Nitrazepam - Not A Potent Sleep Aid?

I can explain the correlation but that's for the morning if you don't mind, it's quite the explanation and im a tired soul. Without obviously saying too much my much smarter other half works in that field and is somewhat of a smartypantys when it comes to legal drugs and interactions (she knows very little about anabolics though which is ashame could've,saved me a fortune!)

Very interesting post sorry about the seizure or pre seize though. 

I can explain the correlation but that's for the morning if you don't mind, it's quite the explanation and im a tired soul. Without obviously saying too much my much smarter other half works in that field and is somewhat of a smartypantys when it comes to legal drugs and interactions (she knows very little about anabolics though which is ashame could've,saved me a fortune!)

Very interesting post sorry about the seizure or pre seize though. 
I'd definitely be curious to know more, but obviously don't worry if you can't get the information. I'm just a bit baffled by it all...

I'm getting the correct information for you my stress (wife) was away and I need to cross check a couple of things for you. The last thing I want to do is give out misinformation. If you follow or have read any of my steroid related posts to you'll see this. The detail can be over the top because I've been a student of it for a very long time. N|razepam@z shouldn't cause any form of seizure as it's a cns inhibitor the impulses theoretically cannot happen but there is a,loop hole I'll get clarification. It's a,rebound effect almost if you are an existing sufferer from seizures. Damn I wish she wasn't sleeping because I want to know exactly why too!! I suffer from seizures (illness from when I was a kid) although it's been years upon years since I had one. Mine are controlled by gaba and sodium valp (low dose still a disgusting drug) and she was terrified when I first started taking benzos so it's not actually nip@m specific. But I had not adverse sides. Yours being one but I do know it's rare and tend to be one offs. I'll be back with some professional input, sorry it wasn't today. 

Thanks for the effort, it's very kind of you. =)

I hope it was just a one off, because I enjoy nitr@z so, so much. I think the fact it was a long day and I was sleep deprived didn't help. But lately I've felt constantly sleep deprived. Last night I got a good 9 hours or so and still felt exhausted today, one of my eyes has even been bloodshot. It's the bloody carbamazepine taking its toll, can't wait until they switch me to lamotrigine soon...

Thanks again for finding out. =)


I had ordered 10 pills as a sample from PP, and while it knocked me the fuck out, I was up in two hours, so it didn't keep me asleep, that was a huge letdown. 

Also when I woke up, I felt like shit, horrible headache, nausea, and vertigo. Since I'm not the type who gives uo, I took another one the next day and apparently I built up a huge tolerance, or I don't know, but I didn't feel anything. Took 3 more...nothing. I waited 2-3 hours, and then gave up, popped 4mg Rivotril and in 30 minutes I slept like a baby for 10 hours I guess we'e all different. I love Xanax, but I'll never touch it again, since it got me so addicted, it almost killed me in the hospital. I do have a 1000 Ksalols in my drawer, I'm not sure why, I like how tiny they are and yes, I admit I took one, to see if it live up to the hype. It did. But, I enjoyed it so much, I had to put it away, where I don't even see it on  a daily basis. Fortunately a few weeks later I found my true love, the 2.5mg Balkan-born Ativan, it's the universal benzo, it's so good for everything! 

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@Jackie Chiles Hmm, it's so strange how everyone is different. With me, it doesn't actually knock me out. It's just so calming, I can just lie down and gently drift off. Or I can stay awake on it and just relax. And the next morning I don't get a hangover, I just still feel slightly chilled...

I was excited to try x@n@x for the first time ages ago, and was so dissapointed... Now, with at!v@n, it's been a while since I've tried it...may sample it again soon. I remember it being quite subtle. But I'll definitely give it another shot. It ends in -pam and I tend to react better to them, so, yeah... good sign, hopefully.

@Smoka90 Just make sure that you avoid the American pharmacies. Go for the 2.5mg, they absolutely the bomb. 

I think I'll have to behave and just go for 1mg dosed ones. But it will be good quality, no need to worry about that. It's just when I have a 'benzzoh day', I always try to take no more than 20mg Di@z equivalent. I like smaller dosed ones too because I can spread them out a bit. Even if it's just spaced out by an hour or so, I feel like it prolongs the experience a little bit.

