Making Dimitri


Jan 1, 2024
Does anyone know if the vinegar extras more of the chemical or is it the lye? Because I know the naphtha pulls the fat but I read an article where they steeped in the vinegar for a bit so is it the lower ph or the baseificafion?
Does anyone know if the vinegar extras more of the chemical or is it the lye? Because I know the naphtha pulls the fat but I read an article where they steeped in the vinegar for a bit so is it the lower ph or the baseificafion?
You doing an AB or STB? If you're talking bout soaking in viniger before adding sodium hydroxide solution then pulling with your non polar solvent then all the viniger is doing is speeding up the release of the product from the bark. If you're acidifying the the solution then adding your non polar solvent that'd be defatting it because DMT acetate wouldn't be very soluble in a non polar solvent but the fats would be. If you're using MHRB you don't need to defat at all or acidify it if you're not trying to rush it. Then just re crystalize it a few times and it'll clean right up. I just did a STB. And pulled 2.6 off of 225g MHRB after recrystallizing it it grew some fluffy white crystals real pretty. It's actually on my profile pic. But I just made my sodium hydroxide solution and added it to the bark powder keep the pH 12 or above. I aimed for 12-13 because in other extractions and synthesis I've done you could easily burn your product or get stuck with lye crashing out of the solution depending of if I over acidified kr over basified whatever I was working on. This was my first DMT extraction. It's by far the SIMPLEST thing I've ever done far as chemistry and impossible to actually destroy a batch. Even extreme emulsions can be worked out with some time and effort. That main thing to remember is don't shake your jars . Swish them gently several times in a 12-24 hr period arfter adding naptha or whatever NP solvent u use without adding heat kept at room temperature and you'll get at least 90-100% of what you're pulling on just one pull. I got 2.6 in 1 pull just as how I said I done it
Based on that, I’m using MHRB and then heating it up in distilled water with vinegar but I’ll use sodium hydroxide. So letting it sit with the naphtha is key. I only let it sit for ten mins but I’ll keep the 24 hrs in mind . I’ve been moving the solution up and down but not shaking because of the explosion possibility with the lye reaction to the vinegar. How much salt do you add?
You doing an AB or STB? If you're talking bout soaking in viniger before adding sodium hydroxide solution then pulling with your non polar solvent then all the viniger is doing is speeding up the release of the product from the bark. If you're acidifying the the solution then adding your non polar solvent that'd be defatting it because DMT acetate wouldn't be very soluble in a non polar solvent but the fats would be. If you're using MHRB you don't need to defat at all or acidify it if you're not trying to rush it. Then just re crystalize it a few times and it'll clean right up. I just did a STB. And pulled 2.6 off of 225g MHRB after recrystallizing it it grew some fluffy white crystals real pretty. It's actually on my profile pic. But I just made my sodium hydroxide solution and added it to the bark powder keep the pH 12 or above. I aimed for 12-13 because in other extractions and synthesis I've done you could easily burn your product or get stuck with lye crashing out of the solution depending of if I over acidified kr over basified whatever I was working on. This was my first DMT extraction. It's by far the SIMPLEST thing I've ever done far as chemistry and impossible to actually destroy a batch. Even extreme emulsions can be worked out with some time and effort. That main thing to remember is don't shake your jars . Swish them gently several times in a 12-24 hr period arfter adding naptha or whatever NP solvent u use without adding heat kept at room temperature and you'll get at least 90-100% of what you're pulling on just one pull. I got 2.6 in 1 pull just as how I said I done it
Why do people acidify MRHB is it just a thing people thought off? Since the lye cancels out because of the lye?
I don't add any salt. I just literally make an aqueous solution with a pH of 12 or higher so the DMT becomes more soluble in the naptha then in the water. I let it sit and you barely need to do anything to it just stir gently ever couple of hours for a day and you only need 1 pull. It's super simple. People use viniger or other acids to speed up the extraction by breaking the barriers of the cellular walls on the MHRB or whatever they're doing. Unless, their doing an AB extraction. You'd acidify your solution, use your non polar solvent to full any fats and unwanted material out of your solution, separate the solvent from solution, get rid of solvent. Then bring your pH up to 12 (for MHRB) and re add your non polar solvent. This time since your solution is basified, the solvent is gonna pull out the DMT because it's now in its freebase form andd soluble in non polar solvent and not in the solution
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  1. K @ knofflebon: @KingKong2 Keep this on the d/l: The admin's username is admin.
  2. MOD @ MOD: @ontovzik Thanks!
  3. MOD @ MOD: Thanks all for the support! I checked there are many brands but as quality is the concern I need to further research and order a few brands myself to understand the difference between the many. Let me come back after I order a few and share my experience.
  4. KingKong2 @ KingKong2: I need the admins username to report a scammer
  5. ontovzik @ ontovzik: Shilajit really impressed me. Had me bouncing off he walls with basically no negatives. Except you have to find something constructive to do. Good luck!! luck my friend!
  6. ontovzik @ ontovzik: Besides being certain the chemistry of your Shilajit is safe and potent. A lot of people don't understand where it comes from. It's actually ancient plant resins that build up on the rocks in the high mountains. This is important when looking at source and location. You need knowledgeable partners that understand where it comes from, which plants to look for. Then harvesting it from areas without poison.
  7. ontovzik @ ontovzik: There isn't much I know but it's important, especially for someone investing and shipping. A lot of the Shilajit on the market has high levels of poisonous metals and other contaminates. You always want to test. The different mountain ranges where it grows have different formulas and probably different effects. I don't know for sure because I've only tasted Himalyan and Sayan which are very similar.
  8. ontovzik @ ontovzik: Hi MOD. I researched Shilajit and have used it. It's not fake or pseudomedicine it really works. and is strong stuff. Imediately after taking it my grandma's veins would light up from blood circulation.
  9. R @ Rx4health: Hi All...Wish you all a Great Day ! !
  10. MOD @ MOD: Hello All, SHILAJIT in demand I was thinking on investing on some stocks in and offer global shipping from IN. Any advice on this?
  11. J @ justsayno: Who has bin #s?
  12. xenxra @ xenxra: hello mod
  13. MOD @ MOD: Hi All
  14. iamgroot @ iamgroot: On 7th Sky DBG
  15. Alkazar @ Alkazar: Always test your stash :)
  16. Telp @ Telp: Happy Thursday everybody. Stay safe.
  17. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: They know a thing or two about drying stuff
  18. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @Robotanical actually I've been on the South Korean microfiber bandwagon lately
  19. Robotanical @ Robotanical: @timyboy Yeah, that's probably what's going on.
  20. Robotanical @ Robotanical: @SeaDonkey There are some pretty absorbent towels out there. Maybe if your towels weren't from Chi-NUH, you wouldn't need as many!