A little diet blog about my day. I've received some fantastic Kratom from NoRx this morning and I felt crazy fucking chilled and good. Me and my lady met up for breakfast after my nightshift downtown, then we split up to run some errands, she's a university teacher, and I had to stop by a small clinic, where we take care of the low-income folks for as little as $5 a visit. (Also full dental service for like $60 how awesome!)
A renewed my contract with them, I will have some spare time the upcoming weeks, so I volunteer since they are lacking RNs and CNAs big time. Okay enough of the chest-banging, I can't just do nothing, because I become depressed in my bed. So I got that done, headed home to drop the laundry off and pick up some stuff and meet up with my girl about an hour later. We are kind of an in-between status right now, she's going through a lot, child custody battle with her ex, selling her house, so we don't see each other much.
So as soon as I arrived home, my roommate was puffin pot, and I immediately thought of this thread. I was still feeling the Kratom, I felt social, and chatty. So he lit up one, and I was like "what the fuck, I haven't had any in 15 years", so I took a hit. Just one. 5 minutes later, with the Kratom, I started feeling 59x chattier and absolutely enjoyed how I didn't remember the beginning of my thought processes, and as I spoke, I ended up talking about Giraffes. And I actually was feeling good, but my heart started to race, so I popped 2 Ksalols, since I still had 8 more hours till work) It was weird, being on Kratom, Ksalol and some potent Cannabis. I ended up going downtown, but first I got totally lost, so I just parked my car in a garage and called my girl, and told her I got lost. Even with my smartpohne I couldn't figure out where I was and how to get to the restaurant where we supposed to meet for lunch. So she said just tell me what's around me and she'll come get mo on foot.

So 5 minutes later she showed up. (I live in a small-medium city, pop 80-100k or so). She hadn't suspected anything, because I don't drink at all, I don't do street drugs, (except for weed obviously...), and benzo is... come on, I've been on them for 16 years, I take it to function, legally prescribed Ativan (damn I'm still chatty). So we sat down and she's a bit over 10 years older than me, and had her fair share of drugs, acid, coke...but never shot up, just the typical college parties when she was youngER. She started to suspect something is up, because I acted like a complete moron, and whenever she would say something to the waiter, I would repeat it, but it came out totally differently.
I would randomly throw in absolutely non-sense bullshit in conversations, like "The last bus to Boston", because it just sounded cool, so I kept saying it and laugh at how big of a moron I was. My girl actually found it cute, because I had never-ever been under the influence, since we've started dating. She drinks moderately, so I know how she is, when she's tipsy, but she never saw my drooling retard side.
Well, I'm not touching weed again for another 15 years I guess. Too much hassle. Gotta have Kratom, and strong benzo to not to have to feel like my heart is blowing out of my chest. But I found it interesting, that it didn't turn into a full-blown panic attack right away, and I actually enjoyed a few hours having about 50 IQs less.
I apologize for the wall of text, but I had to try another strain of one of the Kratom sample I got from NoRxReq.
Go fuck yourself, San Diego, Jackie out.