Nitrazepam - Not A Potent Sleep Aid?

Temazep@m in it's 80's & early 90's was the mother of all recreational benz@'s, and if still available in that form, would be exactly what you were looking for with the anxiolytic and hypnotic ratio just right... Plus it was one of those that you could still function off - a bit like clonaz3pam.. But more hypnotic, faster acting and more all around 'glowy'...

Which is why the powers that be changed the administration method and delivery system... I mean come on, who want's a whole generation of people happy and functioning?! It would ruin the capitalist , conventional, consumer driven world as we know it?! You can't put the fear of god into happy functioning people like you can into all the broken ones we have now can you!.. For a start who would the upper echelons conscript out to wars we (or our supposed fucking enemy), don't want or need ... I don't know about you, but I have no interest in killing any other human being via order from a group of cunts in stately Homes and £2000 suits?! Families and friends being systematically ripped apart and from one another just on the whim of one narcissistic leader after another!.. 

Thought control, cattle & zombies is what they want.. Even in education.. Individuality is TPTB's ultimate fear.. Free thinking is frowned upon, whereas it should be embraced! Where will the next Mozart, Picasso, Da Vinci, Edison, Einstein, Marie Curie, Joan of Arc etc... when we're all thought the same old shit?! Do your job, knuckle down, don't ask questions, don't challenge a god damn thing and you'll be alright! That is what we're being taught now! Plus it keeps social workers, counsellors, doctors, government officials and law enforcement in a job, cause without the current legislation on drugs and drugs control, there would be no drug traffickers, unscrupulous morally devoid dealers cutting their shit with fuck knows what, to make it go further at the expense of legitimate, honest, hardworking people like you and I and everybody else on here!.  All these things make money.. Prison's make money now they are privatised, we are numbers in a giant chess game of shit and injustice! I mean, even the ppoorly manufactured drugs are safer than most things - alcohol, tobacco, even fucking energy drinks? All these things are feely advertised, available and most of all socially acceptable?!.  And the first 2 kill way more than the drugs we discuss here on a regular basis!!. 

The most frustrating thing is big pharma have monopolised packaged and patented 'our' shared earths gifts to all humanity, plants, trees anything they can eek something useful out of... Change a molecule or 2 , design a pretty packet,  (cause we all like pretty colours and fonts), and sell what was once free and abundant to every man woman and child on our planet, just to sell us back what was rightfully ours anyway, at vast profits!. The fucking cheek of it is, at what point did they decide what grows naturally (or what used to before it being outlawed), became theirs to do this with?! 

Arseholes of the highest order, profits over people, the way of the world and what a beautiful world we live in!!

rant over, sorry... 



How ya doing, old pal? I can't wait for those nitras to arrive, but no luck yet. Maybe this Nepam will change my opinion, like Hemopharm totally reformed my love for @tivan.

Sorry for the "empty" post, I'm just catching up to speed after 4 days of absence, while duty called.

@Phrenicz Very impressive rant, so no need to apologise! Yeah, I do agree with you, it's a very sad state of affairs. I mean, it's most glaringly obvious with cannabis legislation. Something that would make people relaxed, make them think etc. But I think there is room for hope... Especially with the internet, things like state-controlled media (*cough* BBC *cough*) are becoming less important as people get opinions from...well, other people! But the people are definitely up against it.

Ah, and I haven't talked to you yet about one thing that depressed me and made me more furious than I thought was possible: The Psychoactive Substances Act. If you know about it, you'll know how sick and draconian it is... and now the lady that spearheaded it is the Prime Minister. That's why, regardless of what May does in office, I can't forget what she did to our civil liberties.

Anyway, back on point, sorry, if I see tem@z cheap at any point, then I will get it...but I may try clon@z again soon-ish. But then there's the longer half life, so...meh... -_-

@Jackie Chiles I'm not doing too badly mate, thank you. I hope you're doing well too. =) I do hope the nitr@z works for you. I can't say enough just how much I like it. It's insane how much better it effects me than *any* other benzoh. To the point where, say, di@z and lor@z were 2 or 3 out of 10, nitr@z would be a solid 10. It's just mental. Oh god, love it. But I do find myself counting down the days to when I can next take it again, which is a bit sad...but I'm glad I've managed to keep it weekly. I just remind myself that if I take it daily this feeling will go away forever. And I wouldn't want that. Gasp! I can do moderation with some things, it seems!

