I absolutely hate weed...

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...because it makes me having a panic attack anytime I try it, and expect it to be chilled out, like anybody else. BUT! This thread isn't about me, it's about this. It's about a substance that still illegal in most states, while alcoholics destroy themselves and everybody around them.

So here it is, Cannabis Oil stops a Tonic-Clonic seizure in about 20 seconds.


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That's crazy because I thought I was the only uncool person out there that hates weed because it gives me panic attacks! Nice to know someone on this side of the fence, haha. 

I saw that clip, and I had to stop after 5 seconds because that's what I do when having a seizure, and it was a bit too much. But I can easily believe CBD/cannabis helps a lot. It annoys me when they prescribe me meds that have bloody awful side effects...when there's that potential treatment.

And @Jackie Chiles I relate to the panic a lot, believe me. I used to smoke it *every* night for about 6-7 years. It got to the point where I'd panic every night, shut myself away and binge drink, then sleep. I just did it, I don't know why...then I took a two year break. That ended a month or two ago. And now I feel much better with it. Sometimes breaks are good. Also, moderation is key (says me...it's the only thing I do in moderation.) I use a vaporiser. So I can just take one 'hit', and it's not enough to make me panic. Problem is, it's sort of cultural to just smoke big spliffs, which is too many for most people. In small doses, it can be good. 

Also, there's different strains: sativas are very cerebral, I hate them, but indicas like the 'kush' types are far more chilled out. And resin/concentrates are even more chilled. I'm not encouraging you to use it, sorry if it seemed that way, but it's very useful, virtually harmless (especially when vaporised), and can offer a lot.

And yeah, I agree: alcohol, buy it in any supermarket. Weed: illegal. A disgrace.

I have smoked weed or canabis for around 30 yrs and I can take it or leave it.I do enjoy having a smoke night when I sit and get pretty much zonked,no kids no family just me and my puff.As smoka said sone weed can give you panic attacks or a (whitey) especially if your smoking with other people who you don't know all that well.However if im on my own I never get panic attacks and just enjoy the toke.When I was smoking daily it did sometimes feel as if life was passing me by and that's when I decided to smoke only occasionally,now I can have a toke maybe twice a month or not atol.I certainly find I save quite a bit of money as good weed can be expensive in the uk and if I do buy a bit it can last me months when used as a treat on occasions.I do think the government should do something about the legislation as look at the figures with sorosis and other illnesses related to alcohol and canabis use is vilianised,really it should be looked at more especially with the benefits of illnesses like multiple sclerosis!!



About nine years ago I got into the habit of smoking 25-30 'weak' joints a day, not skunk, just 'tac' as we call it up here. The brown stuff that you microwave, lol.

I thoroughly enjoyed it, but after using it since the age of 11, my ex developed psychosis. He became impotent and walked twenty miles, out of his mind on two occasions. Eventually he was sectioned.

However, I think moderate use is fine, and I totally get why people use it for pain.

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I have smoked weed or canabis for around 30 yrs and I can take it or leave it.I do enjoy having a smoke night when I sit and get pretty much zonked,no kids no family just me and my puff.As smoka said sone weed can give you panic attacks or a (whitey) especially if your smoking with other people who you don't know all that well.However if im on my own I never get panic attacks and just enjoy the toke.When I was smoking daily it did sometimes feel as if life was passing me by and that's when I decided to smoke only occasionally,now I can have a toke maybe twice a month or not atol.I certainly find I save quite a bit of money as good weed can be expensive in the uk and if I do buy a bit it can last me months when used as a treat on occasions.I do think the government should do something about the legislation as look at the figures with sorosis and other illnesses related to alcohol and canabis use is vilianised,really it should be looked at more especially with the benefits of illnesses like multiple sclerosis!!


