Maybe no one wants to answer this....

I've often wondered this so I'm glad I've stumbled across this post. With SY it could be about $300-600 (higher only when dealing with other delays) but overall with my husband and I both being chronic pain patients it's $9-$1,200/month. With that we are both just at a minimal level of functioning, like we can go to work but can't do a lot of "normal" things like showering daily, doing laundry, cooking for ourselves. I wish it was different but big pharma and the gov need to make sure we don't get as addicted to feeling well as they are to our money. 

Ooo, I think my bitterness is showing...
Reading this post I got a visceral reaction, my stomach just did a little drop--this makes me so sad, and the more pitiful part of it is that the regulations are making it even harder for people to get the treatments/meds that they need; those politicians don't know of severe, chronic pain, debilitating anxiety, insomnia, inability to function in any capacity--I don't understand...if you have heart failure, it's appropriate to use a diuretic, to me, what's the difference between that or needing pain medicine to treat pain?  Who cares if you have a dependency?  The tighter the laws, the more people driven to take street drugs, and I don't know where you live, but people are dropping like flies b/c the drugs are filled w/fent@nyl & the OD's are piling up, and the legislators want to crack down more with the thought that if laws are tighter then the number of addicts will go down so they can crow about the state's statistics--it is completely absurd.  I am very sorry for your predicament, and I wish I could offer some help or advice to you....Godspeed to you and yours.  Leigh Anne

Oh god, I feel like I've got a bad abuse problem now :(  especially after reading some of the "lower" amounts.  I'm not rich, but I'm in a position where I don't have lots of bills (and no I don't live with my parents)
We all have different metabolisms, and your diet and other meds can interfere with how some drugs are filtered through our bodies--I just recently discovered that taking my antacids were keeping some of my other meds from working as well.  Even your weight, what you eat or don't eat, what's going on with your liver or kidneys--everything is different for each individual person, so don't feel bad for whatever your tolerance is...we're all different...

There are also genetic defects that affect how drugs are metabolized. The most common is MTHFR, and it can be homo or heterozygous. This leads to different gene defects- one of mine is genotype CYP182, which causes ultra rapid metatabolizing of pain medications, amd there are several I cannot metabolize at all. I’m really only capable of properly metabolizing 2 pmeds, which leads to the title of this post. It’s crazy, but then with some other classes of drugs, I process them too slowly and they build up and can be very dangerius. So there are other complex reasons some of us need more/different meds than others just to function, we dont get a buzz. CP is the absolute worst.

These horrible lies from the DEA are horrendous. Only one in 100 CP patients becomes addicted. We are dependent, not addicted, just like anyone who needs any medicine.

There are also genetic defects that affect how drugs are metabolized. The most common is MTHFR, and it can be homo or heterozygous. This leads to different gene defects- one of mine is genotype CYP182, which causes ultra rapid metatabolizing of pain medications, amd there are several I cannot metabolize at all. I’m really only capable of properly metabolizing 2 pm meds, which leads to the title of this post. It’s crazy, but then with some other classes of drugs, I process them too slowly and they build up and can be very dangerius. So there are other complex reasons some of us need more/different meds than others just to function, we dont get a buzz. CP is the absolute worst.

These horrible lies from the DEA are horrendous. Only one in 100 CP patients becomes addicted. We are dependent, not addicted, just like anyone who needs any medicine.

For three years I spent about $800 every 2-3 weeks. My financial situation changed otherwise I still would be!

There are also genetic defects that affect how drugs are metabolized. The most common is MTHFR, and it can be homo or heterozygous. This leads to different gene defects- one of mine is genotype CYP182, which causes ultra rapid metatabolizing of pain medications, amd there are several I cannot metabolize at all. I’m really only capable of properly metabolizing 2 pmeds, which leads to the title of this post. It’s crazy, but then with some other classes of drugs, I process them too slowly and they build up and can be very dangerius. So there are other complex reasons some of us need more/different meds than others just to function, we dont get a buzz. CP is the absolute worst.

These horrible lies from the DEA are horrendous. Only one in 100 CP patients becomes addicted. We are dependent, not addicted, just like anyone who needs any medicine.
OMG!  I LOVE this post!!!  I was trying to see if you're in the US--I did not even know there are specific tests re. being a rapid metabolizer--one of my docs told me I likely am, but did not know there was a test...a potential game changer!  All I know is that the big pharmaceutical companies are horrible, sadistic maniacs, and everyone seems to be drinking the effing kool aid; in my red state, they are proposing legislation that pain scripts need to be written every three (3!!!) days!!!  Do they want everyone in the state dropping to street drugs to get some sort of relief?  Good Lord, someone else sees that the emperor is naked, goddangit!!

@Leigh Anne, yes, I am. You’re so right! These are crazy times we are living through. 

That test backed up everything I had ever told docs about the meds I had tried and failed, which I was never believed about.

