Palmira Drugstore

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Alright guys, I decided to type out all that I have learned about this iop from start to finish from knowledge of various members and a ton of info from DGSB0708 kudos to you guys and especially him.

This is for people who are curious about this iop, how they work, why they are in the blacklist, how the quality is and what is good and bad. I hope this helps the people who dont bother to read before ordering and if I can fit it all into one reply then I hope it helps you because it took me a long time to learn all this and in the end I am grateful for what I learned and hope this will help one of you someday whos new to the Palm game.

**Remember before reading anything beyond this point YOU ARE in the BLACK LIST section and if you do not know you are taking a risk from anything in this section than you dont belong in this section to begin with**

-What to know before hand-

1. If ordering only use a credit card not any other form of payment, I say this because you can rely on chargebacks should things go haywire, and also for another big reason which I will cover later.

2. Only order what has been vouched from by numerous members, randomly ordering a med because of the price or delivery time is not only foolish but can be very dangerous if you do not know what pill you are receiving. I am sure most of you can tell right away what the taste is of the pill you are ordering but there is still a lot of people out there who do not and they can end up seriously sick or worse if they do not do there homework and read this damn post.

3. If you order and request a tracking number you should use the email address only. Simply request a tracking number and ask when your order will ship and they should respond within 1-2 days tops, if not ask again and either you will receive your tracking that day or the next or chances are its already on a plane. I am 4/4 on requesting tracking numbers and all have worked when it ships, just dont over track because you can throw up flags and get yourself really fucked if you arent careful. Remember if a tracking isnt working it will not work until it is being escorted from the drop off facility.

4. The official link to the products is I state this because there is also another link floating around which is unsecure which I have even used in the past and that is very dangerous. Only use the above link to get to your page and always look for the secure lock on the top left or right of your browser to assure you.

5. Not in a very long time has someone complained of not receiving a package, most of us within 1 week maximum, my last order was 3 days from order to delivery at my door. However what comes in that package varies as I will state below.

6. Packaging is superb, no more details it is just very good packaging.

7. There is a huge language barrier between them so if you speak spanish you are likely to get a response rather than an automated message. If you really need to contact them for some other reason than a tracking number I suggest using a translator website to help you turn it into spanish.

8. there is tack on fees and ISV charges so before even considering ordering do a fake fill out before punching in your C/c just to see what the grand total is. For some of the meds with discreet shipping and fast shipping in mind (fastest IMO for international) its a steal but for some of the other meds you might be better off somewhere else.

-Black list section and what is not as described-

Palm was offering a special in the past and people who were using WU/Moneygram were being robbed of there money and product. That is why I stated before if you are going to order please ONLY use a valid form of payment which is a credit card.

-Products that are clearly not what they are listed as- (some do have there benefits as the replacement pill you are receiving is actually in most cases one of the most expensive item in most iops, so to those who take that replacement pill you might actually want to look into it, to everyone else BEWARE)

2 Mg alps are really zolps

1 Mg alps are not the football shaped alps we see all the time, they were at some point but at this time they currently are not, they are low grade at best. You are better off getting the .5's which are spot on and even though they will be expensive you have to take secure packaging and really fast delivery time into place.

5 Mg vals at 30/6 are really 1 Mg ativans

2 mg K-pins, they used to be good quality but now are being replaced by what I believe others are saying is zolps which is a shame because not only do they not have a bulk section for actual k-pins but now you really do not know what you are receiving at all, if you take k-pins they have one of the most sweetest tastes almost like candy so remember that when ordering. You should know this by now.

Thats what I have learned about the negatives of whats really being sent to you, if anyone else has more to add to something that is being replaced with another please respond or PM me and I will add it right in based on the credibility of your vouch.

-What is legit and how legit it is-

10 Mg Blue vals, (these are the cheapest priced ones on the site) The quality is 9/10 imo. I have heard about a few duds in the mix but that should be expected when dealing with mass quantity.

The Zolps are vouched as very good and for those who pay a ton at another iop you might want to look into ordering one of the meds listed that is being replaced with zolps because you can end up saving lots of money in the end. Just always know theres a risk. You might start going with the real cheap k-pins to get your pricey zolps and granted you might start receiving those zolps which others have said are great quality but one day they might just sending you the k-pins so always have that in the back of your head.

