see by my previous post, I was told my order was late due to Olympics and heightened security creating a backlog. Not the case then when I challenged them on this I rec'd this email
Hi James,
We can do no more than pass on the info we receive from what we consider to be reliable sources.
As you are well aware, once we hand the mail in at the post office, it is totally out side of out control and we have no more knowledge as to its whereabouts than you do.
Both parts have now been 3 weeks in transit at which point it is of concern, but does not mean that they will not arrive in the next week or so.
The only time we have ever seen 2 packages mailed on consecutive days not arrive at destination is when there has been a customs blitz on RX meds being sent through the mail, which is part of an international operation in Western counties to curb IOP's. Invariably thereafter there is much to be said in the media about the success and value of the haul, but this only comes some time later.
I'm not suggesting that this is the case, I'm merely trying to give you as much information as is at our disposal.
A little luck will still see your orders arrive in the next few days,
Regards, Tom
Would you believe that basically they have had $121 and do not care that they have not even been sent as if they had and been stopped at customs then I would have a LL would I not for 300 tabs but they where sent in two mailings which makes it even more suspicious but make your own mind up I know I helped this place get a lot of custom and always after every order reported the quality and speed of delivery, of all 13 orders I may add, but they only re-ship on their elite list so I obviously don't deserve it. I was also told I was excessively anxious and they recommended I seek proffesional help as they can not halp me after 8 or 9 orders of 200 Vals at a time LOL.
Basically it is up to each person to make up their own mind but I also find that on the forum when people have said orders have taken a while a single or double poster will pop up and say been waiting 17 days then low and behold 2 days later rec'd now thanks TTM your the best please the english is appaling and obviously shilled to the max but hey I am just who has put a lot of money in their pockets who am I to argue.
They think desperation spells chance to make money and control not a good way to do business I will never forget this ever!!!!
Oh yes and I ordered in august so no luck involved dude just shear thanks for the money and oh yeah don't bother ordering again.