The Oral bioavailability of OhPanda (OPA) is a woeful 10%. Amazingly, even with such a low BA, it is still the strongest opiate prescribed outside of a hospital. What's more, even at a mere 10% oral BA, a 40lb Panda (OPA) taken orally is equivalent to appx 80 mgs of Oxeecodone (OXE) taken orally. So...
- Orally: 40mg OPA = 80mg OXE
Intranasally however, the BA is significantly higher at 43% (Wikipedia incorrectly cites the BA as 90%). Interestingly, it's the only opiate with a higher BA intranasally. (i.e. OXE has a lower intranasal BA of 70% & while this ROA provides the strongest and most immediate onset for OXE, the half-life is cut in half & its physiological effects drop from ~4 hours to ~1.5-3 hours).
OPA, however, not only increases in BA intranasally but has a
faster onset,
longer half-life,
greater duration,
increased euphoria, more efficacious analgesic properties, and
greater overall potency!! For this reason, it s BY FAR the preferred & most effective ROA. So...
- Intranasal: 40mg OPA = 160mg OXE (or 5.33 30lb rocks)
If however you strongly prefer oral use there are ways to potentiate OPA and increase BA via an oral ROA as well. Because OPA is less soluble with lipids, eating a fatty meal like a big ol' greasy burger w/ fries before an oral dose can boost BA up by 50% or greater. Additionally, cimetidine (e.g., Tramadol) potentiate the binding action of the oxymorphone thus increasing both BA and efficacy of analgesic properties.
And just for informational purposes:
- Injected: 40mg OPA = 800mg OXE (but let's not go there folks)
I realize that's way more info than you probably wanted but....

and regarding your last two questions, yes, you can certainly break OPA's in halves/quarters. I would do so only after having removed the coating by either:
1) Using a nail file, flat head screwdriver, razor blade, etc to scrape off the dry coating. (this is what I did for the first couple months)
2) Wetting the pill in the mouth quickly, and then wipe the coating off till dry with something like a paper towel. (this is what I currently do)
3) Don't worry about the coating, just crush/grind into a fine powder and it still works fine. (I do too many to do this, or actually "not" do this)
My most favorite questions in the world are dumb questions but alas
@squid720, your questions are not dumb.