melatonin enhances opiates and reverses tolerance?

@Gracie5  I totally agree about magnesium too.   I started taking it years ago for some irregular heartbeats, then continued taking it to counteract one of the.. unmentionable negative side effects of opiates,  and I've been touting its benefits for years.   It totally got rid of my skipped heartbeats and restless legs.  Every opiate user should add magnesium (I use citrate) to thier regimen.   I can't go without it!  (see what I did there)      :)

Nice pun, @Roxyanne! I originally started using because I was deficient. But I use for the same reason! Going a step further, I like to add a splash of pure aloe juice to my cuppa Calm- Calm already has the gaba, L Theanine, and melatonin, and Mag Citrate. I told my doctor about the aloe and he started recommending to his patients on Op8s. I know because he forgot I was the one who told him and recommended to me!

I’ve seen CBD Epsom salts online. It’s super pricey so I haven’t tried, but I know people who swear it helps with full body pain.

Apologies for being way off topic with my posts here, but all of these things have improved my sleep and digestive issues immensely. If they help with tolerance, even better!

Something my doctor told me about Melatonin, which I have used for many years, is that you should take it about 30 minutes before you plan to fall asleep, and make sure you are resting and really ready to sleep for it to be effective. It’s also safe for children, according to my son’s doctor (son is 15, so not a young child).

Another natural sleep aid is L Tryptophan. Tryptophan is part of the reason you feel so tired after eating Thanksgiving dinner. 

I’ve always struggled with falling asleep, so I use these in combination with Magnesium. Magnesium is something in the body that can be depleted by stress, and it helps relax the body. It’s also in Epsom salts, so a nice bath with Epsom salts helps with relaxation and muscle aches.
For magnesium “Natural Calm” was the only supplement that did anything. It’s a difficult mineral to assimilate and that makes it easier. I got awful insomnia too and that magnesium supplement worked the best. Bananas help too maybe because of the potassium they have. 

I use melatonin too but I cycle it. Taking too much will cause your own body to produce less. 

I can attest to this working. I take kratom daily, but no other opiates. My kratom tolerance kept going up until I started taking melatonin each night. NMDA receptor antagonists are shown to decrease opiate tolerance and melatonin apparently blocks NMDA in the spinal cord. It also helps me sleep if I dose my kratom too far before bed, then I don't sleep well unless I take melatonin.

I tried DXM also to reduce tolerance and I think it worked a little, but it gives me shits, so I can't really enjoy use it.

Maybe a low dose NMDA RC like 3-meo-xxx or whatever would help.

@Roxyanne my partner is a psych nurse working 12 hr shifts,  7a to 7p. By the time she gets home at about 8:30pm she’s so wired she has to talk (confidentiality  of course) for another hour to unwind. Her crazy job combined w/ years of insomnia makes it difficult for her to sleep; therefore it makes it hard for me to sleep. I bought 5mg gummy melatonin made by Spring Valley from Walmart. OMG not only do I fall asleep with that natural feeling but I remember dreaming. Apparently this means I am in REM state. That’s the deepest state where you’re rejuvenating your body and brain. She’s been taking hydroxozine with melatonin for years and has wanted me to take melatonin forever. I just didn’t think cherry 🍒 gummy bears would about SNORING! Holy molly😤. The windows rattle!!  Long story short...I sleep 💤 like a bambino.


@Roxyanne you're extremely SMART but melatonin speeds me Ritalin calms we are having a shortage down here if anyone can help I'll help ANYONE I can Ty so much

Melatonin is a hormone that sets your biological clock. It’s referred to as “ the vampire drug” because its mechanism works through the skin. No TV or lights on!!   It is effective in doses.3-5mg anything stronger does little to enhance sleep ( I don’t know, I take 10 mg) but amounts more than 5 mg can cause side effects especially with other medications, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, anticoagulants, blood pressure meds and immunosuppressant s. Yeah Yeah I hear the raspberries!!

There’s always one😂

Ref: The Sleep Doctor

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  11. xenxra @ xenxra: 4f-mph suppliers dropped it in favor of 4-metmp. pretty sure all the 4f left floating around is from month's old supply.
  12. UFOtofu @ UFOtofu: Whatever happened to 4F-MPH? IMPOSSIBLE to find lately
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  14. P @ Pan-Am_FltRsk: Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy the reading
  15. P @ psychedpsych: I’m new to the site, but still wish a happy holidays as we begin a new year of learning and growing!
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  18. CnC5 @ CnC5: Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 & A Happy & Prosperous New Year To The DBG FAM I Hope Yall Have A Great One!
  19. H @ hotdog45: @Lokemer: No worries my friend!! Happy holidays to and all dbg
  20. L @ Lokemer: @hotdog45 noted and thx for the heads up. Edited!