Truth be told, first time I tried it with very close friends at the age of 14. Everybody was lying down and smiling while my mouth went dry, my heartbeat went up to 200, and I could "hear" my thoughts. I couldn't catch my breath, and I totally freaked out, someone called the ambulance and they gave me a Seduxen (Hungarian Diazepam) shot in the ass, and that stopped everything. That was the first time when I actually believed that I'm not having a heart attack, when they gave me the shot and 20 seconds later my heart went back to 60-70 BPM, my mouth didn't feel like I had been eating sand again, that's when I realized, it's just not for me. Since I have very serious mental illness in my family line, Schizophrenia, Manic Depression (Bipolar), Chronic Severe Depression (two suicides in 2 years), addiction problems, that's when I decided that I'm not touching alcohol, and not touching anything that's psychedelic. I was dying to try L3D or 'shrums, but I can't. I'm sure I'd Syd Barrett myself, and I really don't want to live my life with dragons and moving walls.

@ElectroNymph: That's some crazy shit, wow... Probably that's how I'd end up if I kept pushing Cannabis too, regardless that I feel awful from it.

I guess it can be applied to everything in general; moderation is key.

ps: I find it weird, that the much more liberal Western European countries (okay, let's forget about the Brexit for a moment) still not even near legalizing Cannabis, except for the Netherlands, and ...? I don't even know, is there any other country in the EU where it's legal, at least medically?

In the USA it's already legal in twenty-something states (mostly with permit or prescription only), but even though the USA shows its very liberal face to the world, the truth is, that you basically can't do shit, until you're 21, you can get executed as a minor if the Judge decides that way, the country is still struggling to separate church from state - and it results idiot building life-size Arks from taxpayers' money... and so on. But the weed is fine! And the damn 2nd amendment, that true patriot Americans defend like crazy, the guns. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with it, until people just won't comprehend that they don't need to flaunt a fucking Ak-47 in the grocery store, just because they can. It's primitive and totally fucks the guys, who actually responsible gun owners (pistols, hunting rifles), not automatic assault riffles in the middle of Manhattan.

Well, I totally steered to a different direction, sorry about that, and thank you all for your inputs.  (@ElectroNymph, unfortunately I ran out of likes for a while by the time I got to your post, but consider your post "liked").

I had a little last week and found it quite enjoyable. The key for me is the same as alcohol - tread lightly.

This is about weed right? Used to be a daily smoker long ago, but gave it up when my husband got clean and sober, 7 years ago. Wow, time flies.

So a neighbor offered me a puff in the hot tub and since it wasn't skunk, I didn't have to go hide in my room. Also slept like a baby that night. That aspect makes it really attractive to an insomniac like me.


The thread meant to demonstrate in that short videoclip I hid in my first post, how Cannabis oil stops a Tonic Clonic (formerly known as Grand Mal) seizure in less than 30 seconds. Then I guess we got "happy" with @lakat, discovering that we're not alone getting brutal panic attacks from it, while everybody is having the time of their lives smoking it.

I'm jealous that some people can just chill out with non-synthetic stuff and enjoy it for a relatively low price, and easy to obtain.

ps: Congrats to hubby, as I mentioned in my previous post, I kind of made a pact with myself to never touch alcohol...well obviously a 17-year old kid, when everybody parties and enjoy themselves (and each other), of course I picked up the alcohol...and it went on and on for a few years, and when I spun out of control, I checked into a detox then a halfway house and never touched that shit again. I don't count the days, but it's been about 5 and a half years since my last drink. And about 19 since my last blunt :D

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Congratulations on 5 plus years @Jackie Chiles that's a big accomplishment.

Congratulations on 5 plus years @Jackie Chiles that's a big accomplishment.
Thank you ma'am! It certainly feels better not waking up feeling like shit every morning, or get up in the middle of the night seating and shaking because of the withdrawals... Don't miss it one bit. The hardest part was how to have fun with people, total sober. I don't really use anything recreationally, so it's hard not to stick out, like a sore thumb.

Reading the posts on panic attacks and paranoia takes me back to my days when I smoked weed daily. It's been 25 + years since I last smoked and often wondered what it would be like. I've heard and read that it's much stronger now...Oh well maybe some day. I too support the notion that if alcohol, which is far more debilitating, is legal then weed should be too...Somewhere I think I have a 1970's High Times...Might actually be worth something ;)

I have a friend who I gave some weed to and she was acting like she smoked crack! I swear to god she was looking out the window every five seconds it was horrible. Weed just isn't just for everyone!

