Join the club, Broadway. :0) Yes, there is a direct correlation between metabolizing opiates and craving sweets. I've been doing the poppy seed/pod thing right at 5 years, and have gained 35 lbs. since. I'm not too happy about that part! I'm a daily user but keep my levels super low (the equivalency of 2 Tabs per day, or thereabouts), so I don't get the itchies and I never actually "get high", but I do still battle a moderate (to severe) sweet tooth. It's really awful. I can devour 8 Blow Pops in one sitting- no kidding. [enter shame-faced emoji here] So, be careful. I would recommend that you don't keep large amounts of candy in the house. I can make a few recommendations, based on my experience:
1.) Get a large bottle of honey and a variety of herbal teas; such as green tea, chamomile, peppermint, ginger, lavender, rooibis, etc.
2.) Drink several cups of green tea throughout the day w/ a
mild amount of honey- not too much. Just enough to change its bitterness to subtly sweet. This way, you'll be keeping your sugar levels balanced, mitigating the chances of your body entering a hypoglycemic state, thereby reducing your overall sugar cravings while reaping the benefits of the antioxidants + natural
healthy levels of caffeine found in the green tea. (Green tea from morning to 6:00 p.m.; all of the others from 6:00 p.m. to bedtime.) The antioxidants repair cell damage + kill off carcinogenic/cancer-forming cells. (There's a reason Asians have excellent skin and look years younger than they are ;0)
3.) Set a cutoff point for eating
anything, like 10:00 p.m. or so and stick to it.
4.) Brush your teeth when you have significant cravings that you can't reduce by the aforementioned things. I saw a study once that showed a reduction in general cravings after brushing the teeth, because the bacteria found in the mouth can actually produce some of those cravings.
5.) Drink more water! Sometimes we crave things because we're dehydrated, and when we are dehydrated, opiates intensify our cravings for sweets as a direct result of that dehydration. So, keep a small bottled water with you throughout the day, and add a splash of lemon (I prefer lime) juice. The lemon/lime's acidity doubles as a bit of a potentiator (as does taking 1/2 a Benadryl in the morning and 1/2 in the evening) + lemon juice is a natural anti-parasitic. So, win-win all the way around.
Hope these pointers help! I wish I could say that I live by these things daily; but some days, I throw in the towel and cram a whole box of my beloved Swedish Fish down my pie hole at a frightening rate. But hey, progress- not perfection, eh?