@blissopifree 2 I'm sort of ignorant to it to be honest since I've never had it, never really been easy to get, so I can't compare tablets and jellies. Don't think I ever will since I only see tablets around. It's just the price, and they tend to get sold in quantities of 5s or 10s. It's crazy. Probably cost at least 5x more than nitr@z, one of my pharmaceutical loves.

I want to ask how it compares to nitr@z, but I know that's sort of pointless, since benzohs are the absolute worst for effecting everyone so, so differently.

The name 'tem@zapam' is almost a bit off putting, it sort of sounds like the sound someone would make if they fell down a well or something. Or the sound someone makes as they bungee jump.

I'm thinking out loud, sorry. =/ This is what my brain is like.

But I'll definitely report back here if I get round to trying it. Problem is, though, even if I like it a lot, I wouldn't be able to afford to have it regularly. And I'd struggle to not have it if I really liked it. I just *can't* do things in moderation... am I better just sticking to cheaper ones that do enough for me...? I don't know...
Hey @Smoka90 there is still one source for the jelly eggs in 10mg and 20mg,they arn,t cheap by the way but I think they do samples of 10 captules.Look at the iop section,they are based in Africa if you get my drift m8.



@Phrenicz I totally agree with your view on the jellies,I thought all my Christmas's had come at once when I was able to obtain a 50ml bottle of jellie juice!.

Wow that was a crazy week and just aswell I was on a weeks holiday at the time.The only downside that no one really knew the dangers of daily use,of course quite a few of us ended up having seizures.They seemed to dissappear as quickly as they appeared due to the government removing them from production and changing them to tablet form.

I have tried almost all bnzs now and none will ever match the effects of temazapam jellies?...



@blissopifree 2 Cheers for the advice on where to potentially get it from, I appreciate it. =) But I'm a little afraid of ordering from that part of the world... I think I might have to pass up on that one, sorry. But I do really appreciate the heads up you gave me, I'm just a bit of a nervous wreck with ordering from some places, hehe.

At the moment, anyway, my money situation is so bad that I really shouldn't be forking out for the jellies which may be more expensive than the tablets. I do have a private source that can get me tablets, so when I have enough money I may try that.

But again, I do appreciate the advice, thank you. =)

Ah, and I've only just thought, do the jellies contain gelatine? If so, I won't be taking them ever. I'm a vegetarian so avoid gelatine. You know what I used to do with tr@m (before I had to quit), I used to cut open the gelatine caps and put the tr@m in a veggie capsule. Which is stupid, because the gelatine stuff still goes in the bin, but, yeah...that's how OCD I am with gelatine...sorry...

I've got such a sweet tooth, and all my (ex) favourite sweets have gelatine in. So painful. =( Oh, marshmallows...memories, miss them a lot...

But thanks again mate, appreciate it. =) I hope I don't sound like I'm being arsey...

Okay, so... I have temazepam finally, but it's in hard gelatine capsules, with liquid inside.

I'm a pretty strict vegetarian, so I really don't want to eat the capsule, but I can't think of any way to remove the liquid and put it in something else.

So... damn.

If anyone has any ideas let me know... or should I just man up and take the capsules? :P

Really looking forward to trying them though. My holy grail is a very hypnotic benzoh with a short half life. Mid@zol@m did nothing for me, so I hope this works...

Okay, so... I have temazepam finally, but it's in hard gelatine capsules, with liquid inside.

I'm a pretty strict vegetarian, so I really don't want to eat the capsule, but I can't think of any way to remove the liquid and put it in something else.

So... damn.

If anyone has any ideas let me know... or should I just man up and take the capsules? :P

Really looking forward to trying them though. My holy grail is a very hypnotic benzoh with a short half life. Mid@zol@m did nothing for me, so I hope this works...
Same goes on the midaz@lam front man?! I don't get it? I was expecting greatness, and to be fair, I didn't even feel like I'd taken it?.. 

30 mins passed, then an hour, 2 hours etc etc..  And nothing! I've got my tolerance down quite a bit at the minute, so it can't be that? Maybe we're special ; ).. 

Good luck with the temazzies! It's been a long while, but I remember their distinctive feeling like it was yesterday. I doubt you'll be disappointed  : ).  

