they are light purple rectangles (not triangles) they have been sending in place of the footballs. if you get those rectangles, they are shit. Won't make you sick if you take one or anything, but they also don't do a damn thing. I tried two and threw them away. I hope you didn't order a lot. Right now, the .5mg ALP are UPJO 55's. More expensive than what you ordered, but less than 2 x .5 = 1 mg Brand. (Do the math on doubling up on the .5;s and you will see it comes out to less than the equivalent amount of mg on the brand X 1mgs). The .5's are solid. So far I and DVZ had rec'd those and concur they are spot on the money. I have asked M & D if the substitution on the generic 1mg's is temporary due to stock issues or permanent. No answer yet (What a surprise lol). Bur will advise when / if I hear back. S-I ordered 1 mg Az does anybody no if I will receive those purple triangles .I dont want them ...Always been happy with the Vz but used to receiving the purple footballs ..God I hope those triangles dont show up from reading feedback. ..would've just got my Vz again and been happy. ..Are the triangles really shitty?? Ne info will help plz my mail says 1mgAz Norman any info plz.....tks