Hey smoka m8,if I were taking @tiv@n I'd deffo go down the serb sourced 2.5mg route and just split them in two if you want a smaller mg amount.The reason I say this as some of the 1mg ones ie wyth brand are mostly bunk,esp if they are sourced from the banned PK area.I do know you get "real" wyth branded ones but I've only had bad experiences with that particular brand.Both of the types that can be found from the serb sources and that are 2.5mg are VERY good and are perfect if you find you are re-medicating with some of the shorter acting Bnz.

Basically if you don't want to be taking large mg amounts of Bnz and only want to dose once or twice a day the 2.5mg @tiv@n are the way to go due to the long acting  half life ?..

Btw sorry for straying from the thread title,it seems to happen quite often here but hey-Ho. ..



Nikolas said:
Hello ! It has to do with half life of the dug....Nitrazepam has 20 hours HL when zanax only 8-10 h...Lorazepam has HLife between this 2 so it is very good benzo drowsy the next day I mean...
Thanks for the help. =)

Yeah, I've sort of always been aware of the half life effect, but it always did, and still does, baffle me how nitr@zep@m isn't as hypnotic as I thought a hypnotic should be. But things have changed too. I wrote that it takes a couple of hours for me to feel effects, now I feel effects after as soon as 20 minutes, which is obviously better. Quite happy about that! =)

With short half life ones, I tend to use et!zolam. x@n@x makes me feel quite depressed really, and is twice as potent as et!zolam and lor@z@pam. I haven't had lor@z for ages!

Alright, Nitr@ experts, 

Megaton/Sandoz or Nepam? The first one I've already gotten a sample about a year ago or so, and it didn't impress me - quite the contrary -, but the thought won't leave me alone, that so many of you like it so much, I must be doing something wrong. I guess I can get my hands on some Nepam from my main vendor. But if you say, that Sandoz beats Nepam by a mile, then I won't even bother. The S3rbian Nepam usually don't give (send) out shit out of his hands, but that ~80 dollars could go to toward tried-and-true stuff, like his fantastic @tivan.


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Just thought I'd chime in on the Nitraz topic... 

I am recently having a bit of a love affair with nitrazep@m at the minute.. Quite the opposite it seems from everyone else posting? Strange.. As, unfortunately at the minute, I currently have a regrettably large tolerance to b3nzo's.. Again???!!?.. 

However, Nepam brand, first time I took 3 x 5mg.. Holy moses, I wasn't expecting them to be so potent?! And thought they certainly delivered on the hypnotic front!.. I mean, I'd compare the hit (which was 20-30 mins in) comparable to 40mg Val! (aupaurin or Bensedin) Maybe 3mg Xan (ksalol) and about 4mg Clon (gelenika rivotril).. All, as you are probably all aware, the best in their class ; ). 

So, yes.. If you get a chance, grab some samples off the angel who's name begins with D, and I think you may have a different opinion ; ). 

However, we are all different, so who knows? But like I say, I'm no stranger to the benz@ barbecue!


But yeah, forgot to add.. They do come with a definite next day hangover!! More than longer half life benz@'s which I've always found slightly odd?

Just thought I'd chime in on the Nitraz topic... 

I am recently having a bit of a love affair with nitrazep@m at the minute.. Quite the opposite it seems from everyone else posting? Strange.. As, unfortunately at the minute, I currently have a regrettably large tolerance to b3nzo's.. Again???!!?.. 

However, Nepam brand, first time I took 3 x 5mg.. Holy moses, I wasn't expecting them to be so potent?! And thought they certainly delivered on the hypnotic front!.. I mean, I'd compare the hit (which was 20-30 mins in) comparable to 40mg Val! (aupaurin or Bensedin) Maybe 3mg Xan (ksalol) and about 4mg Clon (gelenika rivotril).. All, as you are probably all aware, the best in their class ; ). 

So, yes.. If you get a chance, grab some samples off the angel who's name begins with D, and I think you may have a different opinion ; ). 

However, we are all different, so who knows? But like I say, I'm no stranger to the benz@ barbecue!


