Good Evening Raphael,
I am sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time finding any members who would like to share their experiences with you regarding the Agadelina products. Through my extensive experience in purchasing from the company, I have found that sometimes it is best to purchase a product of unknown quality along with a product you are familiar with. That way, you will be able to test a new product and have something to fall back on if it does not meet your expectations. Another option would be to read through the thread to look for posts from anyone who has had experience with the product in question. With that said, Palmira offers only quality medications with effectiveness and potency that you can trust. So place a small test order, along with one or two products that you are familiar with, and please report back to the thread on your impression of the medication.
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukka, Happy Ramadan, and A joyful Kwanzaa to you,
Your Palmira Customer Representative and possible shill,
Dusty Rhodes