As for getting the juice out of those capsules, you could always make a small slit and suck on the slit until all the liquid is in your mouth? I realise it's a very unbecoming 'junkie like' solution, but I reckon it would work? Wash it down with a bit of liquid and you're good to go! Then slice it open fully and lick the innards - nummy : )


You could just man up! ; )


Same goes on the midaz@lam front man?! I don't get it? I was expecting greatness, and to be fair, I didn't even feel like I'd taken it?.. 

30 mins passed, then an hour, 2 hours etc etc..  And nothing! I've got my tolerance down quite a bit at the minute, so it can't be that? Maybe we're special ; ).. 

Good luck with the temazzies! It's been a long while, but I remember their distinctive feeling like it was yesterday. I doubt you'll be disappointed  : ).  

As for getting the juice out of those capsules, you could always make a small slit and suck on the slit until all the liquid is in your mouth? I realise it's a very unbecoming 'junkie like' solution, but I reckon it would work? Wash it down with a bit of liquid and you're good to go! Then slice it open fully and lick the innards - nummy : )


You could just man up! ; )

midizolam tabs or the drug in general? as they meant to be one of the most potent ones. also coming with such warnings as the i.v an i.m version come with strict red writing warnings, ive never seen any other sleep aid have this. an it lit does nothing for me. ive consumed 4 ampules in a row adding to 40 ml .which should have ended me up dead tbh. think some people just dont shut off or get the same as others. its been baffling me for a while now. nitr@z on the other hand i use in the day my dog wouldnt fall asleep on one of them. but i love them esp last couple batches ive had, a bit more old skool make an yeh im gutted they gone now, back to just the kpins an odd di@z

Okay, so... I have temazepam finally, but it's in hard gelatine capsules, with liquid inside.

I'm a pretty strict vegetarian, so I really don't want to eat the capsule, but I can't think of any way to remove the liquid and put it in something else.

So... damn.

If anyone has any ideas let me know... or should I just man up and take the capsules? :P

Really looking forward to trying them though. My holy grail is a very hypnotic benzoh with a short half life. Mid@zol@m did nothing for me, so I hope this works...
Just put a hole /cut the top off at  the top ans squeeze the contents out,easy really...

Also a report on the eggs would be lovely smoka as o find I get little off the temaz tablets?.



@Smoka90 be careful and take as instructed. I don't know if my ex to be had a bad reaction but he was on methadone at the time. He was taking 4 a night for sleep and it literally made him insane. He would say that I was hiding his son from him. And one morning I was making coffee and he took he tea out and threw it in my face saying this is tea and then threw cofffee beans in my face and said this is coffee. He would take me to the methadone clinic three times a week and would get his drink firs and leave without me. Not just once, every time! Once when we were in line he said very loudly I was a prosititute which I'm not, but literally every girl in line was, so I was so embarrassed I went to my methadone dcoctor and asked why he went crazy out of nowhere. And I told him his general practitioner prescribed him temazapam and he was taking more than prescribed. As soon as he only took one a night he returned to normal. It was truly scary, I thought I was going to have I placed I a psych ward because he was literally insane! It could be many factors to his reaction to it. Taking four not one, he was also on 200 mg of methadone at the time, or maybe some just allergic reaction. But I swear when he went to one it was night and day. He went back to normal immediately. I seriously could go on for hours with his strange behavior, but it would be a book! Wish you luck @Smoka90 and I have missed the hell out of you!

@Phrenicz Yeah, the mid@z thing confused the heck out of me. I think I took a whole 15mg tablet, and...nothing. Nothing! They were not fake or anything, I know that. But I only use bennzohs once or twice a week, very low tolerance, so it's not that. There's also an obscure benzoh called Flutazolam that I've tried, supposed to be very hypnotic and...nothing. No effect on me.

But then I think how wonderfully nitr@z effects me, and it seems like a lot of the ones that don't work for me end in -lam. Maybe I'm being daft there, hehe, but... pams are better than lams! Which is why I'm very excited for tem@zePAM! =D It'll be Tuesday night that I try it, I think, since I took nitr@z a couple of days ago.

As for the gelatine capsule... I have realised that, for animal welfare and things, it doesn't matter if the gelatine goes in the bin or I poo it out (tehehe, I said poo!). It doesn't make a difference to the animal. In fact maybe it's worse if I chuck it out, because that really is a waste. I've realised that if I took the tem@z out of the cap, it would only be to stroke my own ego. That's all it would do. And I don't want to be that sort of person... so I'll probably just take it. It's just the thought of a bit of an animal in me, I don't like it. But, yeah...I'll probably just take them now...