The 1 Mg Ativans which are listed as 5 Mg vals. they are 30/6 or 500/80. Quite the steal and I can personally vouch the quality in my book at 9/10. Read the short paragraph above about the zolps as it also applies to this.

.5 Alps are currently very good quality and legit.

I cant vouch for anything else as I have either not tried it or havent read anything about it, chime me in on info you have learned that is legit and ill add it in based on credibility of the vouch.

In the end, if you like fast shipping, great packaging and good prices Palm can be a joy. If you do not bother reading nor doing your homework I hate to say it but please exit this thread as this is the blacklist section and always keep that in mind.

If anyone else has anything to contribute please contact me as I will be more than glad to add to this contribution post. I am only making this reply because I seeked knowledge when I came into this thread and it was all scattered and I had to rely heavily on members to give me the rundown. This way I can just quote this post and use it as a reply to those asking questions rather than everyone repeating themselves and I will change it according to how Palm plays out with what they are giving you and how everything is going. 

I hope this helps some of the new members who are curious and committed, and also those who might be foolish but will see this post somewhere and gain some knowledge.

And kudos to you as well Digial. I seem to recall you taking your fair share of lumps when you first arrived, but I must say, you took them with dignity, learned the ropes, heeded the guidance of experienced members, and now you've authored an excellent guidepost thread such as this. Obviously we're trying to work with a little softer touch around here these days, but having joined us during a more "take no prisoners" time, you've proven just how much "sack" you have, as we used to say in the locker room. Anyone can lurk, blend in with the crowd or turn and walk away with their tail between their legs when taken to task, but it takes someone with real guts and character to learn from their mistakes, take their medicine (no pun intended) and come back stronger for the experience.

Consider the Wookie impressed. Well done!

And kudos to you as well Digial. I seem to recall you taking your fair share of lumps when you first arrived, but I must say, you took them with dignity, learned the ropes, heeded the guidance of experienced members, and now you've authored an excellent guidepost thread such as this. Obviously we're trying to work with a little softer touch around here these days, but having joined us during a more "take no prisoners" time, you've proven just how much "sack" you have, as we used to say in the locker room. Anyone can lurk, blend in with the crowd or turn and walk away with their tail between their legs when taken to task, but it takes someone with real guts and character to learn from their mistakes, take their medicine (no pun intended) and come back stronger for the experience.

Consider the Wookie impressed. Well done!
Thanks mate, it's really a live and learn process which I am not scared to admit. I suffer from three mental conditions all panic and anxiety related plus have a past of addiction to alcohol to cope with those issues before I discovered medications but old times always haunt us and thats what happened with me. Right now I have my whole entire family involved in keeping me medicated properly and it really is a team effort with baby steps. I have said it before, my poison is also my cure so I have no choice at this point. I have a gameplan and I am sticking to it. What I have been though in the past 3 years with benzo abuse I wouldnt wish on anyone because unlike some im not looking for a fix, without the medication I cant even leave my house, I am even terrified to go out back and smoke a cigarette so its really at the point where I wise up and be grateful my symptoms are gone or blow through 650 1 mg ativans in 5 days and be rushed by ambulance to the hospital. So either live life or end up in a grave. I think you know my choice.

I just want to contribute and help those out who either do not read between the fine lines or read this thread at all or even worse, have the same symptoms I do and end up going through the worst withdrawl known to man. Being proud of taking 60 1 mg ativans at a clip is disgusting but being proud that you have been through heavy benzo withdrawl over 23 times and hospitalized over 40 in 3 years yet overcoming it in the end properly is something to be proud of.

I just want to help those in need or who may fall victim to something they order which is not what they ordered in the first place.

Thanks for the kind words every bit adds to my courage and strength of recovery.

Off the record, I do a full saga of the only trilogy that matters once a month and this month should be a good one since I am now level headed and can easily sit through all 3 with not a worry on my mind. Hell I might even throw in episode one two and three for shits and giggles.

cheers mate and thanks again.

