Thanks for the kind words ellessone, I know there's some serious problems in the SY department right now so I have no problem letting them have the spotlight. Actually I'm rather comfortable in my quiet, dark, uneventful corner. Unfortunately I never had a chance to officially reopen I was cleaned out long before the New year. Over the break I actually managed to find a new source but, even with the increased capacity my inventory was no match for the current demand. I've come to realize there's no fair way for my existing customers to place an order so I'm going to be selfish and make a decision based on what's easiest for me. There's a few people I haven't got back to yet and they get first pick on my next restock, after this month there will be a new way of ordering. Beginning February I will only take orders for the first week of every month, any request made before or after will simply be ignored. Once arrangements are made we can set dates for payment and shipping when the products become available. Please plan accordingly and order enough to last for a month. I wish I didn't have to do this but it will make things a lot easier on myself.
With all that being said I'm always networking for more suppliers and I've got some really strong leads and possibly some new products so I anticipate having an open registration some time this year, which leads me to my closing thoughts. All current customers and all members waiting to become one PLEASE read my thread a couple times a week, especially before you order. As previously mentioned I may have some spots open up in a few months but I highly doubt they'll last more than a few days, if that! More importantly PLEASE read before sending funds! Every time I go on break I still receive orders paid in full and I'm not even checking my email, for all you know I could've started scamming and the last ten pages are people claiming to have been ripped off. Obviously I've spent several months earning my reputation but my point is anything can happen. I wouldn't actually scam but I could be sick, out of business, on vacation, dead, abducted by aliens, etc etc just please READ!
All the best ~ Hydreauxman