Palmira Drugstore

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Wouldn't trust a liquid med or patch manufactured in Hondo for anything.  I would recommend to stay away from those two products.  No one I am aware of has tried them and as such there is no feed back, positive or negative on either.  I personally would not want to be the guinea pig on them, but to each his own.  The subs they are putting in for the purple f-balls suck, pure and simple.  Better to order the .5mg Alp, 2 of those are strong than 2 of the "new" 1 mg's, at least IMO.  the blue 10's are still what they are... probably contain 8-10 mg per tab, with the occasional dud tab and the occasional one that probably has 15mg in it.  But over all, the blue 10's are consistently solid and the bulk price especially is a great deal.  I ordered last Friday and rec'd Monday.  Shipping was only 19.95 so they have come down a lot on that, but the conversion fees and the "donations" are hit / miss.  Sometimes you get hit, sometimes you don't.  But the 19.95 has been running for a while now so it mitigates those other annoying fees..  All their  products are manufactured in less than optimal quality control conditions, it's a poor 3rd world country that has kids packing orders... which can contribute to getting wrong product I would imagine.  But my last order was exactly what I ordered, just the light purple oblong 1 mg alps SUCKED.  10 mg vals are good.  don't know if that helps but that's the latest I have to offer up.  Have a good one.  S-
Small point of clarification. I ordered Friday and received Tuesday, not Monday.  NBD, but felt I needed to be accurate.  Sorry for the oops.  S-

can nyone explain how to get in touch with PD....thanx.
lmfao.... sorry, not making fun of you.  But it's totally hit or miss (mostly miss) as far as getting a response in writing from them.  I seem to do ok in getting issues resolved that I write to them about on subsequent orders, but without them actually responding in writing.  the matter is typically just cleared up in my next package.  Try the .es address and address it to Maria specifically.  If you are able to do so in Spanish, so much the better.  Still I would estimate only a 10-15% chance of an actual written response.  Sorry not more help.  S-

anybody have experience with the 2mg alps? havent ordered from this place in ages, thought they went off the deep end but a friend is still receiving packages so figured id ask. are they bars? do they feel like 2mg? feel like making a sample order of 30 but dont feel like wasting 50 bucks.. anyone who has ordered alps from them lately please send a PM with the best option to go with. should i order the 1mg? i remember the purple k footballs getting weaker it seemed, but if anyone has had success please send me a message or post with what to order, strength (compared to what it actually says on the site), and if i should email requesting a certain type if theyve changed recently. reading the comments in this thread gets a bit confusing so if anyone could help me and be specific i would greatly appreciate it. thanks!

do the international visa gift cards work?   and i've read in this thread about extra charges after you order, like $5 tacked on top that they don't show you?  like if I have a $99 order ready to place with a $100 gift card, for example...

anybody have experience with the 2mg alps? havent ordered from this place in ages, thought they went off the deep end but a friend is still receiving packages so figured id ask. are they bars? do they feel like 2mg? feel like making a sample order of 30 but dont feel like wasting 50 bucks.. anyone who has ordered alps from them lately please send a PM with the best option to go with. should i order the 1mg? i remember the purple k footballs getting weaker it seemed, but if anyone has had success please send me a message or post with what to order, strength (compared to what it actually says on the site), and if i should email requesting a certain type if theyve changed recently. reading the comments in this thread gets a bit confusing so if anyone could help me and be specific i would greatly appreciate it. thanks!
read back about the last 5 pages bro, everyone is saying they aren't actually 2mg bars but a different benzo completely.   The 1mg alps are the real deal as far as i know, though.

anybody have experience with the 2mg alps? havent ordered from this place in ages, thought they went off the deep end but a friend is still receiving packages so figured id ask. are they bars? do they feel like 2mg? feel like making a sample order of 30 but dont feel like wasting 50 bucks.. anyone who has ordered alps from them lately please send a PM with the best option to go with. should i order the 1mg? i remember the purple k footballs getting weaker it seemed, but if anyone has had success please send me a message or post with what to order, strength (compared to what it actually says on the site), and if i should email requesting a certain type if theyve changed recently. reading the comments in this thread gets a bit confusing so if anyone could help me and be specific i would greatly appreciate it. thanks!
I would recommend if you are going to buy Alp from them in the near future, buy the .5 mg, not the 1mg and most certainly not the 2mg.  They moved away from the purple f-balls on the 1mg and the replacement they are using sucks.... The 2mg are not bars and not 2mg.  The .5mg, at least the last time I ordered it, was still reliable and two of them were most certainly stronger than 1 of the replacement 1mg's.  Just my opinion.  As far as delivery, they are pretty much back on schedule that if you order by Sunday, you will receive on Wed, if you order by Tuesday you will rec on Friday.  Hope that helps and have a good one.  One last piece of advice, take it for what it's worth... stay away from the "new" products that are higher scheduled products.  S-