But yeah, forgot to add.. They do come with a definite next day hangover!! More than longer half life benz@'s which I've always found slightly odd?
Unfortunately I'm out of likes for today, but I appreciate your answer!

"D" neighbor whose name starts with a "Z" (I like this game :D  ) carries Nepam, so I'll just go ahead and put in an order for a 100, the next time I'm putting in my monthly Ativan and Apaurin order. Unfortunately my tolerance is sky high too, but boy, I'm on 5mg of S3rbian At1van right now, combined with 400mg of Tramadol for my toothache, and I just love the world right now. I wouldn't take it during my work-week anyways, so bring on the hangover, I haven't had any alcohol in 2 years, I almost miss the feeling of ... feeling like shit the next day :D  

Well, I certainly appreciate your input Señor(ita), I give up, Nitrazepam, here we come. 

My #1 favourite is Mogadon  roche brand #2 actavis nitrazapam,the Indian nitrosun were poor even though they are 10mg whereas my favourites are 5mg?.

The sanval brand are good but my first two choices shade it for me,I used to have a bit of a problem in the late 80s with temazapam gelthix (jelly eggs),you also got it as a liquid in a bottle (jelly juice).Now that could be dangerous and the government withdrew it due to its abuse,they made it into tablets instead but they were never the same and that's when I started to take mogadon instead as I find them to be far better than the temazapam even at 5mg v the 10mg temazapam?.



My #1 favourite is Mogadon  roche brand #2 actavis nitrazapam,the Indian nitrosun were poor even though they are 10mg whereas my favourites are 5mg?.

The sanval brand are good but my first two choices shade it for me,I used to have a bit of a problem in the late 80s with temazapam gelthix (jelly eggs),you also got it as a liquid in a bottle (jelly juice).Now that could be dangerous and the government withdrew it due to its abuse,they made it into tablets instead but they were never the same and that's when I started to take mogadon instead as I find them to be far better than the temazapam even at 5mg v the 10mg temazapam?.


I remember the jellies well!

Our local fish and chip shop worker used to run a sideline in them.. There was a code, which was very apt.. You had to ask if there was any jelly in the pork pies and he'd give you a nod to go round back ; ).. It went on for years and years! And strangely, none of the regular 'non recreational benz@ using adult' locals even realised he didn't even sell pork pies!

The good old days : ) 

I've never tried tem@z, surprisingly, since I really do enjoy the more hypnotic benzohs.

Maybe I'll do a bit of research into it, but what puts me off mainly is the scant availability and the high price, I'm not sure if it's worth it...

And now I'm going to sound a lot like a noob here, haha, but does 'jelly' basically mean a soft capsule? I'm a bit ignorant...

My interest in it has been kindled now. No going back now. =/

@Smoka90 yes jelly juice means exactly that it has a consistancy similar to wallpaper paste! .

Unfortunately you only get the tablets now which do little for me??



@blissopifree 2 I'm sort of ignorant to it to be honest since I've never had it, never really been easy to get, so I can't compare tablets and jellies. Don't think I ever will since I only see tablets around. It's just the price, and they tend to get sold in quantities of 5s or 10s. It's crazy. Probably cost at least 5x more than nitr@z, one of my pharmaceutical loves.

I want to ask how it compares to nitr@z, but I know that's sort of pointless, since benzohs are the absolute worst for effecting everyone so, so differently.

The name 'tem@zapam' is almost a bit off putting, it sort of sounds like the sound someone would make if they fell down a well or something. Or the sound someone makes as they bungee jump.

I'm thinking out loud, sorry. =/ This is what my brain is like.

But I'll definitely report back here if I get round to trying it. Problem is, though, even if I like it a lot, I wouldn't be able to afford to have it regularly. And I'd struggle to not have it if I really liked it. I just *can't* do things in moderation... am I better just sticking to cheaper ones that do enough for me...? I don't know...

Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  2. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  3. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  5. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  6. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  7. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  8. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  9. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  10. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  11. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  12. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  13. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  15. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  16. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  17. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  18. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!
  19. Ketmaster @ Ketmaster: @MOD Good afternoon!
  20. MOD @ MOD: Hello @everyone