My defect causes more than chronic pain and ultra rapid metabolism. I’m hoping that recent testing and using the results as a guideline will help me. I also don’t detox well. There are many health risks associated with this. I lost my brother at 51 and Cousin at 48. Knowledge is power. Gene site or 23 and Me can both be used, but 23 and me has to be analyzed. It’s cheaper, though.

PM any time! Good luck! Just know that most MDs don’t understand this well. Functional medicine is helping me.

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I like to stay well stocked so lets just say I spend a fair amount. 

OMG!  I LOVE this post!!!  I was trying to see if you're in the US--I did not even know there are specific tests re. being a rapid metabolizer--one of my docs told me I likely am, but did not know there was a test...a potential game changer!  All I know is that the big pharmaceutical companies are horrible, sadistic maniacs, and everyone seems to be drinking the effing kool aid; in my red state, they are proposing legislation that pain scripts need to be written every three (3!!!) days!!!  Do they want everyone in the state dropping to street drugs to get some sort of relief?  Good Lord, someone else sees that the emperor is naked, goddangit!!
I had to have an echocardigram (esophageal) where they put in a bite block, you have an IV, & they take a bronchoscope and look at your heart basically from the backside--you need sedation b/c they are feeding a camera down your throat, big diameter, & need quiet & dark to get the pictures/visualization & also to listen (I have a Mitral Valve needing to be replaced & a hole in my heart,  congestive heart failure, COPD--the works (I am in my mid 40's).  They gave me 3-4 mg of Versed with Fentanyl IV push, I just laid there & stared at them--they were waiting for me to go out (ha ha); after a couple of minutes, cardiologist says give another dose (another IV push), kept staring at them & shaking my head, gave a third dose--same thing, but they went ahead & thought they would insert the tube through the block, but it gagged me, so more IV push--finally nurse announced that he had to go get a second box of narcotics b/c he had used the entire contents of box 1 on me w/o effect....I ended up getting something like 22-24 mg of Versed, probably over a thousand mcg of Fentanyl, but they just ended up having to numb my throat more & proceed while I lay there & watched--kind of interesting looking at the pictures & also hearing the discussions of staff who were obviously used to speaking around unconscious patients, so I probably overheard more than was intended, but it worked out OK.  When it came time for the "Recovery Room", I told the nurse to pull the IV & that I could have tap danced out of there, but they had to push me out in a wheelchair b/c of protocol.  I didn't even get a nap, dammit!  I also have woken up during a surgery!!!  It was some lipo on my hip/upper thigh area, I was not intubated, but was supposedly asleep until they took the effing harpoon and jammed it into my leg--I woke straight up and was fighting to get up and get the eff out of there--SOB, that shit hurt!!!  That ended up with them pushing Diprivan IV (I feel cheated when they use Diprivan--it's like a TKO, but w/o benefit of pain relief or sedation).  I am very grateful for your information, & will follow up on--my psychiatrist was the one who mentioned to me that there are "rapid drug metabolizers"--had never heard of before, but this guy knows his stuff... Godspeed to you and yours, Leigh Anne

It makes me hurt just reading this! It also reminds me of my recent colonoscopy- I was awake once before, but this latest hurt SO much! Instead of more Fentanyl or Versed, the doctor ordered Benadryl. I wasn’t only awake, I felt every unpleasant jab. At least I was polyp free this time- Any procedure or dental work involves more medication or numbing than normal. My poor daughter has inherited this also, and she had 20 shots of numbing medicine for an ingrown toenail before the doctor finally gave her a different medicine. 

It was my psychiatric nurse who recommended and administered the test, also- but not every doctor understands or even believes in the results. However, it certainly explained all of the strange drug effects I have experienced over the years, and only two pain medications work properly, except I’m allergic to adhesive, so only one is prescribed, because my PM isn’t comfortable with non-traditional methods.

I hope that you get some answers and never have to endure such a horrific experience again. That’s barbaric. 

Gentle hugs- and all the best to you. 💕

Hi all. This is a good subject as I'm just starting out. After being on benzos for 9 years they just recently cut me off complete. No matter who I go to they refuse to give them back. 2 weeks ago went to pain management where they did a comparison of my spine from 2015 till now and can't believe I'm even standing let alone the little bit of walking I can do. Now knowing this and about my neck surgery and both hips replaced yet they are hurting as of late. I had asked if they would please just go from 10 to 15 ocees the 3 times a day they give me. I was never more ridiculed and so poorly treated and looked at as a junkie that I left there crying. To think before all this happened I was a very proud CNA. She told me that I needed to go back to the surgeon sooner than later. The surgeon can't guarantee me a 70/30 I'll make it off the table. Yet while I decide what to do won't even help me.  So my guess is that I will be spending more money here then I have but I have a good friend and son... Good luck everyone out there.  I never saw this coming.

