Hi cobd
Thanks for what you said about my post, I did spend hours writing a long thing. But I deleted it because it certainly would not have been uplifting to anyone who read it. But then again, that's one problem I've always had -keeping everything inside. Even now. I intullectally know that it's not good, but in my personal life, I have seen letting things out lead to disaster. Not that I blame anyone else, as I am the one who lights the fire in the first place.
Even now I live a portion of my life in secret from the ones I love out of fear of losing them again, as I did before. That's what I think it's all about for me, as my life was so empty without them (wife and kids ). Long story, but what seemed impossible occurred and we are currently back together under one roof. But guess what, I fucking did it again and slipped and am keeping my mouth shut. And that is really tearing me up. Real bad.
Anyway, I hope you can find a good shrink to, but your assessment of how that would turn out, from what I've experienced ,anyway is probably accurate, however my experience is very limited as I went until age 42 before I talked to a shrink, coucelor, or attended an aa or na meeting, or went to a rehab.
It is really hard for me to open up to anyone. Really hard. But that's me.
My last shrink dropped me. Yes, dropped me after getting me more fucked up on a crazy string of antidepressants, and also prescribing high doses of benzos. Which of course I abused. He said, my case was "too complicated ". I was like wow, if you were some chick I was dating, that line would make a little more sense.
I can sooo relate to what you said about your life being in shambles and not knowing what to do about it. Parts of my life are still majorly messed up from my heroin problem a few years ago which I finally kicked, well at least for now, it's been 3 years. It took a few attempts and after about 7 days of being deathly ill, I experienced about 7 days of sobriety, then started drinking. Around the clock because I was not working at the time. And my family was long gone. I don't recommend this at all. Round the clock drinking, that is. That really fucked me up bad. Real bad. I was a complete recluse, with the shades closed all day. Only leaving the house to get alcohol and cigarettes. Every few days though, I would go out and get something to eat, but would only know that I had, because I would be vomiting up the few bits of food I attempted to eat and blood. But, what the worst part was, that at least the first one of these incidents, I couldn't drink alcohol for a couple of hours during which I experienced panic and anxiety attacks, that were I can't even describe. But I soon got over it. And every few days when I found my body rejecting the food. I just drank during the hurling.
Dark times. I am so thankful, to god, or whoever that I never, hurt or killed anyone else driving under black out conditions. After a few failed suicide attempts, which on paper, really should have worked. I reached out to my mom, who lived in a nearby state to come pick me up, and get me into detox. She did. With a friend of hers, while I slipped out of a flask. Anyway, none of that worked. But it's been about two years since my last drink. However, I am far from sober. Although not as bad off as I have been in the past, I am certainly addicted to several substances and not sure what to do or who to talk to.
Anyway, you are likely correct in that you have a long journey ahead of you. My one hope for you would be that you make your progress along that journey a lot faster than I am making mine.
"They" say that once we stop looking outside of ourselves for love,fulfillment, joy, etc. That it is at that point we reach the end of the journey. As we have truly become able to love ourselves and accept everything outside of us;jobs, relationships, etc. , as just that. ..not ourselves, but out "there ". I believe there may be some truth to that for sure, but obviously much easier said than done, and personally, I think that I have blown a few too many fuses at this point. But then again, what do I know, besides that I truly don't know anything other than anything is possible in life for better or worse.
Anyway, take care of yourself. Also, this isn't the post I deleted the other night.