Palmira has been and always will be an order at your own risk IOP. Not exactly one of your 100 percenter's when it comes to accurate, dependable, hassle free service which is why I've always enjoyed working with the members who use this particular vendor. However, sometimes they short you on pills and refuse to reimburse you. Other times they don't honor customs letters. Most of the time they don't respond to emails. And most importantly, some of their pills are fake.
With the way they've been behaving lately, which is an all time low, I wouldn't mind it if we threw this thread into the depths of hell. Just slide Palmira right in there next to Club Alp. I personally don't believe Palmira will give two shits about it. It's sad to know that MM just figured out what a "forum" is, but seriously, do you really expect a 12 year old Honduran orphan to know
about DBG?
As always, if anyone is placing an order and doesn't know what meds are good, bad, or just plain mediocre, please shoot me a PM and I'll try to help as best as possible. I'd like to invite Raph to assist you in any communication problems you may be having since MM seems to like him more than MM likes me.