I am beginning this thread as a place to chronicle and discuss my experiences with long term use of PKs and the methods I will be employing to reduce tolerance without compromising on my relief of pain.
I won’t be able to officially begin this journal until all the pieces are in play, but I would like to open discussions here first.
my methods are going to include:
switching between different meds to make it more difficult for tolerance to grow to one specific med.
using ultra l0w d0se n@ltrėxone, pr0glumidé, mêm@ntine, magnesium, @gmatine, dxm, and kêt@mine, along with any other tolerance attentuating substances.
I will continue research as time goes on and I expect this journal to evolve.
Input from other members is appreciated, sourcing of anything mentioned in this thread will be shared on a case by case basis.
Please keep any and all names of chēms unsearchable. If you refrain from doing so, your post will be reported and I will request them to be deleted. Thank you.
I am beginning this thread as a place to chronicle and discuss my experiences with long term use of PKs and the methods I will be employing to reduce tolerance without compromising on my relief of pain.
I won’t be able to officially begin this journal until all the pieces are in play, but I would like to open discussions here first.
my methods are going to include:
switching between different meds to make it more difficult for tolerance to grow to one specific med.
using ultra l0w d0se n@ltrėxone, pr0glumidé, mêm@ntine, magnesium, @gmatine, dxm, and kêt@mine, along with any other tolerance attentuating substances.
I will continue research as time goes on and I expect this journal to evolve.
Input from other members is appreciated, sourcing of anything mentioned in this thread will be shared on a case by case basis.
Please keep any and all names of chēms unsearchable. If you refrain from doing so, your post will be reported and I will request them to be deleted. Thank you.