I always feel like there is a heavy helmet on my head.  I keep looking in the mirror and think, "is there something on my head?"  Also, blocks of time seem to disappear from my memory.  Not sure anyone else has had these experiences, but they are not ones I enjoyed.

@runnerlk Probably the quality has gotten better. I tried in on the summer of 96, and as I remember, the "guy" (the couple years older, who brings the stuff and everyone looks up to him, because he has connections - everyone had one of those guys I'm sure :D ) so the guy rolled a blunt the size like a baseball bat, and we were sucking on it like crazy, it was nasty as shit, but it was mandatory to say (to remain cool), that "this is some awesome shit, man, good dope, man!", so we coughed and coughed, and after about 27 sips, my head wasn't only red like a lobster, but suddenly my heart started to race and it just wouldn't stop, it kept going faster and faster. That was the first time in my life that I had death fear (aka  thanatophobia). I couldn't swallow, because my mouth went totally dry audit made me feel like I was choking too.

So I ended up in fetal position, screaming "I'm gonna die I'm gonna fucking die!!" Of course 10cc of diazepam turned the death fear into the most embarrassing day of my life, but live and learn, huh?

Anyway, nowadays small pipe, small hit, and everybody is high. And I'm looking out of my head with my stupid Chai Tea. Well, I guess I'll never be as cool as them, saving lives like that! ?

But it's simply, nobody has ever died from it, a lot of people love it, the country could tax the shit out of it and win-win. Nono, we Americans keep our ABCs and drink Bud Light, about 20-24 cans a day, because it doesn't just taste like piss, but its potency is probably close to a 2-day old mouse urine.

I have no idea how I ended up here at mouse piss... ?


@Heavenlee: To mee it seems like that for people who are more prone to serious mental illnesses are going to have a bad reaction to weed as well, like panic attacks, paranoia, even temporary psychosis. I looked at my family tree's medical record, and since then, I'm not going anywhere near it.

A few years ago, during my last 'phase' of smoking, I couldn't really choose what strain I had...so I think quite often I was smoking strong sativas, perhaps. Quite unfortunate, looking back on it. No wonder I got swamped in anxiety on a nightly basis. I remember having 'thai stick/weed' quite a bit. I think I only liked that because there were pretty coloured threads in it. And it was fun to sort of pick apart...

Now I've got a bit more control over what strain I have, it's much better. Plus, I do tend to use kava most nights, which may help anxiety. Nights where I have bennzohs, usually nitr@z, weed is very easy to handle. No anxiety at all (goes without saying). Although, you do have to be very careful to not use one drug to negate or lessen the effects of another. That would be daft. Maybe that's why I do it so bloody often...

Despite my username, I don't smoke anymore, I just vaporise... it does tend to be more of a 'heady' high, as CBD isn't released until very high temperatures, but I still find it quite managable...

A good friend of mine calls it the 'mother drug'. I think that's quite a quaint name for it, although that title belongs to the beautiful poppy plant for me.

Many, many years ago I stopped "smoking" cause of severe fear/panic ... Back then we didn't have the strains nor potency of today ... Even had seeds, & friend offered visine, (gets the red out), w/donation ...LOL ... IDK why it went away, but am happy & getting needed medication w/out big pharma poisons... Hope U find answer sooner than me.

My journey into illegal drug land started with my first joint when I was 14...

And from 14 to 22 ish? I was fine with it? Through that period it went from blocks of solid, pollen, thai stick, squidgy black, right through to the beginning of the skunk era, when white widow, jack Herer (which was like smoking LSD!) and purple haze came around... Me and my group of fellow psychonauts (as well as a whole vivid range of other drugs), were living off hot knives, shooters, as we called them (some kind of elaborate bong that we invented), making intricate 27 skin mega joints?! We literally used to go through ounces of solid in an hour! Luckily 2 of them were dealers, so it was never a problem getting hold of it!.. I say luckily but then it all went wrong, at least for me!.. 