Thanks mate, it's really a live and learn process which I am not scared to admit. I suffer from three mental conditions all panic and anxiety related plus have a past of addiction to alcohol to cope with those issues before I discovered medications but old times always haunt us and thats what happened with me. Right now I have my whole entire family involved in keeping me medicated properly and it really is a team effort with baby steps. I have said it before, my poison is also my cure so I have no choice at this point. I have a gameplan and I am sticking to it. What I have been though in the past 3 years with benzo abuse I wouldnt wish on anyone because unlike some im not looking for a fix, without the medication I cant even leave my house, I am even terrified to go out back and smoke a cigarette so its really at the point where I wise up and be grateful my symptoms are gone or blow through 650 1 mg ativans in 5 days and be rushed by ambulance to the hospital. So either live life or end up in a grave. I think you know my choice.

I just want to contribute and help those out who either do not read between the fine lines or read this thread at all or even worse, have the same symptoms I do and end up going through the worst withdrawl known to man. Being proud of taking 60 1 mg ativans at a clip is disgusting but being proud that you have been through heavy benzo withdrawl over 23 times and hospitalized over 40 in 3 years yet overcoming it in the end properly is something to be proud of.

I just want to help those in need or who may fall victim to something they order which is not what they ordered in the first place.

Thanks for the kind words every bit adds to my courage and strength of recovery.

Off the record, I do a full saga of the only trilogy that matters once a month and this month should be a good one since I am now level headed and can easily sit through all 3 with not a worry on my mind. Hell I might even throw in episode one two and three for shits and giggles.

cheers mate and thanks again.
Not a problem at all sir, the pleasure is mine. Just giving proper credit where it is due. You have much to offer this community, and I for one am very happy to have someone among us who has faced such striking odds and adversity, and is courageous enough to stare them down, continue to fight on, and share the lessons learned along the way with others.

In my view, we don't exist solely to provide vendor resources, although that's certainly a major part of the equation. We also exist, however, to provide an encouraging, supportive community and a place to belong. Often times, those who find their way here have no other source for such things in their lives, so once again, kudos to you for sharing your experiences in such an open, honest fashion. I assure you that others will be all the better for it.


Kudos to both of you... jewy, for your nonstop overview and warnings as well as noticing my "intelligence" wink wink.. digial, you are still here... alive and trying to live with 3 very debilitating illnessess, and that in itself is something to be proud of. I just tune in once or twice a day as jewy said not for the vendors but for the users that can learn from these posts and try to prevent and ssist as much as possible. When i came here i was lost, i needed meds but was leary about iops, but after reading thru every post i arrived at my risky decision.... on my own, with nobody to blame but myself, and luckily i made an "ok" one.. atleast for me, not only did i gain insight, but i made a friend as well

Kudos to both of you... jewy, for your nonstop overview and warnings as well as noticing my "intelligence" wink wink.. digial, you are still here... alive and trying to live with 3 very debilitating illnessess, and that in itself is something to be proud of. I just tune in once or twice a day as jewy said not for the vendors but for the users that can learn from these posts and try to prevent and ssist as much as possible. When i came here i was lost, i needed meds but was leary about iops, but after reading thru every post i arrived at my risky decision.... on my own, with nobody to blame but myself, and luckily i made an "ok" one.. atleast for me, not only did i gain insight, but i made a friend as well
Thank you it means alot. If you dont mind can you elaborate of on your chalky  loraz and which ones you ordered? If it gets to in detail just pm me because I have a lot of experience with them

It wasnt the loraz it was the .5 vals for 6 bucks....i subbed so many and didnt feel anything, these were yellow with the score but no K. TOTAL WASTE.... Got excited thought i was getting attis but i got chalk (.5 vals )

It wasnt the loraz it was the .5 vals for 6 bucks....i subbed so many and didnt feel anything, these were yellow with the score but no K. TOTAL WASTE.... Got excited thought i was getting attis but i got chalk (.5 vals )
Very odd, Ive ordered 3,000 of the 5 mg vals for the atis and never once hit a dud or chalk. My most recent order was about 3 weeks ago. They are weak as ativan in general appears weak even from US pharms . I tried it all, subbing them, parachuting them and swalloing them, Unless you received a very very bad batch I have never had a problem with them. I took 5 and could feel the effects right away and these are the 30/6 500/80. I dont know what happened in your case, maybe a very expired batch. Who knows but I dont think they should be discredited, I just think you ran into a bad batch thats all.