do the international visa gift cards work?   and i've read in this thread about extra charges after you order, like $5 tacked on top that they don't show you?  like if I have a $99 order ready to place with a $100 gift card, for example...
They are running 19.99 shipping right now and yeah the 5$ and 4$ stupid surcharges are still there, though sometimes they leave them off.  Also, don't forget about the ISV charges they add to each line item that bump them up a couple bucks.  Do your order and before you put in CC info you'll have the total that you would need with all the nit-noid add on's that may show up.  S-

ok, so it turns out that even if i do a bulk order im better off staying with my source because 1mg is .89 cents currently and palm would turn out to be 1.53 for two .5's.. the only upside would be shipping time. thanks for the quick info guyz")

ok, so it turns out that even if i do a bulk order im better off staying with my source because 1mg is .89 cents currently and palm would turn out to be 1.53 for two .5's.. the only upside would be shipping time. thanks for the quick info guyz")
Makes sense to me to go the way you are going, I would do the same thing on the Alp if it were me.  With Palm, I'm becoming a bit  more disenfranchised with each interaction I have with them.  Only product I still find to be consistently decent, order after order, are the 10mg blue vals.  I have been fortunate enough to have stockpiled quite a bit when they had the f-balls and same goes for the blue 10's, which were same as ever in my last order.  If those go south I will be done with them.  I know that there are a couple other things that they have that are of good quality, I just do not happen to use those items.  My understanding from a couple of other folks is their Zolp is solid but again, I don't use that.  I have a feeling if they don't get their shit reasonably together in a pretty short time frame, they may not be around.  S-

Wow, gone for a few and miss alot..ok... dont buy 2 mg alps, you will get zolps, and if you order .5 vals thats whst you get.not ativan... also i ordered kpins and got zolps too... needless to say tge only thing they got correct were the 10 mg vals... just wanted to put my 2 ce nb ts in... since all i was looking for was a lil anxiety relief, i had to go back on if prozac while waiting for ttmo to comethrough

Alright im back, sorry have been battling somerious serious family/peronal matters.

Any news since I have been gone? Its been about 2.5 weeks.

Ok so the 6.00/30 val/ativan issue has this been confired by anyone else as to what it is? Because i was taking heaps to the point I was hospitalized and it was just because some were hit and some were miss and the taste is so odd on these its either a ativan or a really weak val or just some mixed up bag of god knows what.

I am doing a big order in the next 48 hours and I am really thinking about going with the blue 10's deal they have going on in bulk. forgot the price but its like 95/300 or something. 

The thing is if the yellows I bought were just weak vals and I was taking so many then I REALLY do not like vals because it put my world into a cluster fuck of  a situation. So hopefully they were ativans.

What should I do here? anyone else try the yellow round 6 dollar for 30 mystery pill if its val or ativan because at this point before i place my order I would really like to know.

My wish is that they would finally put those cheap 2 mg generic k-pins on the bulk list but they havent yet for some odd reason.

And wtf is going on with all these new fees, I did a test calculation and its gone up like 12 bucks or something like that now.

any update on shipping dates?

someone help me out because right now I am just confused and never wanna go through what I just went through again.

I wish someone knew 100% if the 6/30 "vals" were ativan or vals, would make my life so much easier right now.
Last time I order the Ati's I did receive Ati's and they were of good quality.  Par for their usual course.

Wow, gone for a few and miss alot..ok... dont buy 2 mg alps, you will get zolps, and if you order .5 vals thats whst you get.not ativan... also i ordered kpins and got zolps too... needless to say tge only thing they got correct were the 10 mg vals... just wanted to put my 2 ce nb ts in... since all i was looking for was a lil anxiety relief, i had to go back on if prozac while waiting for ttmo to comethrough
Hi, Jess.  Did you rec from Top Ten yet?  Just curious.  Thanks.  S-

oh, no, I just ordered from Palmira for the first time! What is this thing with "Donations"? Donating to whom?? Oh, probably the guys cooking the drugs in the garage. So, I take it, whatever you order, it is just a "surprise pill"? Just a roll of the dice what you get??


/default_smile.png always have a plan "B"

oh, no, I just ordered from Palmira for the first time! What is this thing with "Donations"? Donating to whom?? Oh, probably the guys cooking the drugs in the garage. So, I take it, whatever you order, it is just a "surprise pill"? Just a roll of the dice what you get??


/default_smile.png always have a plan "B"
I imagine your "donation" goes to the Ferrari fund for the poor, illegitimate children of the Honduran pill merchants, LOL. And yeah, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. As the saying goes, "you pays your money, and you takes your chances".

oh, no, I just ordered from Palmira for the first time! What is this thing with "Donations"? Donating to whom?? Oh, probably the guys cooking the drugs in the garage. So, I take it, whatever you order, it is just a "surprise pill"? Just a roll of the dice what you get??