By the way, I think I should say, I'm not a hippy. I don't wear tie-dye...don't have dreadlocks...don't listen to hippy music. Just to clear that up! I'm always scared of that when I tell people I'm veggie! :P

@Heavenlee Thank you for the advice on it. =) Don't worry, though, I will definitely start low. They're 20mg caps, and I think 20mg = 10mg of di@z. My rule with benzohs is I never take more than 20mg di@z equivalent. So... I mean, I won't take more than 40mg tem@z. That's my rule with benzohs, and I don't break it. Shame I don't have that rule with opi@tes, but, yeah...

I'm sorry to hear about how your ex acted when taking it... =( I think benzohs can exaggerate personalities... so maybe if he had an unpleasant side, maybe the tem@z exaggerated it. I'm sorry if I'm prying too much's just what I thought. For example, if I take some strong benzohs, I either get very loved up and just want loads of cuddles, or get very depressed and curl up in a foetal position. That's my life: cuddles and despair! :P Although there hasn't been much despair lately. =)

(I tried to like your post, by the way, but it's telling me I'm only allowed 10 likes a day. I'm confused, never had that before)

@blissopifree 2 I will definitely report back here and let you all know how it went on. =)

@Smoka90 be careful and take as instructed. I don't know if my ex to be had a bad reaction but he was on methadone at the time. He was taking 4 a night for sleep and it literally made him insane. He would say that I was hiding his son from him. And one morning I was making coffee and he took he tea out and threw it in my face saying this is tea and then threw cofffee beans in my face and said this is coffee. He would take me to the methadone clinic three times a week and would get his drink firs and leave without me. Not just once, every time! Once when we were in line he said very loudly I was a prosititute which I'm not, but literally every girl in line was, so I was so embarrassed I went to my methadone dcoctor and asked why he went crazy out of nowhere. And I told him his general practitioner prescribed him temazapam and he was taking more than prescribed. As soon as he only took one a night he returned to normal. It was truly scary, I thought I was going to have I placed I a psych ward because he was literally insane! It could be many factors to his reaction to it. Taking four not one, he was also on 200 mg of methadone at the time, or maybe some just allergic reaction. But I swear when he went to one it was night and day. He went back to normal immediately. I seriously could go on for hours with his strange behavior, but it would be a book! Wish you luck @Smoka90 and I have missed the hell out of you!
its called a paradoxical reaction and its the name of the reaction that benzos cause ONLY benzos are known for this. you have to be very careful with benzos if you are having a paradoxical reaction, they can become extremely violent and will not  remember doing the crime (including possibly murder in some cases). Not trying to scare you, but a paradoxical reaction is a certain state of being. It can be a problem. I have experienced paradox only maybe 2 times and it was from fake benzos from Europe south African.

and don't take benzos if u are fighting arguing or angry, always try to take drugs when relaxed and settled. it helps avoid paradoxical reaction. don't just take benzos to pass out if you are angry.

Always keep the benzo dose on the low side and stop if you notice any paradoxical reaction. its extremely serious. Paradoxical reactions such as anxiety, delirium, combativeness, hallucinations, and aggression can also occur following benzodiazepine overdose

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Damn @jackwade and @DippityDoo you two are a wealth of information today. Are you doctors in training or what? How do you seriously know so much? I'm so impressed right now @jackwade I never heard of that before, but I swear on my sons life everything I said and what you said is true. I didn't know who he was anymore and he seemed like he

its called a paradoxical reaction and its the name of the reaction that benzos cause ONLY benzos are known for this. you have to be very careful with benzos if you are having a paradoxical reaction, they can become extremely violent and will not  remember doing the crime (including possibly murder in some cases). Not trying to scare you, but a paradoxical reaction is a certain state of being. It can be a problem. I have experienced paradox only maybe 2 times and it was from fake benzos from Europe south African.
didn't know me, he actually thought there was a body double in our house and I had people living in our house that I was hiding. And he would become violent, as you pointed out, throwing things and just being very angry and aggressive. I had no clue there was actually a name to it and it actually existed, I just thought I really was going to have to lock him up in a psych ward for his own good as well as others. Well thankfully his behavior changed for the better when he got of of them, wish it could have changed his libido too! Thanks for that link @jackwade pretty interesting stuff to find out it's real!