After looking back, I realised it happened over a couple of years if I am honest.. I just didn't want to admit it was the weed.. Because, it truly was my favourite thing.. I was the front man in my second band at the time and kind of felt it almost defined who I was? You know, how you do when you're young and stupid?! Anyway, I was getting worse and worse, paranoid, distant, agoraphobic, you name it, I was feeling all the precursors to one giant psychosis?!.. I thought it was all the other shit I was putting in my body, so one by one I gave all them up... And still, there I was, joint in my hand, crippled with fucking fear and my fair, rather giant share of self loathing!.. 

Eventually it went very wrong, I was admitted for evaluation and then started my epic pharmaceutical journey... And even though I knew what was doing it, I still couldn't fully let go of it?!.. 

However, once I realised it was the weed, I had a choice to make... My survival instinct had kicked in (finally!!). However, everyone and everything I knew was so heavily associated with weed and I knew I there was only one route and to this day,  it is still probably the hardest thing I have ever done..

At first I suggested that we all stop getting fucked every night and get off the weed not only for my sake, but I was also seeing the same signs in some of my friends and really didn't want to see then going the way I did?!.. But, nobody wanted to follow suit, I don't think it helped that I brought it up while we were all hammered?! Plus, we were heavily into cok3 at that time, and you know how fucking stubborn that can make everyone?! .. So, I finally said farewell to my fellow psychonauts, left my job and started my life over... 

I have now been smoke (weed that is, I smoke cigarettes like somebody's about to steal them?!) free for 16 years now and it really is the best thing I could have done with my life : ).. Like Smoka said though, it's all about moderation! I regret not being more sparing with most of the substances I have abused! ...

Moderation is key, but personally, it is a lock that doesn't exist in my brain!.. 

Don't get me wrong, I got a lot of friends who smoke weed everyday still, and do get rather envious that it doesn't affect them like it affected me... Cause what I'd give for the feeling of that first pull on that first joint all those years ago ; ).. 


However, everyone and everything I knew was so heavily associated with weed and I knew I there was only one route and to this day,  it is still probably the hardest thing I have ever done..

At first I suggested that we all stop getting fucked every night and get off the weed not only for my sake, but I was also seeing the same signs in some of my friends and really didn't want to see then going the way I did?!.. But, nobody wanted to follow suit, I don't think it helped that I brought it up while we were all hammered?!
That's exactly how my journey went down with alcohol, when I knew I was too deep...But I couldn't have expected from 5-6 adult young adult men not to drink beer and liquor as we'd get together after work at someones apartment and would play FIFA for hours with 4 gamepads, everybody was ecstatic, having a great time, beer was pouring, and the next thing I remember, my girlfriend is yapping at me in the morning in my cat's bed. First, because it took me 5 attempts to find the right apartment where I lived (they almost called the cops on me, since I was trying to get in with my key and shaking the neighbor's doorknobs, then I guess I saw something familiar through a window (probably my X Files poster on the wall, haha) I climbed in through the window, and fall asleep right there on the cat's bed. Secondly, I'd promised her, I wouldn't join the drinking, but of course I couldn't resist...So it all went downhill, and my first serious 6-year relationship ended.

Well, sorry for the derailing and story time, but sometimes you just have distance yourself from the wrong crowd, even if they're not wrong, but they can function without doing anything "bad" during daytime or every night. Unfortunately I wasn't one of those people. So I packed up my shit, and moved 2 states east, and even though I still drank with  my father once  a while, it wasn't bing drinking. And then finally, when that went bad too, I just checked myself into rehab, and sober ever since 2011.

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A little diet blog about my day. I've received some fantastic Kratom from NoRx this morning and I felt crazy fucking chilled and good. Me and my lady met up for breakfast after my nightshift downtown, then we split up to run some errands, she's a university teacher, and I had to stop by a small clinic, where we take care of the low-income folks for as little as $5 a visit. (Also full dental service for like $60 how awesome!)

A renewed my contract with them, I will have some spare time the upcoming weeks, so I volunteer since they are lacking RNs and CNAs big time. Okay enough of the chest-banging, I can't just do nothing, because I become depressed in my bed. So I got that done, headed home to drop the laundry off and pick up some stuff and meet up with my girl about an hour later. We are kind of an in-between status right now, she's going through a lot, child custody battle with her ex, selling her house, so we don't see each other much. 

