hahaha, omg that is too funny, i was the exact same way...Oh i know the boys where after me but i stayed true till 18 the age i promised myself i would wait till...I then gave it to my longtime boyfriend.. I dated him from the time i was 12 to very early 20's and we are still friends at 43. I actually let him (get others) because i didnt want too....i would NEVER DO THAT WITH MY FIANCE NOW BUT THEN I WAS NAIVE, and thought that is what i was supposed to do and i loved him and didnt want to lose him....oh well. Doesnt bother me now so all is well...lol.Called that by your friends but meanwhile, the boys in high school were probably vying to get at you first. I used to be surprised at how many guys I had slept with that must have slipped my mind....lol..or actually. ..slipped into their imagination. Im super fun once I feel comfortable around someone. Heres a baffling thing to me..casual fellatio??!! Girls who are like, "Oh no! I didnt sleep with him..just sucked blah blah" When I was 17 I was embarrassed to still be a virgin and was asked in a packed room how many guys I had been with...My casual response...not knowing the "norm" ...."Like 30.." Bwahahahaaa. Idiot girl.Same here socilpathicbombeshe..I was the prude i was even called mrs boring in bed by my friends because i viewed sex as something cherish not thrown away to anyone.
but yea once i warm up to someone im with and see there in it for the long haul, sex wasnt a problem..it was a delightful add lol....but not before then

I didnt think anyone else was so much like me in that department. I also hate how people are soooo casual about sex these days...some people youngins go out and have sex with someone else every night, I just dont see how people can do that....disgusting....if u want it that much that bad. USE YOUR HAND. Too many diseases out there and then when you find the one, you will always be looking for something better i would think...
my fiance used to get alot of bg's in college, he talks so proud that he held out for sex till he was 18 and was NOT a slut but then he goes on and tells me about all the girls thst went down on him. I tell him then you where not a virgin, a sex act is sex....if me and him manually do each other we consider that sex so what he did so much like that is sex..
he swears to me its not the same but come on...sex is sex no matter how u do it...and i do happen to find that disgusting....LOL
i go your a slut...LOL hehe...well that was then.....haha, boys and how they think...LOL