@jackwade Very useful information, thanks for saying it. =)

Yeah, benzohs are not a substance that can change a situation, they only amplify it, similar to alcohol in that sense, I guess. I know from experience, that if I take benzohs while feeling depressed, it doesn't always help...

I think this is why op8s can be so addictive, for me anyway. Because for me, they can 'change' a situation. They don't amplify anything, they simply wipe the slate clean and give you blissful indifference.

Sorry, rambling mode...

I do wonder whether paradoxical reactions may happen with one benzoh and not the other. I ask this because the few times I've taken alpr@z in the past, I've felt quite down on them. Di@z, too, can make me grumpy and depressed. But I've never really had bad reactions with certain benzohs. They're definitely one of the more strange class of substance...

i think ive had one of these reactions fairly recently from kpins or could be the nitraz but im takin more of the clons.. so i think its them, i had an arguement with my partner. turnt realy weird sayin stuf that i normaly realy wouldnt at all behaving eraticaly sayin odd things, a close friend was in the car to he says hes never sen me like that before an ive known him a very long time. it lasted about 40 mins or so. very very odd, im now keeping closer eye on what an when i take meds to try an get to rot of what set it off...

p.s sory for al the typos my keypad has decided to have its own way of spelin an chooses to mis leters out (lazy shit) hopefuly its al readable within reason, il get it sorted though 

@dotcomkotr That does sound really unpleasant indeed... =( I guess at least it 'only' lasted 45 minutes. I mean, I know that's a long time, but sometimes bad experiences from substances can just go on and on and on...

By the way, I said I'd report back on the tem@z, so here I am. I had one 20mg capsule, and it is quite a pleasant effect, yeah. Still nothing on Nitr@z, though (d'oh...), but I know 20mg is a fairly moderate dose, so when I'm confident I can 'handle it', I may try more next time.

I had the capsule intact too. I had gelatine. =( I feel awful... I feel like being a vegetarian is the only good thing I do and that I've wrecked it. But I also know that just binning the gelatine is just as bad, maybe worse, since that would just be stroking my own ego.

@dotcomkotr That does sound really unpleasant indeed... =( I guess at least it 'only' lasted 45 minutes. I mean, I know that's a long time, but sometimes bad experiences from substances can just go on and on and on...

By the way, I said I'd report back on the tem@z, so here I am. I had one 20mg capsule, and it is quite a pleasant effect, yeah. Still nothing on Nitr@z, though (d'oh...), but I know 20mg is a fairly moderate dose, so when I'm confident I can 'handle it', I may try more next time.

I had the capsule intact too. I had gelatine. =( I feel awful... I feel like being a vegetarian is the only good thing I do and that I've wrecked it. But I also know that just binning the gelatine is just as bad, maybe worse, since that would just be stroking my own ego.
yeh for real, it freaked me out, maybe bad meds i dunno, thats the trouble with lose tbh. but like us say it was only the 40 mins, but yh at the time i felt like i couldnt stop even said to my friend i cant clm down, so odd. was threatening to sign the car over into my name not hers an all sorts like that. summin triggered an i deffo had a spaz out, never had one in the near 15 years i been on benz my toleranace is at an all time low anyway has been for a while now. i did it to try an use a dif benz hopeing it would blow my rocker off an to see if id feel it better as i just maintain rarely have the bliss or a nod but. meh! 

I have nt had them for a while but i used to think moggies were alright and have some on order will review when received 

Got my script through on Monday got 75 only got bout 20 left but my other half has had some i found they take over an hour to work of every one different but that's my experience and have nt took any Benson for over a year so low tolerance still wasn't disappointed but next time will get Val's or zannies as more relaxed feel on them as i remember .......  And pleasure!?

Ive allways found m0ggi€s far better than say t€mazap@m for sleep especially the uk prescribed ones.I'd much rather take a 5mg m0ggi€ than a 20mg t€m@zapm since the j€lli€ €ggs were withdrawn.I just love the taste of that big off white coloured m0gg1€ tabs?.....



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  4. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  5. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  6. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  7. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  8. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  9. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  10. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  11. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  12. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  14. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  15. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  16. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  18. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. R @ Rx4health: Have a Good Day Everyone & God Bless You All.. !!