So as soon as I arrived home, my roommate was puffin pot, and I immediately thought of this thread. I was still feeling the Kratom, I felt social, and chatty. So he lit up one, and I was like "what the fuck, I haven't had any in 15 years", so I took a hit. Just one. 5 minutes later, with the Kratom, I started feeling 59x chattier and absolutely enjoyed how I didn't remember the beginning of my thought processes, and as I spoke, I ended up talking about Giraffes. And I actually was feeling good, but my heart started to race, so I popped 2 Ksalols, since I still had 8 more hours till work) It was weird, being on Kratom, Ksalol and some potent Cannabis. I ended up going downtown, but first I got totally lost, so I just parked my car in a garage and called my girl, and told her I got lost. Even with my smartpohne I couldn't figure  out where I was and how to get to the restaurant where we supposed to meet for lunch. So she said just tell me what's around me and she'll come get mo on foot. :D  So 5 minutes later she showed up. (I live in a small-medium city, pop 80-100k or so). She hadn't suspected anything, because I don't drink at all, I don't do street drugs, (except for weed obviously...), and benzo is... come on, I've been on them for 16 years, I take it to function, legally prescribed Ativan (damn I'm still chatty). So we sat down and she's a bit over 10 years older than me, and had her fair share of drugs, acid, coke...but never shot up, just the typical college parties when she was youngER. She started to suspect something is up, because I acted like a complete moron, and whenever she would say something to the waiter, I would repeat it, but it came out totally differently. 

I would randomly throw in absolutely non-sense bullshit in conversations, like "The last bus to Boston", because it just sounded cool, so I kept saying it and laugh at how big of a moron I was. My girl actually found it cute, because I had never-ever been under the influence, since we've started dating. She drinks moderately, so I know how she is, when she's tipsy, but she never saw my drooling retard side. 

Well, I'm not touching weed again for another 15 years I guess. Too much hassle. Gotta have Kratom, and strong benzo to not to have to feel like my heart is blowing out of my chest. But I found it interesting, that it didn't turn into a full-blown panic attack right away,  and I actually enjoyed a few hours having about 50 IQs less.

I apologize for the wall of text, but I had to try another strain of one of the Kratom sample I got from NoRxReq. 

Go fuck yourself, San Diego, Jackie out.


Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. robert1975 @ robert1975: @CnC5 as @xenxra mentioned, they are on the international list. Somehow they are still allowed to take orders from US subscribers.
  2. xenxra @ xenxra: @CnC5 theyre on the international list
  3. CnC5 @ CnC5: @robert1975 whats v10?
  4. xenxra @ xenxra: yeah that is pretty f'd, thanks for the heads up.
  5. robert1975 @ robert1975: Even worse, they know this yet continue to take orders from the US and will not give coin back. That's fucked up.
  6. robert1975 @ robert1975: If anyone has questions about V10.... they CANNOT get anything into the USA, regardless of what they tell you. I have proof if anyone needs it.
  7. porkandbeansboy @ porkandbeansboy: I think it's safe to say that we are all grateful for this place. Everyone here on these forums that is lol. :)
  8. FunkyFlirt911 @ FunkyFlirt911: DBG new Feature unlocked :D
  9. aenima1336 @ aenima1336: Either it's a bug or he paid a lot? 🤣
  10. xenxra @ xenxra: why is groot listed five times in a row on the banner at the top?
  11. C @ Careb3ar: Stay safe everyone!
  12. H @ hillbillie: thank you DBG for keeping me safe as can be in this market!
  13. K @ knofflebon: Hope yallz havin a decent weekend
  14. P @ player72: Oy vey that comments section on the pneu ork poast
  15. CnC5 @ CnC5: @knofflebon lmao damn thats crazy 🤪
  16. K @ knofflebon: Oof, kriss kross “tonight’s tha night” came on randomly. Feeling so old
  17. lucas007 @ lucas007: @knofflebon Lol, So funny,
  18. K @ knofflebon: Lol, as a famous singer once said, it’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you’ve already paid….
  19. xenxra @ xenxra: @knofflebon lol
  20. Gracie5 @ Gracie5: @knofflebon thanks for sharing! Holy buckets!