/default_smile.png always have a plan "B"
Did you bother to read the fucking thread here in the black list?  It is by no means a pharma for everyone, a certain few products are solid and they have a great record of fast delivery for the most part (I am 100% rec'd with them over many, many orders.... some as fast as 3 day, one or two in double digit days.  Thing is, they charge add on fees... they are not hidden, read the site before you put in cc and pay... discloses the 5/4 and also the line item ISV.  Plus, aside from the certain few items that are consistently good here, the rest is hit or miss... and lately a lot more misses than usual.  Why the hell would a 4 post person place an order from any place from the black list.  Some of us do use them for certain things and they get those correct.  But honestly, unless you know exactly what you want and have triple confirmation from people you trust that you are going to get what you think you are going to get from Palm.... stay away.  Dude, I seriously don't get you.  That was a dumb move bro.  Not trying to be harsh, but READ (and more than just the last few pages of a very long thread.  Just my opinion and I do have high confidence you will receive your order... but not knowing what you ordered, I could not possibly tell you if you have any shot at all of receiving what you thought you would be.  One more time... "emphasis added"....... read and research before you leap.  S-

I dont feel so bad now for nagging the shit on of you S for info. Actually I am glad I did now, not only did I learn a lot but it made me very cautious in general.

Never seen you say "fuck" before, shit just got real.

do the international visa gift cards work?   and i've read in this thread about extra charges after you order,

like $5 tacked on top that they don't show you?  like if I have a $99 order ready to place with a $100 gift card, for example...
Get a Walmart prepaid visa on line.That will work.They;ll ask you everything but your underwear size

and it's a hassle.

You won't have charge back rights, but you're protected aginst any futures charges like a real CC.

Takes about 5 days to get..

Anyway that's what I did, and it worked.

They'll give you a temp card right away, but it's just good in USA. The permament will come, and then you'll be able to use it  worldwide. Remember, no charge back rights.. Oh, and they charge you 5 bucks a month for it. Don't leave any extra money on the card.

You can still get screwed out of your purchase price this way.

I did a real CC one time (not with this place), and the next charge I saw on my card was for a MB radiator for $650..

Palmira always been good to me so far, but who knows? Things change in this business

PS  You better have an extra $25 on the card just in case. You can always go spend it at a local store, if you don't need it.  IMHO

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I dont feel so bad now for nagging the shit on of you S for info. Actually I am glad I did now, not only did I learn a lot but it made me very cautious in general.

Never seen you say "fuck" before, shit just got real.
You weren't nagging and I was happy to try to help you try to navigate the nut house Palm is becoming. Yeah, probably should have left that F- word out... just made me so pissed to see something so silly, lazy and frankly stupid.  I know some folks thought (or still think) I was/am  a shill for Palm.... I guess in a way I can see how one could surmise that, but only for certain products; which said list is dwindling BTW.  There are a couple of their products I know are totally legit I just don't happen to use, but have confirmation from members I trust that they are... over and over.  Right now, for me personally, it's the blue 10mg Vals, the .5mg Alp and that's it.  Until they rectify the 1mg f-balls, the subs are total crap, don't waste your $$$ on them.  Their Zolp is very good too, but that is something I do not use but people I trust swear by them.  Others have vouched for the kpins but again, I don't use them.  So all in all, for these items, hard to beat the price and the delivery time... even with the add on fees / donations.  And... if they actually donate that money to some charity down there that helps people in need (food, antibiotics, shelter, etc.). I have zero problem kicking in the extra few bucks, especially since shipping is lowered now from insane to bearable.  Hope you are doing well, Digial.  Have a most excellent day!  S-

You weren't nagging and I was happy to try to help you try to navigate the nut house Palm is becoming. Yeah, probably should have left that F- word out... just made me so pissed to see something so silly, lazy and frankly stupid.  I know some folks thought (or still think) I was/am  a shill for Palm.... I guess in a way I can see how one could surmise that, but only for certain products; which said list is dwindling BTW.  There are a couple of their products I know are totally legit I just don't happen to use, but have confirmation from members I trust that they are... over and over.  Right now, for me personally, it's the blue 10mg Vals, the .5mg Alp and that's it.  Until they rectify the 1mg f-balls, the subs are total crap, don't waste your $$$ on them.  Their Zolp is very good too, but that is something I do not use but people I trust swear by them.  Others have vouched for the kpins but again, I don't use them.  So all in all, for these items, hard to beat the price and the delivery time... even with the add on fees / donations.  And... if they actually donate that money to some charity down there that helps people in need (food, antibiotics, shelter, etc.). I have zero problem kicking in the extra few bucks, especially since shipping is lowered now from insane to bearable.  Hope you are doing well, Digial.  Have a most excellent day!  S-
Thanks mate, if you worked for palm there communication wouldnt be as horrendous as it currently is. Also personally when I see Palm I just see vals. Price wise I havent found any other site with better prices on vals and some of the other meds but its hit or miss with them besides the vals. I also do not use zolps at all but they seem to be pricey everywhere else so they also might be a good place for people who want zolp. we know the 2 mg alps arent right now the 1 mg alps, I wanted to try the k-pins as one member said the generics were great but now someone else is saying they arent k-pins.

Pretty much if you want really fast delivery and take 1 of those 3 listed items you should go with Palm and only use C/c and expect the worst., this is the blacklist after all. 

If it wasnt for the extremely fast delivery and crazy low prices of vals I would not be in this thread.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for