If you are a big ativan fan I dont know what to tell you but if you like Vals, the 300/93 or 500/145 blue 10's are 9/10. maybe a .25% difference then top notch USA vals, just food for thought. 

They do the job well, really well. Personally my favorite is 2 MG bananakins and if I had to replace it for financial issues  with anything it would be the cheap blue vals. The alps are the go to product but the price is unreal after ISV and donation charges, let alone you have to go with the .5's now since the 1 mg are weak as hell and the 2 mg are zolps.

If moneys not an issue just go with servicesolution4u, they do bulk deals, have 2 mg bananakins which are 10/10, the best ive seen so far and there is no shipping charge.They are 15 a pack of 10 and the more you order the more you save. It takes 9 days from your WU drop off to delivery at your door. Also if you ask for an extra tab of 10 they will give you them and they are all blister packs marked with exp dates to assure you, and they taste like really good candy. You cant go wrong, plus they will communicate back and fourth with you in english and with an actual person,

I dunno how much loraz is on SS4U but you might want to look into it.

Best info I can give you.

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Thanks digi, currently waiting on ttmo to come thru...i will update when received, the waiting sux for dellivery, waiting on something shipped 3rd of july to southern usa... tick tock ofthe clock is painful..

Thanks digi, currently waiting on ttmo to come thru...i will update when received, the waiting sux for dellivery, waiting on something shipped 3rd of july to southern usa... tick tock ofthe clock is painful..
What is ttmo short for?

Top ten.

Thanks for that big write-up Digital.

I may give a small order of the Attis and Val's.

Derp slipped my mind. Id stay away from the ativans labeled 5 mg vals for 6 dollars right now till this whole powder thing is laid to rest.

However the blue vals, have a blast they are top quality, could pass as a USA made pill easily. If you end up doing a big order on them remember, at the op of the bulk page they are 300/93 but if you scroll down to the bottom they have 500 for 145. I fell victim to that because im a fucking idiot but just a heads up, you can save a lot of moolah that way plus less isv charges.

for 30/6 of the vals which are attis id give about 3 bags a go and at 9 dollars for 30 for the 10 mg blue vals id spend as much as your wallet will let you before you enter bulk order territory because thats one pill that wont fail to deliver.

If your attis turn out mush then at least you have pharm quality grade 10 mg blue vals to back you up.

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Tru, i coulda got a bad batch of the .5 vals. Just seems like this iop is slipping morecand more, but i can vouch for the 10 mg blue vals, they were okay.

Right now people just need to take serious advantage of Palm when it comes to the 5 mg vals (1mg ativans really) and the blue 10 mg vals. Because once palm is gone youll be back to paying 15 dollars for 10 tabs and even more for the loraz. Do what DG does, hes preparing for doomsday so hes stocking up on MASS quantity of the blue vals and vacuum sealing them. 

Lets face it, if Palm doesnt get there priorities straight then they will fall like so many others an we are talking about the falling of high credibility IOPS, Palm is lucky to still be open which is why people need to get there moneys worth. If you dont and they close you are going to kick yourself knowing you could have purchased 500 1 mg ativans for only 80 dollars with 3-7 day delivery by 10:30 am your timezone.

My goal is to gather money quickly and just stock up like  a motherfucker like DG does because with Palm in my eyes "the end is near" and better safe than sorry.

I can almost pomise you Jess you received a bad batch. Personally I would just go with the blue vals, 500/145 they are great and have the longest half life of any benzo, ativan is garbage in my opinion, just a weak alp.

Dont take my words harsh I mean no harm I just want you to get your moneys worth before the band packs up and heads out of dodge.

I didnt gt attivans i got something else. They were yellow tiny and only scored on one side with no K.. i thought the attis had a K on em...not one of mine did.... so as far as getting attis its hit and miss... but i might try again..just seems like i remember you saying some had K' S and some didnt out of your batch....

yeah this batch is kinda weak this time around, they are loraz just a single score but some are quad scored so I dont know whats what just gonna make it my goal this week to get a lot of money andget some good alps and prolly 10 mg blues vals.
See....the quad scored with no k...were the chalk iwas talking about

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The real ativans are just single scored on one side and a K with a circle around it on the other, small round pill the size of a teva green 2 mg k-pin.

