:hugs: for Cat. this sounds like a pretty rough breakup and i'm sorry your heart is hurting.
twice in my life i have felt immense heartbreak. the nausea, insomia, frequent crying spells, questioning everything, swollen eyes and headaches from the crying. the anger of feeling so undervalued and precious time wasted, inability to focus, no appetite, wondering what was wrong with me for the split to occur.
and both of those occasions gave me the gifts of time, space, and clarity. when i eventually stopped crying, pining, and looking back through rose-tinted glasses, i could plainly see the myriad of reasons why it couldn't work.
the first few weeks are the worst. you're half-dazed even as you go through your daily routine because you cannot believe that person isn't there, it feels disorienting and sad not sharing your life with that person anymore. so many reminders everywhere - no more texting throughout the day, no more waking up under the same roof, no more specifying only half olives on a delivery pizza, one less toothbrush, no more hugs and smelling the inside of their neck, all those times you complained about cleaning up after them but you'd give anything to clean up after them now (bargaining with the universe.) it especially sucks if you live alone with no roommates, kids, or pets. you are totally alone at home with your feelings and nothing to give affection to, and nothing to give you affection.
when you really love someone you never stop loving them, but the way you allow yourself to love them changes as time marches on. you learn to live without them, happily. you don't entirely "get over" someone you've loved deeply, but you do learn to live a happy fulfilling life without them, and loving another deeply thankfully isn't limited to a 1 time thing.
these are probably all just words on a screen right now, because what you're feeling is so very powerful. i hope i don't sound patronising as that is not my intent. this is the time for you to do as much of what feels good to you as you like (within reason of course.) make time daily to pamper yourself somehow. the activities and hobbies you most enjoy should be taking priority because it will help you rebuild internally and keep your mind occupied with something positive.
i am sorry for your heartache Cat. i hope you are being extra nice to yourself. it's cliche but time does heal wounds. unfortunately when the wound is fresh time seems to stop. that's why i'm suggesting you throw yourself in to positive, constructive things and be extra nice to yourself. it can help the wound heal faster without you even realising it until one day you're like "omg i haven't thought about ______ in weeks."