Blackcat, I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with you're boyfriend I can totally relate after what I went through with my husband, but I'm so happy to hear you say you're not a victim. That's exactly what I say, I'm a fucking survivor, if you give into that crap it gives people like that power, now I have control of my life, and it is so much better. I did want to leave my husband many times but I'm financially dependent on him and I want my son to have a good life, forgiving is one thing, but I have not forgotten. I will never let anyone including my husband treat me less than anymore. I don't have family or any friends where I live, I happened to pick a neighborhood where the women that work out to lose weight just smoke meth! Hang in there and you're in my prayers though I'm not the Christian type, I still care and pray for others! Never let anyone let you feel like you're less than, you just give them more power, be assertive, and if he doesn't give you the respect you deserve you are probably better off without him! Best of luck and best wishes! Lee
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