No K marking means you got something really funky.

Quad scoring is fine its expected, machines do fuck up, my quad scores were like not a + score more like they scored the same place twice and it overlapped the first score a little.

If there is no K on it then I have no idea what the fuck you received to be honest.

Its one thing to hit a dud when dealing with mass quantity of distrubution but to not even mark it as a K is just ridiculous.

When did you receive this batch, I ask because I have a solution based on when you received. I dont need any personal info just the date fed ex dropped it off.

I honestly dont remember but there was no k... tiny lil yellow pills...not a single one had a circled k

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Excellent guide to the waving Palm Jewbacca. A real help to any of us who still entertain the idea of using them. And also a testament to the "do your homework" mantra. I hadn't ordered in months and did not know any scoop. Started out aimlessly reading stuff, but wound up here because someone reminded us to do our homework and "read the threads." Well worth it. And thank you for taking the time! And for all here who contribute to our knowledge and our health!

Right now people just need to take serious advantage of Palm when it comes to the 5 mg vals (1mg ativans really) and the blue 10 mg vals. Because once palm is gone youll be back to paying 15 dollars for 10 tabs and even more for the loraz. Do what DG does, hes preparing for doomsday so hes stocking up on MASS quantity of the blue vals and vacuum sealing them. 

Lets face it, if Palm doesnt get there priorities straight then they will fall like so many others an we are talking about the falling of high credibility IOPS, Palm is lucky to still be open which is why people need to get there moneys worth. If you dont and they close you are going to kick yourself knowing you could have purchased 500 1 mg ativans for only 80 dollars with 3-7 day delivery by 10:30 am your timezone.

My goal is to gather money quickly and just stock up like  a motherfucker like DG does because with Palm in my eyes "the end is near" and better safe than sorry.

I can almost pomise you Jess you received a bad batch. Personally I would just go with the blue vals, 500/145 they are great and have the longest half life of any benzo, ativan is garbage in my opinion, just a weak alp.

Dont take my words harsh I mean no harm I just want you to get your moneys worth before the band packs up and heads out of dodge.
Stop telling my secrets, ya bastard...... lol.  /default_wink.png I'm going to order and they will be sold out.  /default_sad.png .. Just messing with you Digial, no worries.  Everything goes away eventually so better to be prepared.  That's why I have about 10K rounds of various ammo in my basement safes.  /default_ph34r.png

Hi S, had a horrible day, could you PM me when you have chance?  Big waves to all the the others on the board. Hope everyone is cozy.

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Drugbuyersguide Shoutbox
  1. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey I think everyone deserves a second chance. I worked all night so eclipsing my life away… I do love stargazing and a telescope is high on my list of things to do when I’m high!
  2. iamgroot @ iamgroot: replied you already
  3. iamgroot @ iamgroot: are you talking about me? lol
  4. Diz-E @ Diz-E: @ I am Groot--I emailed ya bro, Diz-E
  5. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: @LatsDoodis by tonight I meant like 16 hours from now, so you still have a chance!
  6. LatsDoodis @ LatsDoodis: @SeaDonkey ooh, I just got home, too, but Iit was raining here all of a sudden! How was it?
  7. SeaDonkey @ SeaDonkey: Anyone else gonna watch the lunar eclipse tonight
  8. S @ scarred14: @RussianRambo who did?
  9. xenxra @ xenxra: what the fudge
  10. R @ RussianRambo: he set up a controlled delivery on 2 people
  11. R @ RussianRambo: Slaughter AKA Slaughterhouse is no good anymore
  12. R @ RussianRambo: coolchems no good
  13. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Just yankin your lobe jason...once paid you should have privleges.
  14. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: You gotta buy vendor coupons first...
  15. J @ jason1974: How do i access approved vendors now that i am a member?
  16. xenxra @ xenxra: @jason1974 every single time someone pops up with that handle, they're a scammer. my browser gives me a security warning for their site.
  17. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Coolchems is no good
  18. hiTillidie @ hiTillidie: Xenxra yeah fir sure.pigpredictable
  19. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for
  20. J @ jason1974: Can anybody vouch for