Hi all. This is a good subject as I'm just starting out. After being on benzos for 9 years they just recently cut me off complete. No matter who I go to they refuse to give them back. 2 weeks ago went to pain management where they did a comparison of my spine from 2015 till now and can't believe I'm even standing let alone the little bit of walking I can do. Now knowing this and about my neck surgery and both hips replaced yet they are hurting as of late. I had asked if they would please just go from 10 to 15 ocees the 3 times a day they give me. I was never more ridiculed and so poorly treated and looked at as a junkie that I left there crying. To think before all this happened I was a very proud CNA. She told me that I needed to go back to the surgeon sooner than later. The surgeon can't guarantee me a 70/30 I'll make it off the table. Yet while I decide what to do won't even help me.  So my guess is that I will be spending more money here then I have but I have a good friend and son... Good luck everyone out there.  I never saw this coming.
I know it's off topic, but every time I hear a story like this it makes my blood boil! Nobody in the US has the right to be in pain and if they have the bad fortune to suffer with it the now appropriate response is to belittle them. 

I always wonder how folks manage to spend 1k and up a month and make a living. I have heard of people spending 2-3k a month and makes me wonder how the hell do they afford that.
Some people can afford it. Some make cuts in other areas of their budget. Think about it, if you make over $90,000 a year, aren't married and don't have kids that's some serious disposable income...

... if you make over $90,000 a year, aren't married and don't have kids that's some serious disposable income...
Not necessarily! The more you make the more you are accustom to adjust your lifestyle and expenses. 90k in NY, LA, etc. does not spend as well as 90k in small town USA. 

Not necessarily! The more you make the more you are accustom to adjust your lifestyle and expenses. 90k in NY, LA, etc. does not spend as well as 90k in small town USA. 
This is true.

I think i've probably subconsciously structured my life around my love affair with pain meds.  I make good money and my bills are low, live in a cheap town, etc.  It's never been the money but the sourcing that is the limiting factor (or maybe the limited availability has kept me from going broke?) 

The other day a coworker was bitching about having to go to hosp for kidney stones and how she's gonna be in even more debt and ".. can't even take those damn pain pills they gave me cuz they make me sick!"   I just wanted to grab her and and say "honey...we can work something out.."  But I didn't  :(

I've read this thread off and on for years but never really looked at myself.  When I first joined 4 yrs ago I was around $1500 a month now I'm at $5000 a month!  I can't believe that's how much is flying out of my window.  I'm lucky to have no bills and be in a position to afford what I need but do I really need this much?  That's the question.  Like 2earls stated it does help me with my quality of life in regards to my arthritis pain but I'm sure I could and should cut back a bit.

What else could I do with $5000 a month?!?! Something to think about!

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. GR8 ChemS @ GR8 ChemS: Good morning beautiful people !
  2. Q @ quickfasthots: @CalFresh Benn wondering about you. I was expecting a message and never got it. I understand personal trumps other things at times. Had a bit of that going on with me lately as well. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  3. cannedgoods @ cannedgoods: Happy Weekend everybody!
  4. CalFresh @ CalFresh: Hi All, just want to let everyone know I had to take the last 36 hours off to deal with personal stuff. I'll be back online later tonight and will answer all emails and process all orders. thanks!
  5. CnC5 @ CnC5: @xenxra 🤣🤣🤣
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: @timyboy there was a 4.7 mag earthquake in here earlier but it should be settled down now
  7. xenxra @ xenxra: the magic of tariffs and sticky inflation
  8. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Somehow, despite me working more hours, I always seem to have bigger and bigger bills... what kind of magic is this 😡
  9. Alkazar @ Alkazar: Just found another awesome vendor on here. This website is a life saver.
  10. T @ timyboy: whats shakin DBG
  11. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero hola friend
  12. D @ DolorCero: hola to all mi DBG familia
  13. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE no sweat; thank me after you read that Dostoyevsky-dense novel I just wrote and now it’s nearly lunch and I’m not at the office. Well, they must see something in me if it isn’t my civility, temperance, or clarity and style with the written word! Hope you find what you’re looking for.
  14. P @ PennyE: @LatsDoodis thanks bud!
  15. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @PennyE there’s one vendor I know of that always offers all new customers free samples. I think if you ask others you may have luck, but i recommend my guy here anyway. Not sure if you can see my post history and guess. Have a good day everyone!
  16. P @ PennyE: @SeaDonkey lmao!!!
  17. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: I'm not mad about having to push my coworkers out or anything 😂
  18. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Please for the love of fuck everyone if you live somewhere that got hit with snow and you have to go out, do NOT park on an incline, especially facing forward, and especially if your car is fwd
  19. P @ PennyE: @DolorCero I emailed you back. Thank you for having patience!!
  20. D @ DolorCero: @SeaDonkey : yes mi amigo. thanks for your concern. Hope you all and your loved ones are well-prepared and protected